
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

This time, you want to be more responsible for yourself? Thinking how to tell your parents what you ought to be telling them? Anything? No I don't know.

In the time junction of the next 20 years or the 40 years, your age bracket will keep getting a new age of fresh younger people in you yourself year, you had one time Ella Enchanted. A lot of parents including those UB, probably will tell you the reality in life didn't start on the wrong foot. 

At least telling them about it. 


You don't want this 20 years later, this guy, or this man born a brand new kid and stable with this wife of his. Really really really meant it a family unit be together. To raise one kid or two kids. Then why this time you don't try to be a mature person doing the  mature talk, so you don't staring your own student format, he will stay with his wife til this kid growing it up, and settle that life?

You cannot take any of that, and keep looking at those things, why other people cannot settle down a life. Mean real. Find a job, bind to the job, cultivate a career, to raise 1 or 2 kids.

Right, find the jobs. 

Nicky and I had one of these Storm looks like Blake Lively (we Taiwan never stop this typhoon), called the movie: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The expedition of my own graveyard like Ankeheseamen, I think....That is not supposed to be Shane finding me a job like that, but it has becoming like right on here the Taipei Metro.

We didn't talk that far why .....anything about that. But correct, I am the type get going with life, saying how to make it somewhere in life almost every single time.  Not on the guy's responsibility. Earlier I didn't know whom, so I only know I find a job first and land it, that time. I got confused. 

I been here for so many years now, how would I ever know or don't know, really? Trying to ruin other people's life don't make you yourself stand up so well without an insulator?

Real?  Its made of the glasses, you lick your phone at it. Try, Pierre, or your head would be in the urine nothing but smell.

That is called the shoes. not the shoe makers, or the shoe lace. Those might be too dirty, really. 

All of you try to tell me (Taiwan youtuber)

On the English side, you are not each others competition.

Are they leaving? So you all keep fighting on !!! Boba... oh ! I understand now I was too busy. I didn't hear last video?

I think...between Nicky and I, he always gonna have the jobs, I retired kinda of. Doing things free lance. We aren't the same field nor the peers in their incoming not the same. Its the main role them. 

I am not them.

None of you disclose your income. 

So I live at the heaven peeking it down. I start to getting that a lot ....I think that is my photo says, everyone understand that not I was told like that in the real language someone tell me. Told me....I am at where?



You all are not trying to put yourself inside this photo !!! Not this one photo I claim.  

All right. Hailey has a brother, younger.

Elizabeth has a sister and a husband (+the police), if Jack Sparrow says he rather choose a dog, it will not be his brother = the police, right? You have a funny pen name kill white, and Eric is felony under the pentagon in X man Past and the Future. This police didn't know there are 6 police are up at Pierre, and Adam Hailey has this gun and knife from Wal-mart warn on their own watches.

And the plagiarism girl trying to sleep with her brother. I think he moves his offices about last year. From one stove to somewhere. I thought he has a name. No, I watched some of the display he trying to say where his schooling from. That is 1 stove. 

Ku has this new friend that makes their channel totally speaking so cool on French. He is an American he told everyone on the Live stream, and Adam Levine is on my facebook. Before.

Talking about the Big people and the small people starting to speak French. Its one of those wonder, there is One Photo.

I remember one photo in Ola's comic book. Its one girl + another guy meeting there. I was joking this is One Photo, because it was real. In my life when I was in Canada, if that whom came with me, those people will hear me keep saying that, I cannot read that book, not open yet. But I remember this one photo story. 

So the Ice Skating comic book this one photo 溜冰天使

You all cared about it?

Are you all real couples, getting married legally with the money behind the same, and the youtube channel name is your current name? oh ....so this is real or I think that is one side photo there, there is another photo this Ice Skating Rink?

You guys want to re-plot that?

Ancient Chasez and me are the couple for this One Photo story such as the Sailor Moon. And whom are you again in this sequence you yourself know you got couple with whom?

No, I don't know any of you personally. 

The eye glasses guy would be Jonathon (Love Actually with Ola, Black and Elizabeth Swan)

Jonathon and me are UB Chess Club president and vice. I can only tell you where in these frames we know. I am not pairing up them. They move into their new Graduate School, PhD to those professional finish those brackets the company career place. 

Westlife they also maneuver away, and I told them I retire, so.....I going with Nicky, its break apart from them. I go along whatever he needs to work in his career. Washing, food, the bed sheet, the bathroom, the house, the check this or that. Or if they still seeing each other genuine like the friend. I don't know. But I told them it is probably they 5 like their new environment in their life?! I have no idea. Some people got hatred to each other, so I say, no, not that.


I personally think....

Its this one new reign couple destroyed all of you here. Seriously, that is why you are all still here, if you know why you are not jailed, or why you keep hurting people and not knowing those are not allowed, or whomever suggest, or whatever brought to. You don't know whom are all around you or behind you.

The playlist = Ancient Chasez


The ball dance.

The bug shows up ----> I kill it. Going to America.

You don't really have a career.

When I was talking to Eben Pagan, because some UB side heard him as long as back then 2008. So this Sailor Moon couple in 2021, was originally....I thought, then it was not that anymore. I think I talked about this Taiwan Pension system. You all cannot possibly just say getting married and settle down. Everyone has a baggage that is the career here in Taiwan or in America. The pension is where I told Eben or later I told Nicky.  I guess I circle that per Chinese words to related my account, be honest about your own money, and just talk about it.

Do you have the debts? Just be very open to the entire Taiwan or the entire America.

Where is your schooling, or where you about to do, both of your aspiration to your real career, that money problem. I am not even sure you telling your own parents anything about you yourself this far, really. 

Slam Dunk has this black frame eye glasses, that is probably why?!  The green team 花型 !

