

I don't think you get that sheet, do you? Because you are not coming back to this Science museum, you going forward to meet any university faculty, right....but your address is not located in that science museum. I probably intend you using that word the "business", you mean not the lawsuit you reading my right column or anything for the BTX, that ends at the American Congress / or the Education Department under the American Congress so there will be the teacher or the teacher's union behind this why 1+1 will always be 2?

The YouTube Business Format

The Small Business

The Corporation Business

The business man and the woman

Or someone wishing you imagine a bit what is the outside.  The junction of the traffic its shown on my high school video. That is the traffic. There is a name on her high school. Me Anna's high school.

The Books

I think a lot of people reading the books, or finding the reference before they take off their business and they research on it. - The small business proposal. The very reason a lot of people to join any grant hotel venue, some of that will be dealing upon someone has a business initiative, and come out a business proposal, and deliver to the investors in those grand hotel eating table, sit there, and a several investors listening to you one person - the business venture or the outting why you come out this idea, meaning you asking them for the money, such as any restaurant idea, or the fitness center, or music groups of the local artist, or the local shop of that town or the city.

Right now its www Era begins at that Ebay, Amazon Someone alive telling you a thing in her time in the university. It traced back to Steve Jobs. And you?

I don't want to know. I just telling you this one sheet I wrote it myself. 



Blogger Title: Meaning if you assuming your lovable Taipei major to be your lover~~ it will not have an invitation, or any presidential candidate internal department, because that is a thing never exist~ No private Corporation those.

You probably guessing it, because you pretend you say 『My mother or my ex bf』Correct, very ugly upon hearing.

Between possible and impossibel =介於可能跟不可能的情況

但是還有更誇張的,你們跑去真正在 file-ing 的時候你們用的古代的名稱


你如果講現代我們在這邊,這所有人只有看到 2,意思就是兩個人! 這個人的生命裡面只有 2 前面 16 年,沒有事業集團名稱,或是任何要付稅務的,什麼個人所得稅,但是講集團你們會有會計、律師,然猴誰被炒魷魚的意思!  你們現在不只一個人去教導法官這兩個詞,不只一人教會法官,他們原本沒有那麼多認為,我寫給你們看就知道

下一個法案關於花冠安琪兒跟現況你們的台灣本身的,外語 Youtuber,的一張照片 ! 

There is more exaggerating, you really file-ing inside your court room paper (to be funny) you using the ancient history word of this...

『Satriputra his mother (curse word of the modern plain Chinese』 『 Anan』

If you saying in the modern time we are here, you only see people 2, meaning that is only 2 people ! This person's life only have 2 in front of that 16 years before her, there is no Corporation group name or title, or anything to pay the tax, or the personal individual tax. But if you talking about the corporation you will have the accountant and the lawyer, and then you say whom got fired!  You are not the only person file-ing that to teach the Judge 2 words, not just one person lesson the Judge completely these 2 words, they originally don't have that much of the thorough knowledge, if I write to show you, you will understand.

Next lawsuit about that One phone in that comic book to this Taiwan local here the current statue of all the English speaking countries Youtuber - One Photo.


Many concert going out ~~~!!

There is the two side of my relative sides. The one with the cancer on the foot bone for saying the prayers should be the aviation uncle, the Flaming daughter that man's son. But here, this guy is Shane's side that autism son probably, its a left hand PC kinda of the computer game playing game. Both are the youngest sister in the family, the 3rd sibling family or the 6th youngest. I think both grow tall. No, I never came back even seeing them. This guy is in America, the university. (on the TV).

Weasley was the high school. (no, not on the TV)

oh ~neither those age, to Tina?! From this side of the family, she got a family with the 2 kids and the life social, I think a lot of this in-line people if not in debts or its bind to the kids, so it will never be any problem. No help, but at least will never be a problem anymore inside that unit because, that is only thing they can only keep doing.  All the criminal incline people.

The younger people don't need to care about anyone in the upper age those anyone at all, I would be saying that. You will be happier inside your own age group. You talking about 194 countries people, you won't be having anymore my case human look like me, talking like me, went to the internet age era right in front of it. You need to have some kinds of the shameless in built to do that. And less degree to say any girl will never imagine they will be a guy or whatever the destiny ever will, that will go to the romance as well. 

