Lawsuit 749: Anomaly situation in Twilight

Date: Sep 4th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Since the lawsuit of a certain eternal factor being evaluated and re-evaluated

I belive the movie: Twilight, as tw i light, saying Taipei 101 after 911, to my local high school here if were compared to all the UB high school. Tamang, the Superman, he is the anomaly of the entire UB honor class / UB honor program. New York State was my in-state tuition the very reason why I move from UK to UB. (Since Ella Enchanted).

If we do a stimulating trajectory such as people's brain is broken, someone is chasing you, or the karma chasing you, or the hurting you things never stop. (Movie: Safe Haven). That is one of the saying of that. I told everyone including the UB Chess club president is shorter, he taken Tamang side just like the black kid in Smallville. There is something very wrong over that entire scene. Tamang, he is doing this System ever pretentious things behind the lawsuit was to safeguard his own very interests over his past high school all that environment from Montana - He is an Indian kid looks like the Chinese. The Lawsuit over this gun man massive shooting event in that psychological trace back of every gun man. I never say he was a lot more sissy guy, including being abused fine guy so there is a gun on the facebook usage since 2010 roughly that time.

Let's say this movie plot of the 2 packs of the groups people meeting. James my landlord probably too old and already die. When you singular out someone, that is a lot fewer of the degree of the people. Meaning that entire scene dies out if were....its only the remaining math, them.

The anomaly this word can be said in the genetics. Dean told me he was taking that class after he returns. 

I by looking at it or the China platform saying Flower Thousand Bones (2015), there is an anomaly in the gene pools. 

Same as the UB movie: X Man. 

To the same UB groups claim in the Devil Wear Prada: the chromosome lab works is not the weather forecast if were saying inside the scene where the bio lab were talked about in the planet kingdom of a onion - the gold onion is not the golden fried / fried / fly.

Its black and white vision in the insect I believe. Their eyes color ....?

When we say we aging so there is a cancer, that is the society longevity comes and the morality is longer. Europe will be one of those a lot more senior community or the social welfare given place. Europe or the US.

When we say the baby cell, that the anmiotic fluid if for someone like me in the job those time, the most intuitive feeling over that environment ....its the baby were dead so there is the extraction of the anmiotic fluid or the mother's bibi cord. But if you saying as the lab in that lab, how I really felt if I remember where we getting the sample from, or why or how we situated that entire chromosome later one being re-examed, not just the lab bench the experimental procedure .....its the things I hold since the morning the postmail man sent in the freezing session be write-out first.

We have to documents the sample coming-in, its the in-coming sample on the records data. 

Tamang has a very old guy friend in Bio 403 South Campus that someone whom I have met waitinig outside.  I believe he was also on the taken to becoming a doctor either were in his class or known him. No, he is not from the chess club any area. 

Ella Enchanted was an uncle and Adam's story.

Da Vinci Code, its someone being abused story.

Pang in BTX, I say the final scene, that is an autism or Asian wish to be perceived as that everyone does that to him.

Same as that Tiny 4.0, its everyone does that to Melinda.

I don't have that mentality, but a lot of the Asian population probably were already being examined this psychological factor. Its real, and its prevalent in all walk of the society here.

If we put the BAZZAR magazine for me knowing this one Joanna, Ola......then Nominji.

Joanna is one of those careless human, but she will say it out loud over a certain thing, she is from Sweden. Ola also will, she is small tiny voice, but she can make an argument over the things with that voice just hand her the microphone so everyone could hear.

But Nominji is the Asian factor. They hide things, her father is a white. Maybe they should just move that one guy out of there. They live in the West Hollywood. 

I wish to call upon the witness: Dr. Steven Harefield over something I told him about in the middle-west. (That is the time frame where Tamang putting the gun on the facebook and travel with his gf to Buffalo )

With nick too. He heard a few things I complain inside my work place because I don't know how to handle it.

With this profile of the Tamang, the psychological gunman in the massive shooting, was, or is, or never real, I believe the exact situation in that day, or that time when we 2 met, he was in a certain mood. Meaning the life in itself has something going good. But those Asian are very very very bad, because its a romance, so something its immeidately at his eye, there is an outing, there is something to anticipate, its something safe, its something plan, its something on the course of the nature in works, its something following the school calendar year, its moving along to the SABA university medical school. Its all moving well, moving exactly the plan. He can call his parents to tell them, he made it while in UB, and he has to come home to Montana with that white very expensive truck with the high bill of the gas.

Everything is working out, everything is working good. His mother and his father was aging, but hey, that is one outing fun road trip, I am so glad seeing them. I am going south soon to the beach you all cannot imagine anyway. Its the sea wind that passing my leisure time.

The bill of those UB Emerson rent fee, never stop, or the out-of-the state tuition bill never stop running per course works are 3 credits per class, he was there at least 1 years before I show up, that is the furniture renting fee or the buying all white the living room set.

Everything is going on the smooth, there is the new friends, there is the chess club we all gather and being genuine. There is everyone seem to accept him there, and all seems to going so well. 

I just told you he is very psycho.

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