Sometimes as a girl, you know that is probably not true. And you seeing this guy walking out of your life with another girl really really really getting married and born the kids. This might cut you to the thousand pieces. So why don't you really think about it. The communication method, and the existing character. You have an intent, someone putting all around you.

I think?

I personally think something funny strange about the girls will keep thinking the guys will wait for you, or anything in that nature. If you gonna find this guy might be older, or if not the younger guy, what you gonna do?

I do not play the guys, no. I just directly telling Nicky every single day, my morning to night routine. The bathroom, the eating, or going to sleep some details of that. Wash up. Or some very details thing. Then I say cooking in the public domain, once, twice, every time. This is how many combination dishes, or the variety. I thought I mean it to do that every step. 

It may not sound real, so I just keep writing every single day, the dish, the menu, the food I can think of. Because....I thought that was how two people get together, at least his name is Nicky? I had a ex bf. So that is exactly what I tell him. I tell him again so many time the same things. That is the only life I know of once I built up my career.

Today I told Nicky the details like the paper work about the summary+ the farmer's market on the weekend. I write the sheet down, and then I make the voice memo 2 of them. 

Okay about 1 hour ago, I screaming, I told Nicky.

There is a Lizard first (halo on the door Top, I was listening), while I eating the ice cream, this huge giant black roach coming it out. This is your MIB first movie, you want to watch it? Square is on the second one or after.

How about you all know where your eye staring at with this one Photo.

Tell the guy, if you have the contact information, you told him, "Do you have debts, I will tell you mine." - starting this one sentence, it won't hurt anyone. People turn down things in the realistic views, and get over and move on life. You don't want your parents to know, at least told that guy. 

You all work on it.

I don't think when you at work, you think....those are real close to you, whomever that is. You don't feel they are distance stranger? (Taiwan Youtuber)

At least for the girls? You feel the friends around, but those are not your own classmate you used to hang out in the school. That entire environment ending up on One Photo?! It may not have any meaning, don't go and postulate all of that. 

When I am by myself, and because my mother is next by, its a totally different feeling. Not necessarily feeling good with another guy, staying together, and you mean moving to another land, or thinking about the America the court room, or everything else all over the places.

Sometimes you have the works, that only I = the only thing right, then there is no discussion with the guys, I will tell you that. So....I don't really know how it is on that side. Just talk to sound like there is a conversation and saying this is the life routine. 

You don't see a guy, just I by myself talking, oh ~ I feel so real of it, I am telling you. Someone can be living in that false reality, I myself, I can tell you how I really feel this is all inside my head, really.....


"What did you say?"

"...I cannot hear a word."

(Throw the phone at the walls.)

Cooking - Pasta

The Italian Pasta has many kinds

Most people know these kinds. They have one for the soupy, the right side count 2 1, at the 2 bottom, small those. I never knew the Italian has the pasta to take in the soup.
Costco has this, long time ago I saw it. They are not very digesting for me...but I know people like them. Its probably more expensive. No, I don't eat this, too heavy. Cannot bite on it.
This is what probably everyone knows.
The regular sells this. We have this casserole my mother always create in the cheese combine. The restaurant did like that. Not when I was eating them the last 20 years.
The long wave pasta? Right, those are good. 
For the soup
For the sauce to sip through, that middle.
Everybody eats that.
The cherry tomato

你再問我嗎 ? 你找你哥呀 ~ 你說你看的懂你跟誰要去打架,類似埃本跟那個 Craig Ballantyne 他看不看得懂是呷咪?


可能呀 ~ Dr. Steven Hairfield 跟那個花千骨裡面 Dr. Gabriel Cousen 有帽子的那個人很老了~他們不可能打起來 !



"So you ever see Tina plays? Her flute ?!" (0:24)

"Are you girls gonna be the competition so similar look to me? You two talk about it.....you know what is toning means in Cello?" (2:16)


"Ryoya has been taken his which 2 instrument lesson for some time, you follow him?" (5:20)

(5:34 - 5:50 )  

6:10~~~ a song

"My mother (your 大伯母) she has this photo of me in Elsa Blue, the hair exactly like that. You want to hand to Ryoya? You seen it? You can ask her where she hides stuffs, those album like Tina Jojo went to photo taken on her parts. Without Hank. By herself.  "

"He got the Queen cards next by him."

"In cello and in Tina Jojo's flute, like Pang is also the string instruments, there are these....I don't know what's in English, for every instrument. Its like Fou Lafine, the very ending of the BTX, that thing in his hand left. Me and Pang will be using the similar that. So there is something you lubricate that. Its soft, you can touch it....you tight this up at the beginning of this, and you...play one of this 4 strings."

"The music sheets books in front, I forget if Tina was in it, we were playing so there is a rehearsal, talking a middle school, what did you do in your middle school, before Irene shows up?"

"Can this thing hit people?  ... I highly doubt anyone in any world has any of that ever becoming a space and time reality inside the life in front of the physical eyes. But this is not the steel. " 

"When we are indoor classroom rehearsal, shouldn't have the wind, so unless those obesity giant shows up, and touch it that holder stuffs standing, just the edge of it, this is the thing to hold the music sheet. like excuse moi?! "

oh that fruit, its 4 on the table

I didn't eat any yesterday, its bad. Those are small. I throw that one away.

Why don't you before any permission slip being sign, convince your parents why should you be talking yourself to the other side now....its just a talk, your parents have to agree, those things don't make yourself one lifetime inside its real, or you never had?!


The last meal to cook for whom?

Perfect at it, everyone sits down and talk about it? You never think you gonna die, that is what it means? Immoral? You never thought about the last day? Not just the last supper? Ever thought about the departure finally away from your parents where about? At least talking about sound like you have some revelation between its possible or not possible?

