Lawsuit 739: The current God is the police (and the future)

Date: August 25th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: SMCH and Nick in the future for saying "We are Family" (TV commercial line)

I hate that. They are inside those movie, to this beginning of the Digital Era, they just need to reincarnate back and go to the court for saying I am dead, they say they used to make a mistake, we are the family. I just gonna tell you lawfully, we are not blood related. Not SMCH, she is from Vietanese the communism ABC ending up in England for saying the student Visa at the refugee statues to go in the Germany for late husband today we know that from the police report as she got married in 1997 on tapes Youtube, the movie: 4 funeral and 1 wedding. We are not the family.

Me and Nick, he is an Italian, he is nothing near this ROC, the republic of China. Getting married to the same name, doesn't mean we are brother or sister. He knows that, I know that. We were the ex boyfriend means, not the blood statue near by anywhere. Not from me side to his side; not his any side coming near to any of my side. 

This one image, I probably will say to Trump's daughter (or her dad) that its SMCH on the front. The police = God pulling her back to Menton, her base has been established in Europe, we inside here all knowing that, and Square she wants to go to America for some reason.

That is our current time how the police sees. There is a future police sees.

In the future, or the current 194 countries of Pixie + 194 military, because too many Taiwan Youtuber or the younger legislator looks like a Twin of Eben Pagan, our current time 2023, in the end of this year will have those older bracket of people coming out as the presidential candidate.

To the future police, they will tell you they are God, they only do what they think of, we are all be dead that time. So I tell you what I think they did, according to this Trump daughter, the political party all gone to Washington D.C. Let me guess I Anna Honorable Superior has a name has to be pull toward the America side, not the Westlife side. The entire ROC or the political party (again we are not the family), its on American side.

Maybe one of those things she decides to tell her dad. So the future police think, there are everything ending up on the TV would be Iceland and Spain Taiwan 2 Youtuber from 阿滴 and Pierre.

I can tell you what God made of they doing this. None of this are I say that. The future police will tell you, they don't care how we dead. There is only one assassins' position they can see. That is what I will tell you the current as well. Whichever they did behind to move around this position. 

I probably can say something regards to this Trump's daughter's Ivanka belief. We are cousins. Her dad is a military inside that hospitals as the military surgeon. He cannot have the American green card when he serves his lifetime in Taiwan military hospital. And according to the Taiwan legislator which becoming a lawful political candidate, to that this any public voters and the public known the nominee.... as we are the democratic side to the public population votes and the debating issue to the news heating arguing points, it will be you American Green cards are not in their pocket, seriously. Or you gonna tell me none of them look greenie. 蔣萬安 he is the Republic of China (ROC), that color of the Party its Blue and White.  

To the medicine being extract inside this comic book 花冠安琪兒, I don't think you would be saying the past Taipei Mayor's MD, you know him as the medical doctor or the lawyer? Every political party that we thought as going through Harvard, it will be known as the "Harvard Law", meaning lawyers. 

To both 講萬安 and 吳儀農, they both look like Eben Pagan before or right now photo. They are both the lawyers graduate from the American creditable institution if were not in debts over those overseas. They both are not the MD (the medical doctor) from the future outlook perceiving back. 

The past MD Taipei mayor. I don't think he has a brother, never gonna be Hank in W Two Worlds I am telling you, when that time he was in his job and the W Two worlds airs in Taiwan cable here. I was watching it here that time during his Taipei mayor's time length before the COVID 19 hits. 

Square can perpetuate back and forth Between Europe, Taiwan and America In this photo.

If me and Nicky on Westlife side, it probably me entering Ireland or anyone inside Westlife if not Nicky?!  (To this one photo art). Square herself likes to travel, and she used to be doing that in front of me, or she told me literally speaking. 

SMCH she will be traveling from Menton to Taiwan as well.

None of that will be any of my saying at all. I personally don't like to fly, so it is not done on purpose we are behind this peripheral, the line behind. 

If you just look at this dictionary in OU language, I think that is England Father, King Charles III. Below that will be my invention most of that peripheral just about nothing but that on everyone's monitor. (or my father included, my mother, me, Tina and Pang). You can just inquire to that American Congress right next by you. They don't try to say its the gold sunk it Taiwan island, the producer Titanic came to this Taiwan movie cinema while Westlife are here in Feb with Backstreet Boy.

Ronan he is not from South Africa. He is an Irish. I just told Nicky that too. I think he is a lot more like the local Irish than....anything else spell near on every other agenda. My personal felt. That one Wallace issue.

The ending of Emperor's Groove.

The only legal name on our Earth right now the emperor will be King Charles III at this moment. In the future, they will know us the real validate democracy world just as they are, and so that this might be just the history of the Royal Family booklet, like one of their own kinds in the Barns & Nobles. The historian painting hanging on the wall, nothing else.