They probably prepare this in case.

Because Tina aged. Karen aged. A lot of things while I look at it might be 2021 or 2019 Winter data. People aged, or the shape really got shifted. We are in August 2023. That is 2 years ago works, really.  I don't think they want to do that in the next 2 years - The Hunger Game or the Catching Fire.- Just to look like it already exist, or continue from that part of the last called 2019 winter (this is 2020 acting to 2021 Feb airing), in a very short of the time, for saying, every paper works be done.

From before, but not next, that is enough.

Right, my paper works will be right on top of this period of time, the frame of this works, this Youtube here says 2022. Let's say you have one incident, as big as me exists already. That will be = 1 human case. The branching out because literally that is 1 person or they determined that since 2021 whenever I start to file, they along that 2022 they settle some of that "continue to file" saying, and they move to the very last one in the age. Both side. Ella Enchanted, they can imagine the white grey hair, or they already know that, because I saw that or told everyone there is a whole white hair Legolas entire tribes on the television 2018-2020. Because I never went outside - any in-line structure. I stay home. Nick's home or my mother's home. Someone does that for 16 years, you question if someone just vola on the top of the main stream media, all that political science starting their intern or the Law school at? That is before they marching to anywhere else ( or the Accountant, or the Artitech, or the City of Hope, or those director position in every private or the Corperation Head position.)

Those are real, and mine is not real?

Maybe this is just for the law side. Because its one person file-ing?  I don't really know how to explain to you this. Ella Enchanted is a group, but its not the UK group, its the UB, and those are not a group literally speaking. Its a Honor Class or the Honor Program. They gonna got dispersed in the Washington D.C or before the Washington D.C. They know what these classified material means. Someone will suggest them or me, to file the lawsuit or start file-ing, most people trying case number is = 1.

They will not have enough people to go rally.

Worse is me. She probably tried to say without the defendant. 

No, the real lawsuit between the Corporation interests are the high stake of the money, you paying from whom you sue at. Right. None of this situation are the corporation format.  No, they assuming when I coming up, I can go and collect 1000 people, the real human face or the ID with the image, it didn't happen in 2015, it didn't happen in 2016. But something else happened other than all that, .....so its not the Corporation interest. She didn't officially to go claiming a what thing so you have a back up her behind the Corporation format = meaning the in-line civilian of that country.

You cannot call the police force as the in-line civilian to support her Corporation format in pretending. You need to have a literally paper for saying the a business name, a religious name or a religious tax file per yearly, or an ashram.

Well, if you need to trace, you go to 2018, first video on my channel that talking to Wallace, probably after that very 1st video I had or being remote to relocate down stream of the 500 video after. At the beginning, one video I am talking to Wallace. I remember that.

4 Lawsuit


Lawsuit 743: My UB classmate issues and my sibling if they returning over the comic books issue


Lawsuit 744: Tamang psycho human (something to hide so triggering the System without reading anyone's profile as the MD course of study as an excuse with his gun use on the facebook over 20 years ago)

Lawsuit 745: The Square (my cousin) Devil Wear Prada where UB claim its their stuffs from the girls near by Tamang psycho gun man shooting massive incident psychological behind the system tale

Lawsuit 746: American Embassy location are being implicated on the map


If you want to get that life...why don't you just say it out loud, everyone bothers you.

They don't hear, they don't understand a word I say.

You are too holy, the karma wane until its done.

World 4


World 5

Even if you die in the middle of everyone staring at it. Its every human all around, you having a conversation clearly per word says or sound.

The scandle.

The bad name or the bad reputation. 

You got slant over whom's too innocent name with you as side by.

World 6

The social media interaction

World 7

Someone being instructional

So this far...no one be just one human inside a space, and no one knows, or we Asian only know how small the Asian apartment to sound like we get used to. In America, how big that one house over the bill. For one person finally finally finally finally to be left inside indoor, to any paper she scribble on, the painting, or drawing, or highlight. Her own seeing, and finally everyone left those scene, she finally pile up those waiting time rush in rush out of the door to the car driving somewhere. No one got told one things its in that piece of paper, or including the Harry Potter those negative water, or the negative blackness of anything you can find in the Barns & Noble, just trying that basement.