Your parents will never be there, when you aged to the time you gonna close your eyes, you wish its a young priest holding your hands, you think he cared about it? What thing you think he cares about it, you? You want to tell your parents, to stay, and wait for you? Really ?! And losing them, its not like next year, next season, they know or they know they will be going one day? 

Your priest?

Want to eat together outside the tree places? That is where those renounce people have to go and eat alone facing the tree? You make the food so you talk about the things.

A lot of this people in the scene, passing by you

Any meaning? To where you going that decision? 

A lot of these movies will have you to communicate with any stranger, so why don't you communicate with your own very parents, they know exactly what words or what language coming out of you? I talk to my parents and my relative them too. Strange....I cannot just make another Line here Taipei here sent them things while I live here?

Some friends some others?

So, if these things are so private, and you saying Anna got these private things results and you need to fight on, why don't you fight on with your own parents, they seeing you higher because of the movie, or they seeing lower, or they always know exactly what you are, whom you are, where you about? So these movies in front of them its your running away excuse, as long as it lies to everyone other than your own very parents?

Make a sense with them.

"What Square? your dad was not there....oh !" 

"Your mother is no where or your uncle or aunt anyone of them."

Frying food


I gonna continue to file for this Square (my cousin)

Her nickname is : Square Square


I am not finished, Square. Just thought about it.....regards to your 浮士德的微笑 (方塊)

💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪

💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪💝💖🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪


Babaji: Go

A lot of the girls staring all of your Big Profile people's picture

They have debts behind, the red ink.

Hailey, Nominji, Ola, any of that get rid of. They are stepping all over the physical world and the astral worlds, doing nothing but staring your photo and drill savila on their food looking at you. Ask the bank.

"We have heard something....funny. My name is....this is my stage name. This is my ID and bank accounts statement. I don't think this ever happened to me. Some girls becoming so harsh and critical to me and my wife's life. They do on purpose, someone says they are in the super debts, or the GPA drop in the school. We being genuine to listen, but a girl says, these girls are no family background, no one wants them, so they step this easy facebook profile like a super psycho keep talking inside with a binder or super harsh and super critical things. Are they in a super red ink, they might be super psycho, one of those? We happened to have a situation but, the next by girl, saying the life don't need to be harsh. Just live a happy life, not like this, not liike that. They are the poor girl one day gonna end up on the street. There will be those saleman pretending how to sell jewelry, and calling every family household, for saying they trying to be a bench of the insurance saler, or the jewerly saler? They will be 40, that is grey white hair one day gonna be sent to jail, or on the street. I was wondering is anything you can tell me this situation?"

I didn't try to go near any guy, you know ...talking to a guy how you mean it, why you go near any guy?

Now we are talking about the cooking food, prepare the home food, take care of the home, the mail box, the drive-in post office. What if ? Its a very very normal household?

You don't have to just like Ronan, or any this older (our same age star), so you go all over the planet to every different kind of the talking device to tell the guys, you exist. And what do you exist at? Your UB paper?  You like about the star, you have to let them know you like about them. Tell them things, sent them love love love sign, kisses and hugs, Bye ~~~

Ronan Keating 

(Something about White)


Easy Lasagna Recipe



亂馬 1/2 


有時候電視會告訴你們一些事情 !  你們常常會以為一些女孩子邊的事情,但是人是要生活在一起的,很多女孩子的個性『如果站在』某個男孩子旁邊,你喜歡這個人嗎 ? 你們真的問過哪個男孩子,真正站在你們面前叫做真實生活? 生活再一起的意思? 24 小時要見到這個人? 每一天開信箱跟保險箱嗎 ? 你們如果生小孩是真的在家裡嗎 ?  我其實很久沒有在台灣就算已經七年了,我每一天都在這真空的 194 國家邊境,你們沒有去過尼加拉瓜大瀑布從美國進入加拿大左邊 (彩虹,聖經呀 ! Revelation )  - 我其實你們到底七年怎麼了,好像這W 兩個世界裡面我看到電視裡面,尖叫~ 但是不是呀 ! Hank !!!

你們不能每一次打所有男孩子或是某種工業做出來的演藝圈,或是電視台,或是日本漫畫或是卡通當作是假的呀 ~~~男孩子會希望你們女孩子主動去靠近吧 ! 那你們說話跟談吐,就是台灣腔腔滾這種? 你們現在是抓誰呀 ? 

花冠安琪兒,那怎麼辦? 我非常確定台灣這麼小的土地,就這幾個人在電視上面轉呀轉的 ...中國不能過來做這種事情,你們要怎麼把這件事情給辦了呢? 我家是我在罵這個方 (小鳥,閉嘴) 很久了~~~方方 (不要再說了! )

(夠了! )

(還吵? ~小鳥你們會講中文啦 ~不要再講了!)

台灣新聞,昨天不是在講蔣萬安這中國的什麼雙城會議? 今天是三個颱風 ~~

他們如果組隊伍,現在在電視上面嗎? 準確度跟健身,你們健身叫做瘦身 ? 出去外面的意思,蛋很肥吧 ? 我最近不是感覺很好這鋼鐵神兵的最後面,我先躺著,不是跳來跳去 ...意思就是你們太肥了~站起來,運動呀 !!! 




Lunch already ! Lunch

Babaji: Go

Westlife - National Treasure

I think.....all those things look right now.

Its a publishing business. There is something outside, people literacy so much, you can literally participate without the surveillance worry. They just tell you they are the professors from somewhere, they read your writer's digest. 

Yale furniture inside the recent Riley's movie. He gets old now. Right now, including the ET got a trendy too...its they flip their magazine or the newspaper, which page I Anna's photo might be right in there?! They ensure that is not me in it.... that is what they mean it. There is one Pixie Reptilian in the end of line, the end of the World. Alone almost like. Its very very very thin air far away. I don't really know where. 

