๐ Stop ! Breath ~~~~
Tell me, me ANNA's position.
It was? A regent. The American Medical Boards says 2023 I Anna understand its to rule the world. I say check with the universal police, it has to be the democracy similar to the Princess Diary 1 or 2. = Me in the court room like Kail, per or sometimes a few degree household, a very small court room to implementing that spread of awareness, we do that for real in life. You didn't get your argument clear inside this democracy system. That is what I say to the American Board about May or June 2023, this year. So I don't know where they go to, but we still file-ing these lawsuit to 720 this far.
Now. This is the background. So I go to a big marker
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You need to be very very clear inside your mind, every step thing you do. Me and Shane or Nicky doesn't know each other, not Nick Carter, not Nick or Jessica 98 degree over there. Not even Nominji, not even Hailey.
You want to hear clear I say? If you imagine you are this seat, you will tell me you are about to go down in 10 years. Are you competing this Taiwan location or at Japan, Korea or China? I don't know. Is this the synchronize chapter of your life, can you multi-task.
Tell me when you step up, you are surrounding at the business venture inside the military or you really meant its the Music, Commander-in-Chef? You want to re-parenthesis again? I coming it up in the true reality when I say that to Prince Harry its the real.
Commander-in-Chef in 10 rudimentary subjects line. Music is one thing i can throw away, by any mean in the real life term, in any computer system, so there are these 2 website openly publicly. I didn't know we Earth has the traffic outside so loud and busy, meaning incoming them. No, I didn't know Westlife or Backstreet Boy, no.
Now, you are imaging this Music, Commander-in-Chef, are you going to affiliate with the military senior officers and all the commanding power of the male order Top leadership.
Are you?
Are you capable to talk to Simon or Shane from Westlife or Justin NSYNC or Brian from Backstreet Boy, or Nick from 98 degree? Can you handling that job. So with all this the real business side, you are restrain, or you believe you gonna go to the stranger public to do the business, like a venture fan club business, by whom's fan club? You yourself? Do you have an existing website on the youtube? What fan clubs?
So are you going with Shane, Nick, Brian, or Justin Timberlake? Meaning ...they have a SA club and you doing a business for real in life, or you gonna waste 10 years in a frame, what is your bank transaction? The weaponry Big Machinary on the industrial rail road in China?
You mean The Chinese Little Kid Little Monk's education, I input that.
You have a zero bank transaction. This SA any music club or they are mix whom I don't know, are not going to talk to you, if that bank transaction is at zero, you have a fake title like Anna put it there. Everyone heard Anna says, that things does not exist on the surface of the Earth crust that time, that year, that very moment. She does on purpose.
Like you say, you have a horrible, horrible, horrible of someone before you did something...in that extreme. You face on Earth, or you going to face outside? Because the outside might get more data exactly the brains what she means Black Ops standard in America?
๐ The guys have a different rate of their per body frame !!!! ๐๐
They have a different kind of the 4 limbs. If they try not to swing on people's face, they might just be more careful on those chirography at all. Better karma in the space and time, where the wind blows, the sunlight rays too bright?
The cup cake is sugar ...sugary, that is not a food.
Eat the salad one of those.
Wash them and eat them? The pine nuts?