The drawing, the knife, the holiness.

And the world 3

Remember this Hailey, I say her eye sight like that Elizabeth like Tina Jojo?!

She will be on a deck of those festivity + a table of the human existing. 3, one is a couple, and one is supposed to be with her. She start to talking very very stern eye sight, how wrong this guy doesn't know what he does. He never puts the wrong manner in front of his own friends. Let's say those are the true scene.

To that if he is not around like before,....she had some leisure things to do, a very plain house, just by herself with a table these, she hurried to put away the paper, and he slam that door behind her back, she didn't even greet him at the door. She is so hurried with these paper. And when those coffee shop scene of the outdoor deck, becoming so hatred from her eyes to any conversation why she doesn't keep her mouth shut .....she withdraw of that one hobby she ever had. With or without that guy or that tall man.

She keeps writing that piece of the papers, or re-write. The life has no orientation of a goal. Every outdoor noise cease. Meaning she found her brain or soul something is occupying her attention. She waited this hour for so long.

Maybe even now = when all these people will get out of her house, she will be able to prepare these paper hurried away, no one understands her. She is too precious to be understood.

On the Opposite world

If I am a girl that doesn't have any career or anything on the TV, other than just move there, writing one person's paper, and be just stern to any of this guy as a group. They cannot but answer the door let's say. But it will never be a pleasant conversation. Its just because.

It exists. 

Its a harsh existence of a girl talking to a guy. Any guy, but its a knock on the door repeating this. "Do you have time ? This is the 20th time we talking about this."

20 times walking that stair of the house. Its not an empty home such as seeing no more human. 

Have you ever thought when your eye close the moment....what is the next second?

Anything undesirable, do you ever have the near death experience?

In the end of life. Still too far? Not those neighbor's passing, these will be the senior community everyone above 55 years old such as those North Tonawanda, you searching the affordable housing in that tiny money, its a very chill feeling when you going in, its every sickness evolve, you might even thinking you understand your own mirror image, but that hallway, its that the paint of the tile with the senior care lightening....

At night, those luminate device, what light that is, in a pale green light?

No one will know if I am saying the Truth, near UB there is a Tonawanda to North Tonawanda other than that Brady whom I guess not sure whom else that area to work or drive all the time that area.

In the local UB, or those off campus housing James, when he was alive and well that time, those TV ads about North Tonawanda car dealership, or that is Northern plaza, one of those?

Not the movie: Above the Clouds

These car dealership they cash per month with their salary, looking different when any girl like you if walking in to imagine a car. You done so yet? A luxury life. You will have told me, none of them with the dress shirt standing healthy, or talking with the voice on, or clearly a vibrant in-door office those look, with the customers coming in, near that UB highway, South campus to the North campus, of all those healthy seeing, with near by the human and the dress shirt, no one looks like that ghosty.

All of the dealership. There is a flag, there is the advertising, there is the wind, there are endless car, and the car key, a board, a pen, a sign place, a healthy looking person has to be present when he tried to sell the car.

How come the human has to look healthy to exist on any job, and you are?

You want to ...having your age line to - for the rest of your life, you will never be with another guy in dating service anymore.

For saying holding hands and walking along something, a real kitchen relationship. You need to stare at your money, or the study, or the jail time....and all that didn't fruition when you didn't pass any exam, and their older generation of your parents lost their face and time. Meaning the grey white hair. You wishing, its a high school, you wish its all the TV or the monitor, but until you will be 65 years old....you wishing that time your parents would have told you at this time, not after they pass away.

Inside your life, never once anymore.....you never have one guy walking inside your life drifting that memory away, you aging and you will die.

Every movies lies such as the Devil Wear Prada, no matter you watching that 100th times.

Every new couple of the Disney lied, no matter you know them personal singing those word in the song.

Every new generation makes you angry, because you feel getting further and further again. They seems to have so much fun inside their own circle, inside that togetherness inside those frames, including the couple holdiing the hands, such as the Asian in any countries.