It means absolutely no one there. That is very very sad.

When you saying you were once young.....to that period of time chasing a dream, that is not possible

That wasn't my dream but I put forth, and that the real essence in life, you really want to go and tell a guy, you flying all over the 5 continent for a big fame? How come I am not driven to do that?

1. Tell me a process how to marinate something at home. You mean it, you do it per step you know that by heart, or you done it, it won't forget forever?

2. What kind of the marinated process, the regular tofu, the meat, or the vegan Asian mock meat?

3. What is the ingredient to those marinating process, even if it has to go one day its a stew chicken, or the baked red potato rosemerry?

4. It didn't have to be the Asian marinated too salty idea?

5. What things you prepare ahead of a time, the carrots those long strip of the sushi, and what kind of the normal sushi, its temperature he coming in to eat, or the next day. Not on the table. Inside the fridge, and why that is important when I was in the Watermarke? Of course I was not with Mark inside my own room? 

Irvine, California, near Irvine Spectrum mall.


The last last post - the Korean public Star

Ice skating:  

KIM YUNA - Figure skating Gala show Finale Rehearsal 1/2


My farmer's market says


Literally you need to communicate with the guys

Voice Memo (6:22): Link 1

Voice Memo (3:40): Link 2 on the farmer's market on the weekend.

Its about the outing, about the farmer's market, about the business, about the inter-personal relationship over on both of us the career we built this far.

1. We have the weekend to outing, or eating at home, but we prefer having something home grown or the farmer's market

The budget

The family whom watering the neighbor's plant

The neighborhood watch program

The town saying or the town meeting either one of us show up

The foreclosure notice on the library front door exit.  

2. The preparation of the food for the week 9-5 jobs

3. The food preparation on the weekend for the next week 9-5 jobs

4. The property tax

5. The tax annually and seeing the accountant and the lawyer

6. The charity work and the Church

7. The participating in the town center discussion, which one of the boy's soccer field games of their teams, to the out door or the indoor, bus fees, for example. The parents outing.

8. The house chore inside, cleaning the entire house once a month, including the dryer and washer. The kitchen sink (you guys use the chlorine)

Not the magic detegent from Taiwan, that is what I mean

9. My mother just mail me a box from the post office like she did when I gone to UB. This is entire junk food, but its my order lists of some of the mops, and cleaning supply, cheaps over there. 

10. The car maintainese, the service per monthly, the washing, the tier rotation, the tier air to fill in, the guys knows where are those long tubes for bikes.

They want China inside to look like this, but...its not.

Just look at that Hailey here.


You only require to go out, and running to get thirsty, to get tired, to get behind the wheel, you mean...if the guy feel tired inside the car if you as a girl driving, and you saying 10 mins drive? Really....I am always home I wonder why I just go to sleep most of time. Someone home, the food here you are? 

Trash can today, check.

Trash bag putting in, check

Toilet cleaning 2 days, already. Check.

The pillow case, the bed sheet, the comferter sheet, Check.

The fridge entirely all this plastic container, why don't they just ask me why they invent the fridge with all this component? Check.

Cooking one box or 2 boxes pasta, prepare for tomorrow.

Boiling the brussel sprouse, or that is farmer's market over the weekend, its on a stem, you have to literally plug it off from the stem, Nicky is not home. Check.

Wash the sink

Wash the rim, the cooking oil, the windows, the edge of the windows.

The IRobot cleaning machine.

The door, the lock, the bathroom, all door lock, check (all alcohol spray)

Boiling..... all the cooking ware. Spoon, Knife, Fork.

Cleaning the 4 stoves all edge around, the turn on buttom below. All alochol wipe.

Mop the floor, the watering green plants. Outside you all eat....great. 

That is what I will tell Nicky, I ever forever can do. Too tired, so sometimes sleeping at home. Laying it down before already with nick. Now I need to lay down more often, no more white out. 

I need to peel the potato and boiling them.

Spring roll if you pre-made or the dumpling, you can freeze them. Meaning flour inside, wait as flat, and then once they are not glue together, you shake it, it fallen as a bag I think.



I don't think anyone should stand on those wood....really.

You flying to cook, or hop on things to cook. Its very tiring to stand very long, I know that. I starting in 23 years old, remember?

You know those UB local group activities. Go back to where you had a university school near you as the State school. Tell me one guy, which one of them have the family business all around, and the father or the mother will tell him to go home, every weekend on this family business, not to stay on-campus, the day Friday night falls, at 5 oclock, Which business?

The money coming in per Friday night to Sunday?

Tell me how you feel about those guys feel, or you feel if you are their parent's son or daughters?

Reply to Westlife


Neo Matrix, the water frontier and the collective karma only he has the face and the appearance, something about one time i keep saying you seeing the ocean, you stain water. The water means the acid, its an Ancient literacy.

But this entire world outside traffic its the sunshine Corperation Star and Galaxy, why are they telling me all this old staining water starting at this

1. Lords of Ring the opening Sunshine - fallen 500 years later darkness on the goblin part.

2. Facebook (The girl swimming, then got married, everything photo Black and White)

3. Eben Pagan staining the water, whomever got married with him.

4. That Coco dead.

You just never mention iRobot its a homocide, that literally register in an English country world, I only watch that movie few time, and you have to learn how to say it this word. "Homocide.", I cannot stop screaming.

Why doesn't anyone help me?

Everyone else is the cursed pirated in the dumpster, the trash waste for the car to crushing 2 direction side in the middle. The super powerful. Kinda...looks like that Shane and Nicky called the Beautiful Tonight. 

Its at later afternoon or some a bit Night, very darken all sky color.