Andrew Webber (Frozen Queen and Kings)

I personally don't think I ever lived that life what maybe your Dad and you enjoying since your university time, between those Harvard graduate, and Biden to whichever right now and he used to be growing up, I believe he is living that life far better than me if I describe that for real - the cooking floor should not be a floating points. It is very very very tiring every day. I sleep in that one couch we finally have in my ex bf Nick's house in Canada the cottage side.

Ireland and England its still far, very far away just in this Taipei one district, I never gone anywhere else at all, really. Right, they are the political extremists. 

I personally will tell you why two people being together will be holding the hand in that grocery shop on every isle I say per ingredient reading back to Nicky one of those day in every word in Irish - his nutrition class. Its not very I fond of just landing in the foreign language on the Top of the isle to remember by the photo image, where every item isles will display. To someone like me to tell you a real life what it had been, probably not one high heel or the black dress that frequent, if just Nicky goes and get back to eat the real food home. He does that. 

My ex-bf does that. His habits would be he is not eating in Connie's home. They are in short of money, so both of us probably not really seeing one cup of water on the table at all. Not one fingerprint on those surface touch of the glass. Both daughter-in-laws are like that. Connie and Carla. 

Sorry, Nick my ex bf does that Every Single Time, including the Center pot lot. He told me not to eat there. I had took some fruits though, in the end of that corner center. Meaning I walking it down touring around, and walking up and get out of the center to where his car would be. We have the age difference. 

I sleep in the car.

Sorry, I sleep in the car very often, including the dental office, and his Montreal vola moment because everyone is dead or was about to be die, by now, they are dead. One of those his remaining aunt. Its a very far away drive from Toronto to Montreal.

If every hour its a tea cup, or the water cup, or the fruit juice you made yourself bottle (chill outside the fridge), that is every hour a hold hand or a kiss, what you gonna do? Love you ~~~~ Bye!!!

"Do you need the tea? I am painting?! "

"oh ~ What do you say?"

This photo above 花冠安琪兒 is not Ella Enchanted ending group dance. No.

If they ask me about this photo, I will tell them the current situation in this UB 600 people + their facebook scenario it would be, all of them getting an ending of that Ella Enchanted. Not necessary the getting married part. Its the groupy between some guys, pulling their past facebook together high school all around, and everyone getting a group "dance" if were. Most of the guys are sought out the business methods, or the for the love reason. Those UB never ask me, so we never talk. The photo statue right now here meaning this 花冠安琪兒 are nothing but Anna I claim these people's position in this each MD institution to becoming this MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 to this WWII interface line Mummy (1999) - of course, you never put a pervert the superman with the gun on this facebook for saying all that loud. But that is the story me Anna telling them 60 people, meaning between the girls heard the guy's name and their location to this American Bermuda Line down, 2 MD ever be + 1 Pharmacy Pharm D. The thing is, they never find out. 

And I Anna, their past Facebook or the classmate or the clubs girls stood on that top of that Pharm D right now in the middle of America at the frame to White House with this guy (the Big Britney or the small Britney at least to his wall or their wall) - the table cross in CNN guy during Biden's speech. That is White House. I probably just comment like the beginning of this whole paragraph. This 花冠安琪兒 is not Ella Enchanted endings, the group dance. 

My personal circumstance is not if I have the IQ to be an MD, if I am at the time to be an MD, or I am at the place where to be an MD, nor have I thinking the future yet-to-arrive as a MD. Therefore, let's say I reverse my position to where its my high school that one of them have this White House situation with all the MD on the map "future-must-be", first my personality is not fearful. I didn't fail my class, if that is what I mean. I didn't lose a year on my EF, so I drop the Taiwan transcript because right now I did look at it. Same to those First Boy School here. This may not mean a thing to the local American, but let's say that is our tradition here. Everyone knows the physics, and the chemistry overall average. It will never be this score I look at it myself, really.

When they legally bind them to this location as part of the Education program, that means the Congress authorize that decree must be a hell of whole wall reasons also ending at this movie in the future, or as now. 

If I am fearless, and near one of this similar situation I myself, and as the same as the blonde and can literally verbalize with my English as exactly as I am now...I probably intent to say someone would done something all this time to look like Ella Enchanted to that implication has some degree of Truth how all that were just a class proof reading, that reading someone like "the center" people told me to repeat per line, per page, per paragraph, "she means made it out of the brain IQ you have", and here is the 10 different version how to say this.

I would do that myself, because its funny to me, the outsider. Not to just mock up their IQ, she keeps saying to them, they have none. Its rather funny to me, and hilarious. As the typical American, I will have every resource to laughing so loud to every single one last them 6+1 and 4+2. Its just a textbook Anatomy and Physiology, and your president they don't have any other show to look like Legally Blonde. I know exactly what that means on the second sequel. Its to dress the light blonde Pink. Funny all around! 

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