You wish something was real. What thing you wish to be real, you don't dare to think, because not literally one word a guy saying back to you to keep in contact. I don't really know, okay ....if those you all get put inside a room, and with everyone killing each other to that senior care must be separate like the Harry Potter Scene. Not in the same classroom.

These people having a conversation inside this 4 point frames, they are laughing, they have the back behind scene, they have the curtain of that life so vivid. You are at home, if the parents gone, your brother won't be talking to you one word. 

Nice even a tea, if you and him can both going out in the same hair, or he just too careless anything you can see him aged. 

But this per video clips you can keep click on it. You listen to your ITune, or the movie inside the ITune, you literally temporarily til your bed time might be at 11 oclock you seeing the clock, you feel fine, you can go to sleep after that.

And if everything goes well, if there is a room and space, you listening to the walking outside the strangers having a neighbor dialogue, if everything goes well, its a living room with the shed, not the curtain interior design, its a room, a bathroom, and a living room.

No guys.

You listening to me say, or imagining a little bit.....tell me, what are you doing right now in front of you, why everything so back drawn and everything inside that 4 points frames are nothing but false? Those actors or actress are young, and they making a huge money without you, and its with your story, all that, it makes you angry. 

But no one listening it right now, they are not your stuffs, its not fair. Don't you think?



Explain to me a job

OU, describe to me what you think about life that means, not to you personally, but if you would love to imagine that kind of life, of what years in Ageless span you must....All these again, will forever, ever, has one thing to do with you.


No, knocking on the door, only watching the content. No comment or approach to the personal thing, including everyone else existing life. What is an OU means to you in life, if that is every one of the human must fall away from you, and you already know that. You will never get back to those whom remain

Remain to exist. 

Tell me, do you want to? With any power, you just wish to go and ruin anyone's life.

Tell me, anyone knowing that from the beginning ....any of my UB facebook. They never require to ask me, any of one of you girl. Never, ever, FOREVER.

No, that is not what I told any of them the boyband? You mean....any of them?

Or what is the conversation at all? 

It will never be that 2 worlds apart, any of this trivial things I cannot handle all those myself, or perceiving all that?  I don't really need all that approval from which guys? You mean Nick I wish to have the approval those kind....kinda of why we are dating at all? 

The approval from the guy because they are older than me or he is way too older than me, or he reminds me the gap, or the glow, or whichever this people do to show up at the door, full of the glows, I won't even know about it?

"You did what?"

"What did you say to them?"

If I am not here, you or your parents will feel the lost of the light too. How come I never knew that myself?

Or anything these girls near my relative all that + their parents. Other people I won't know about, they are the outside corperation world, such as Apple. You don't want to be the light bearer, is that the word such as the White Lighter, one of those New Age term? 

A lot of the guys to you, its a lot like the stranger, they don't stay with you more than 10 mins conversation if not the Hallo or Goodbye. But even if they stay engaged that conversation, they are not your parents, they give you the food, or sometimes the shelter, or the conversation if you calling them every Saturday since 20 years ago, never stop.....you have that conversation kept going. Me and my mother never talked, not as when I grew up. Its more like Tina and Pang's mother.

I don't really know how it feels like, to be honest. 

Your personality defect is not complete, talking to your parents sometimes will stabilize yourself down because for some reason you trust your parents its a lot more soft type. When you grew up, they know your own liking, it might be the food, or it might be your are too stubborn, and they have a way how to sip through that conversation to let you off the stair down.

I also wish I have a functional brother, that kind. But it doesn't exist, really. But its a brother standing there, his parents happy to see him there. 

So is Square, their parents wishing them both her and his brother well. 

With or without me here, correct. 

I think both Pang and Tina, let's say Tina lending Pang's her music high school all those classmate, that's the music gerne stuffs. I don't really know that is what they gonna do if moving the people back here with their parents, or just continue in having no head running about in America, everything is very super expensive. Tina doesn't have a head to run anything at all. She gets in the interests, not she I imagine she is which type of the age over 40 years old?

Meaning the ROC or the military stabilize them a bit. Feeling that something with the comic book statue given them. I am guessing it, not I know of. Someone plan a bit a what life, makes them breath that high school included. The Taiwan culture those. Not the American sleek those Eben cold cut human stuffs.