These are so much so much later 2015 then I was told. Anything before its...I don't know. Not clear, I never telepathy, I cannot use my brain, my head all around edge painful, and SMCH did what on the TV?

The internet all garbage newspaper. 

You sometimes as a girl, you freak me out "You done it before."

Maybe not the food. 

Anything other than the food, "You Done it Before" - hop up a plane and landing....

💝💝 Too spicy....I put the red pepper longer one (not spicy), in the pasta.

You didn't train yourself to stand on that kitchen, and you don't even know you are aging to 40 years old, Snow White, mirror mirror hanging on the wall. You didn't pay attention anything I say, your GPA when you cramming in the school, if you only cook for the next 16 years without the memory, you be with the guy, that doesn't mean he is your mother.

You don't have one subject inside your head, you lost time, you lost appearance.

You don't want to stand on your feet for the guys or when I Anna did that facebook you were more just go mocking and laughing of. I told you, you aging. 

You aging, you aging.


One cucumber completely the whole fridge is white this yeast, every other one are bad inside.

Like 5 cucumbers.

This fridge I have to disinfect?

這一整個黃瓜全部都是黴菌 ~四五個黃瓜全部都是壞掉的 ! 在下面~疊在下面跟紅羅玻混再一起 ! 被壓到卡在裡面的那一個,黴在下面長的意思 !

I leave the entire spray alcohol inside permeate? The air is all that.

A lot of things are the closet lid, or the fridge design its close below, or some other container. She uses the container. Stainless Steel.

我讓整個酒雞在裡面揮發? 空氣!

很多東西都是關起來的口,或是 fridge 的設計長那樣,或是下面,或是盒子是鐵的。

I told Nicky....I don't know anything else different because its a grown up felt, It always been a city life.

Tina at NYC and Eben at NYC.

The City life like the fashion, the fashion magazine, the hairdresser, the restaurant, the IT, the Expo, the stationary, the bookstore. American its with the black in it. We...here look even to me.

I think Nicky and whom might be from Dublin, in Westlife.

The city life I used to remember, or the only thing I ever remembered, the very first time we have this science robot everyone talks about. I never walking in with the city bus to see. I don't really know how to get there. They took us there. With some kind of the tolken to put in and then something....a little bit like your science museum in Washington D.C. Its everything fast info. Even our IT computer, you saying before the year 2000, it was a hacking idea? Right, you didn't live in where I live. People whom knew this stuffs are on the computer all the time.

Where to purchase, where to find the information, what to buy, what to dress, where to align, to every foreign white world music. You saying a City Metropolitan idea with the statistics of over how much population in spread. So if I wasn't sure 100% with the American Embassy, this is a home, I am too busy, I forgot? 

He might be from a City, the Metropolitan, what you gonna do? Every guy inside the City, any metropolitan City, its cold toward you rural poor girls the poor communism mentality with that kind of the poor looking parents?  Tell me a guy such as your father would do? For the survival reason like the Mexican mother and a daughters. Tell me you seeing enough the metropolitan police case cabin. I don't go to Washington D.C. Its where the Taipei Metropolitan City, I forget....

I focus a life I imagine from the City origin? The fast information, the expo every weekend, the dining experience, of the higher luxury format. What is inside every building? You mean if the Bank means the only things real like my hair I looking at where I live at, let me refresh my entire grown up experience, what is this Westlife says Home? 

Captain? No, they are not from here.....

No, you cannot change my own home automatic sense, when I am back at home. I am re-live that past...

💝 I think ....you literally believe you yourself are the TV star, or the TV pop star 💝

That psycho idea, why you are not = the Prince or Princess.

I saying that or I pressing that down in every degree, and you want to feel the ride

1. Getting a guy

2. Getting pamp by all those workers near by.

3. Being to wave or yell at the guy, the parents, the peers, the debts, how poor everyone is.

4. With a crown.

SMTV has this the Birds of the Paradise. I told you starting with the child star. But not even those girls getting the guys or the guys will tell you about the girls. Two people compromise over a lot of things, because each other got a parent.

I don't get a parent but they need to have the parents. My parents need to be reported to, sorry....later when I found out. 

In the public mind, the White is very very very important. They give you less of that.

The public got affected if they die. Everything is less. They given you a lot less

Not the birds. The Icon photo, the pop star, the whites. The white star, the white guy star, the white girl star. They got fat, they got chulby, they look imperfection. They are the normal day-to-day guys. But they are in the white world guys, I keep saying that.

The look, the look, the look. The way they are, the way they present. They given you all less on that public television. The public got affected, or Eben Pagan does on purpose all the time. The white world makes them die out.

The blondes are like the angel, and so there is a Legally Blonde. I am saying that. Sound like, care like, feel like, caring like. 

You don't need to keep focus on the food. Inside a real life between a man and a woman, if you literally literally literally having that routine life, I already told you thousand time. You spell everything that morning to night what you do things.

Including file-ing the paper works.

Write in English, or I have to type in Chinese, one of those. That is 2 legislators. You didn't think your Congress important for some very strange reason, one Pink Blonde in those assembly. Writing it down per word IQ. Not the public TV broadcasting station.

The organization of a summary (not a brief, that is the police their own world happy word), no I don't really know. I think its a talk in front of the stage with a report maybe.

The bullet points of the things comprehend when you reading it through including the picture, the motion picture, the motion picture with a sound, or the editing sound effect, or the editing sound effect technology what not added in.

You understand one word per second "comprehend" with your brain.

"The English comprehensive" that is a word during your college year before any of you might all already tried out that professional school degree on the GPA or the scores methods. American has the special skill workers categories, normally its the MD doctor or the Aviation included. The mechanical those are. For example, a lot of the guys from APO if they drive a car it not me Anna drives a car. 

A lot of the guys for some reason they love the car, and they have a particular something they maneuver that car. The guys are. And some if they keep their driving license, maybe they really really care about the vision too, doing the things in the legal way, have you think? 

You comprehend a situation

You literally express out in English

You comprehensively given a report in writing, maybe not on the per second to the audio what is inside your brain right now?

Everyone in life, they panic in life, its inside their body or their brain never end.

Not a piece of the Stone

Not a piece of Ice.

Really. The guys, the boys, the senior officers. Really.

Your American wish you all doing something, I explain a little bit before. Not me, not Westlife (Taiwan or Irish, I have the American passport)

There is a difference on their peripheral. Any of this. You have to understand a certain thing, and deliver it. You are very hatred toward each other, the boys or the girls. They guys or the women, really. You feel you being pamped, what if I am not here.....that starting in 2014. One day, coming close to your own very life that is for UB, or the UB Community all around.

What if one day you have to get on your own very life? You doing this ligation yourself, you went on your self independent thinking life. A critical thinking, an analytical idea generating. A brain storm. Something you would just walk that Eben and give him graduation + a girl, and you move to someone else wishing that is American want something to be done correctly. Only through education, not this every vola moment. He will be gambling on every step of his life because of that decision making was a pressing choice - the economic reason or he just figure it out every business its darkness prevailing, he found himself an exit method at the beginning of every eternity of it. 

That is on the movie: Fallen Kingdom, the Dinasourt telling you, and telling themselves, at those muddy road, everyone turn against each other's back. That is a jungle road.  Your best evolution its through the human white, not ET, not the birds, not the dogs. 

No, you don't need to be with any guy, because you are stable in your finance, or until when it last. You will wish there is not one Asian guy stuck in between somewhere, everyone staring at it with the hate. 

No, even if Obama is a black, things around him needs to get it right.

So is Dr. T and his wife White near Congress

So is Amy (white), every Dr. T's TA is white, or later there is Black Ph.D and White one pair TA guy and a girl both are white in the Organic Chemistry in UB.

APO too, that Asian advisor + a white girl. APO has more white guy though. I will tell you, a lot of the outside seen, only the Persia side looks the appearance with the White idea, they say they are the Persian on the comic book, that does not exist ! 

But that is what you seeing my drawing and imagining if Seth is a White.

Why don't you just only doing the things I tell you to do, on some aspect when you can really doing it. 

The BTX, that central women is a White.

President Snow somewhere that chair similar or more mild sunshine, that is White.

A lot of the issues things, that doesn't mean where are the rest of them, or the public are the white. Every student there is the Indian, with a lot of the family background zero dollar sign, or sent to jail, sent a record. Or a adopted by the white family. Some upper sphere those anything they do, its sometimes for the decency, or the education purpose. Or they have somewhat spirituality or the religious belief.

Every position right now on the map, including that Google, England PM, or before this PM is a women in that BTX furthur down with Hank. All that...UB current President, Tamang, Harvard Khan Academia on the Youtube channel, all that are blackness everywhere. Right...

They need to get things right every single day no matter why it looks like that.  That is a real job with a real paycheck. If they on purpose to sip through any Black Routine number because they can, that is entire of them cabinet got jailed.

One by one, to every year on year, every phone calls its they say they are, or you say you mean it 3 Art.

I would be guessing, they give that MB Babaji a little bit face, the tiny India spirituality somewhat reverence. I don't really know for which things though. The Hunger Game? I cannot understand really the root of that. Something about honorable the God of what not, it might be the Indian 5000 years ago, whichever those, might be just the Mahavatar Babaji on that throne him the human form (the got jail in the celestial heaven), that MB.

Right,  he is the Throne. His own Throne. He is. No, its real. 

I think.....your IQ make it the map says. That is real too. 

IQ, IQ, IQ, IQ, IQ....really. I just so hope I don't have to keep telling you its the IQ problem starting Day 1 never end. You cannot possibly feeling good if you yourself open your mouth and literally yelling out, IQ to every Past you ever had....your kind. Not my kind.

The Honorable Superior me Anna will tell you this ...The mother or the aunt or uncle pamp the boys growing up, because they know they are the better family...

The person's name is

Shakyamuni Buddha

The boys like that will never never never look at you all younger girl why he needs to spend a dime to pamp you, you ever thought? Every boy will tell you that is their advantage, they are being looked after, it will never be you. Look at yourself.

Tell me, the difference of that felt? 


Why don’t you focus on a thing in your very life, right now in front of you?

I have a mother and a square or that is Trump’s daughter + a husband.

Correct, the political party inside its a lot fenced. We are being regulated.

Things in front of you: turn on the facet both sink. Get up and undress, get hair to toe washed. Drink a huge amount of the water (you all getting rid of that Criag Ballantyne), and go sit on the toilet for the poo. And when that phone needed, that is Nicky or Shane.

or just talking to Shane right now, almost Sep. Then I need to lay back to the bed like 4 or 5 time this drinking water, 1 sip, 2 sip, not the giant water, and the body will keep peeing, not pooing anymore on Nicky's phone never end this...keep the weight, or keep the recording.

Watch my own mother. One of this?

The birds

The laundry.

Sorry, the balcony light, or the sky, to the birds. Because it cannot be every single day on that balcony light. I will tell you that. The birds will say otherwise. Can you just focus on the things in front of you like you really really really live that life?

Every true love knows, suppose to?

哪種故事? 你們最近看電視,然後卡通,然後滿慈子的第一生



American ET department …Hi! One Grey, one that Canadian police black color to …about??

The Day You Found Out. I didn’t move. Whom is? Find out?

VS Blank Space by Taylor Swift.