Yeah, meaning they pamp them a bit while the senior officers or their parents are still around or with the uncle or the aunt. I am guessing it. A lot of those we age at this 40 years old, they are just like you, they cannot generate that one bullet points summary sheet I just given you.

A lot of the people on the jobs its to start on blaming people, and that consequence follows. 

Is I meant I got this things wrong or the MB does on purpose, you know, me and Nicky~~~ whom suppose to lead the fitness here?

Is that what it means, not I am paining feel never end since the 5 Lords Reivew, that kind? We or I have the 2 channels. One is the make-up and one is the fitness.  I try to think....because it might make me and Nicky feels better.  The music down so these two things down too, is that what it means?

Music, they told me I cannot be down for too long. I need to get back up. But if you have like a line of 10 or 20 girls just show up the 1) Make-up 2) Fitness + the music teacher idea, this is a nice time, you stabilize yourself for the next 5 years to 10 years. I got nothing to tell you the Truth.

This otter is cleaning that bed:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZh_ywap07I

Ronan is on the stage right now, he will see you?!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iVwgXRnFcg

If you get up to water the plants, clean up the pot and kitchen tidy? Not on the phone?! Wipe your own phone, your door lock, your kitchen switch on and off? The floor. The backpack, just wipe something whichever this external layers? I separate things in my interior design.

Right....you girls to go to someone and paying someone to ask for something?

How useless you are? 

The guy's mentality will tell you when they first impression you jumping all around on that stage with the other 9 girls, they take it that is real. They figure it out you organize your life this far enough, you succeed in your life or not, they wish you well and they know you be happy on that stage just with a lot of people all together, no matter what that is. 

The younger guys they do that kind of the very bad attitude you seeing these Youtuber guys treating the girls next by them. 

We have the military all kinds of the officers here, they don't know. I know. (Taiwan), we are not that super giant size, there is a healthy delivery that the content creation you must deliver, they will learn that with their life in it. Because we are smaller.


Want to tell me this growing up the guys = we are the similar age, you are so wounded, one of us don't have a career, or you find out their face muscle lines, or the appearance, like when you were 20 years old, you still feeling you are like 20 years old. So if you imagine that peripheral of the eyes sight change, but internal doesn't change, they swear they will never talk to you.


What is so so so so big deal. They are in the music field, we are in the medicine / the pharmacy / the dental field? You mean, the very hard sweat of the jobs seeing the sickness people they are lower, and you are better than they are? That kind....to touching the germ? And did you visit Dr. T's office when he relocated in SUNY Brook, and he and you have a what conversation? No, I am guessing it


You feeling very very very defeated, every door you knock, you got rejected, and none of my original UB facebook guys sympathize with you about 16 years ago, I must did something on the facebook, they are aware my major is a strange one. The UB honor class the entire them were on my facebook that time. They talk to each other, or someone they got nothing else to do and go and find out? 

So tell me, the shortest distance of this vola if succeed, you imagine how many time you literally will be free from all this misery and immediately be placed upon the same level of the talk you will be? Still inside your home location with your older friends? 

Right, I don't know my own UB facebook. 

Right, I will tell you I didn't know part = if there is a military formation in it. That is bad enough, you must grow up and cooperate. I cannot do anything about any of that at all. I told you a while ago, not like that. 

They are the intellects guy, in the sociality statistic, they will tell you any higher education pair they will never produce a children like Dr. T and Dr. Ester T.

So, there is a handicap, where you can just dump him and drop all that. Such as never talking to those junks, I becoming too higher up, one of those.

How come I am the one given you these points of the lists again and again? I have a crystal ball? The summary point above, all these description. You didn't make an effort, or you just hating each other all the way, or isn't the girls cannot hate each other more for the common thread, what is that? And? That meaning staying very long at all as long as they are the chosen ones, right?

I went to sleep

I cannot wake up.

I am eating the fruits....

You know, I stay indoor, I eat, and I go and lay down. That sounds right. 


Nicky doesn't go to sleep, so I talking to Shane, and then Nicky.