I go to sleep, I hope you all think about if that is what it is says.

Prepare the food, hygienic you already have. Be with this guy forever idea.

Babaji: Go

We finish all of you, or those SA ladies or the girls, or any other girls joining in?!

That would be another 3 bands on the peripheral, really.

You get to know a guy such as these 3...sorry, 4 musician in their career choice. What is the question you gonna sit next by me and Nicky, you with Shane or Brian or Nick 98 degree, or Justin Timberlake?

As if that options are wild dream everywhere.

So not Tesla? So not Corperation of others....such as any business world, or the IT world, or the restaurant local, or the yellow book you opens a MD, or OD or JD? One of those anything in their profession, right now you decide its these 4 or whom else in that SA, or this kind of the saying where that SA toss in the trash can, or hoovering somewhere else becoming the alliance, what you gonna do?

Maybe let me re-word it, you all be thinking how to get in the competition for

"A simple Truth" of "a Twin " Star, if were "Not the Prince", then its always been the "Last Super", so "AD Early Chrstian known as the gnostic", its not one of those "400 millions defecits" coming to town, near, sound like, get close by "exactly a name Shane put" himself on the hang ....

"With his debts collectors" you mean. Its on our weather forcast system every so often or my balcony the Thunder God coming to Town, not Santa !

I don't seem to return my space and time ....


I don't know how everything combine together sounds to you. Really. You don't feel fear or scared or that momentarily, you need to run up in time. Some people didn't need to have that "spiritual" evolvement, they already decide that things in their life, they need to stare are this reality in, and I probably taken a lot more time saying that, or writing all that.

Your parents will die, because I am talking to my own age bracket. They will get sick if they don't get preserved a bit, or you spoiled them a bit, or you be happy yourself with your career, and let them all knowing what's going on with you. 
Things to take care of as if that is the time to pamp your parents or one of those useless harming you sibling, whenever that is. Understand the condition when you get a little bit up hands. And what it takes to arrive a little bit up hand? 10 years I never stop....could have the prove, then? You play the literacy so well, to becoming the beginning of the only validate things, because you cannot say, you cannot think, you cannot function with all the external factor. What you gonna do? Make people feel you lying? Its all true, but I cannot prove it.

In the real guy's world, you will have all kinds of the leadership.


Those hierarchy things you all don't care about it ....You try to be with a guy as a girl. You keep forgetting you are a girl, the life doesn't need to be that complicated. You go along with it. oh ~ every single day after my middle school, I just sitting in the sun, in the swimming pool, NEVER does one thing in my life. I would have that kind of the plan in my life philosophy really. 

My middle school has this orchestra things, probably lasting about 5 or 6 weeks rehearsal or what it was on the stage. You going into these orchestra, you will have the violin, the middle, and the cello, and what else they put on the other side. Meaning that is a team work, and everyone staring at that music chart. 

You don't think that is funny, if you ever to be that professional?

Read a music sheet before? Or any the music lesson chart, or the theory by the books, all that?

Isn't you have a question on Westlife, our Friday night here?

oh ~ Its their night time market here. The vendor's here. To me, the whole space / time don't need this Mahavatar Babaji photo, not even in my room anymore. The indian 500 years old already dead. 

Right, the main singer its Shane.

Like Brain in Backstreet Boy

Justin in NSYNC.

I probably try to understand your question to the music groups or as their leadership. Or this is about Simon? 

The MV like all these fan created, or you mean their company created, or you mean 5 of them pitch in something. I believe 5 of them works on it. 

Shane or Brian or Justin, they only best at their brain to do the music, maybe not everything else, because they oversees that materials, or where they coming out of that brain all together. As their own leadership, everything else maybe its their company or the agent to tell the individual people to get your attitude better, or they 5 evovle to realize, something else grander, and they all change their development of evolvement so long so long so long, they may not even remember all that themselves. 

98 Degree that Nick too. I see this today on my phone, I forget.

I will tell you I am not sure which side is the SA to be honest, because...usually within your saying the countries there is Ireland very known. Inside that pop culture, someone will tell you that.

American also known from the Tennessee reason, the country singer, not this pop music. So a lot of this unless you really knowing them, you are guessing, you pretend Ireland music does not exist.

I think its part of their history, too.

That comic book photo ? 花冠安琪兒? No, that is not the group activities. Your original University schooling those, up to you undergraduate to the Master degree to PhD combine best.

You wish no one fake their GPA, that is what I mean.

No, the guys also care like you are flipping these comic book too. They have the physical comic books in front of them as well. I got nothing like that. That name is Frank. Tesla Venus X-12 Biography Frank and Francis, and Ocean 12 that Black guy Frank.

Or your mean the Frankie in the song just sings at Keanu Reeves = the girl.

新笑傲江湖 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGdlFeSPbvU

These legislator or anymore other ABC knows Chinese more and more, not just in English. Is really good you being found more and more visible on this means to you so much 2D flat open book and close? Or maybe you care about this on UB Groups Activities, or you mean Physics, or you mean again Beautiful Tonight -Westlife, or its Westlife, not Zawanna, so it is about the UB Group acitviites, not 194 countries Ella Enchanted.

So why devour away with the God in front.

Why the human life you saying seeing the validate IQ so short in sight, you are nothing but the problem to hell?

How is this Keanu's song means to you? 

Tiny House ?

You never built a house, you can just live in the rental for the rest of your life, in case no guy ever pick you up anymore with any of this the end of it. You will never stood by them thick or thin, no matter what. The proven worth of all kinds. Why don't you go to this crowd of whom is the educator, to sound too priestly, if not any of you just jump on them to kill them.

You know that every worth.

Right, tell me the reason inside the jail, why you will never be an educator, you will have tro kill your entire facebook for being whom they are, everything but red ink to start.

1. They hindrance your freedom to be exactly whom you are.

2. That constitutional right, wasn't that design just for me.

3. Never the oversea, EVER NEVER.

4. Here is gun, all of your facebook.

Explain to me, how far they will go....FAR. you can just ask the Judge, each of the task to if 1 of you, to each listing were completely in 10 years time of, every 3 years down. Nothing just happened to be at the Bible, half time?  Isn't it? Can you at least knowing if one person in this group. a b c d e scenario "complete" the task by which increment of Time frame. Including your parents. 

You can never be educated.

Why don't you say that on the Day 1, wasting everyone's money, the security, and wasting Time? You done on purpose anyway.....

You vow, today every day louder to the thunder God, to that death be hell apart, you vow forever and ever and ever, in the infinite time challenge, you will NEVER NEVER NEVER educate one soul upon Earth, just the way you are, its FOREVER YOU ARE whom your freedom must be. EVER. 

💘 The ice cream is not food. 💘

Your ice cream....bucket

Its not my ice cream cone. The Ice cream is fat ~~~~~~



That is the plastic to the heat....specular, the Tong too. But the steel you gonna scrap the pan anywhere, and you throw the whole things out. 



Some guys they manage themselves to learn or knowing what the sex means exactly. Maybe because a lot of people like the face reason, and you saying moving down the age for whom you are, or your bidding is higher, one of those.

I told you.

1. Food, 2. Money, 3. Sex.

You don't want to know the guys are using you and dump you at your old age, and you have no where to turn, you believe their everyday lies?  They need to survive just like you yourself need to survive, that money, a job, a career. Knowing yourself paying attention in life, you regulate your pain, you tell the guys, you cannot take any of that. Its 1 to 400 millions stabs you wish to stab those Prince idea, and he won't even know about it.

Your self dignity

Your too proudly saying.

You are not a thing in life without the guys, they did a lot more gentleman act than if this reverse role, really.

You got delude by every guy they are all lying to you, because they all know you are a very very very very bad person, eternity forever not. No one will ever think you have any worth in life, not tiny bit. Not a dust worth.

Mark looks horrible !!!!

Your mouth.....foul smell, or the words coming out of you. The guys need a correct communication, you all just trying to pretend you can take the guy, you cannot take a bit of the guy. Not the sex talk, not the idea of touching, or the public display, or the holding hands, or staying together being seen, what if other potential guy, you need a lot of the guys all together at you, when this one guy next by you being treated by you was lousy, and you mean he supposes to know how great the bundle of the guys love the way you are. Every guy hates you, I am telling you. Not that, not that, not that, not that. Everything but that that that that that.

You need to create the food that everyone knows, or seen what that is. The American eats the Mc Donald those kinds.

Something about your cooking, not that, not that, not that ...

Not the plastic at the heat

Not those sharp things, but a raw zuchinni lasagna or those meat cooked mince included? 

Not the lasanga sheet? I wish to have the pasta in it? I used to eat those microwave lasagna, they were perfect !!! In UK. 


I am so bloody fat, is that what it means? Like Tim Cook those ....interview.


That is BTX that bad guy, the bottle, a coin on the top opening. Brown on the top, beige below. 

You know I was telling them something....I think that OU 2014. 

Red hair, you all have a migrant at your period cramping time, up and down? The guys are nothing but a tree = the vascular plant. You know that? Migrant like...not the halo pressing my edge of every head skull exterior, I cannot understand one thing that happened. I think you girls have a hell of the every month to meet your karma says - bad breath included.

The bad diet, and the very bad karma you conclude yourself. From the head and the abdomen. Badly badly, but because I don't have those other than my teeth break, and that entire face jaw line all the way to my head skull outside, not internal, if you are cramping, and you know your head inside those chemistry go where too painful, you suppose to tell the doctors. 

Spicy, Hira?

I think Ola, Laura, and Hira you like Ice cream, you are gaining weight 

But this giant fat like I used to meet them UK and UB landlady, its giant fat is not limited to the brunette, or the dark hair. Something about this Ola where she found this BBQ mongolian grill meat she does herself. In Silicon Valley?

What is a Twisty pop?

This Shane....looks funny to me. Inside the TV he looks like an alive person. In real life, where is Shane?

You know this Kian, he jumps stair one step, 2 step, 3 steps those happy jolly type. He is a short guy?! Right not super tall ?~ About the food. There is something is not looking like Shane. Their life is about the food to go somewhere to eat ~~!!!

How come its me and Shane getting this China supply food?

He is 7:30, and I am at 5:30. The glassware?  I think Kian that means Nicky's home right with me in it. And this Shane this morning look fine. On the phone this is Shane? 

No, I am talking to Nicky. I didn't talk to Shane today. Sorry....Shane. I have to tell Nicky I gone to the bathroom morning and just now? The 2nd in Chinese we say. 

The girls...no, not that super spicy food. You mean you starting to get to know a guy, or you start changing your die, or all the food you gubble down? You open your communication with the guys, and this 2014 I am telling you, its your every half eternity stuffs every happened to me. You cannot go and get jealous over a vascular guy for saying they have no elimination period blood to tolerant your smell, and the bad blood. The younger guy they freak out. The smell or the blood everywhere?

Not the fried food

Not the bad breath

Not that spicy food.

To kiss a guy, you need to be under that facet. I don't use a lot of the tooth paste, for some reason. Kail told me the water pipe.

You need to do the juicing, regulate your period pain, the diet the diet the diet.

Fix your appearance and your shape, your internal wound and drama.

Your hydration statue, too. Exercise !!!! 

What is this? He eats spicy, the Chinese probably. Meaning the soy sauce. Or the red chilly inside the soy sauce. The Chinese spice.