I got scared when this Babaji splash me out of the space like this, I cannot really move my 4 limbs in the space, no, cannot , and my weight one day at 69.15 kg, now its at 69.65 kg. Something with this Harvard Study last time was 15 15 15 ...something very very very disturbs me when Babaji did this. Really. 

I think its the weight. You eating literally the 3 meals a day and you are not moving. I saw my own doctors in the time span of 2 or 3 months. I got shock.

About 42% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight gain in the first year of the pandemic, with 29 pounds gained on average a recent survey shows. There is a path to improved health through weight loss, and it starts by identifying the fact.

I think that was the same data

15 15 15

The pandemic starting the Nov 2019. Then the report immediately at 2020 Feb or what it was from Harvard study. People gain weight to die through COVID 19.

As of February 2021, millennials in the United States reported an average undesired weight gain of 41 pounds since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This statistic illustrates the average undesired weight gain reported by adults in the United States since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic as of February 2021 by demographic.

"Tell me how to break a heart" - from Mark, and why that commander is screaming?

One of your High School Musical 2008? 

Westlife - Halo



You listen to your music this loud, my ears drum broken. Stop....

This is about Mark, or this is about the High school musical? okay, I heard Mark's voice medium all right. That is not a noise.

You try to sing with Shane.

You mean you try to sing along with Shane. 

I have so much faith in you.

Sorry you mean Ronan. Sorry, I mean Ronan Keating. My bread is done in the oven....

I think Shane's voice is a lot more nicer to follow in the girl's session. The guys never need a pitch really. I know their voice sound like.

I think whenever the audience cheers in the end, I heard that space commander literally screaming never end. Something about Mark, or something you did to Mark those words sing......

194 - can you forget the music for now

How you return to your own university life back to Earth. Outside the Dream Exchange Games. (8:30)


The reptilian at the "explosive site", not the End of the world. If I swallow the entire universe down. Have I ever wondered....seeing my own photo !

Westlife - I have a dream


I think its from the very Top, they got told, no, its not like that. No, she didn't swallow the entire Cosmo in her stomach. One is they got told. One is the telegram to ask them something. Probably truly truly truly far away Reptilian. How amazing....

2000 AU, one of those unit, Ancient Chasez says. 



194 - I think he lives in darkness, or he only staring at Earth

One of those. Unless they want to tell me he is not from Earth, really. 

You know your own Science Museum in the keyword tags? Right....The corridor of the giant people's face bigger than my bathroom door, on the half body person's photo, you are all alone.

This is funny when people acquire a professor title, they all looking freaky to you, isn't it? Its the mouthful jobs the moment you walking in their office, you feel unfriendly, but then again if you walking into your cafeteria, its very fostering baby like everyone has no back end road exit....You feeling good?

Did I say he lives in the darkness

Or he lives to staring at the Earth glowing when the sun shining at? How come you try to imagine, or that is the chair rising up? Mechanically?  He is not a type of any steady human will ever scream. I listen to this Nick Carter.....screaming.

I tell you the attribute you trying to imagine a future University life when you return "to Earth", right he is not the Earth, you are. I mean while you if you imagine what he can do a basic thing on Earth.

1) How to buy a car

2) How to inquire a mechanical car service people for the 4 wheel cars in rotation, the winter or the summer.

3) Inquire Anna mine Feel Rite - the Osmosis Water (or Canadian Tier Nick Canada Cuttie has this trolly he told me put in my trunk of the car)

4) How to land at the airport like Anna, not like him in the Silicon Valley, to get a car or a SUV to move to the Milipas Loving Hut. None of these Loving Hut are yours, so you get jealous over this SMCH, what is the agenda with me Anna, right?

5) How you could go to the University to inquire your transcript be sent to your parents, or you yourself.

6) The billing information at your university those main clerks place. Not Hogwarts Goblin Bank money staring at them. 

7) I think he literally screams. (Look at my balcony direction, do they have a radio service up there? )

8) You are in-state or out-state, somewhere your driving license at DMV, so you getting a Kelly's blue book, or the local car? No, I got it from an Indian he got it from the auction or he fix a bit, so I got its 1998 Nissan Altima Grey.

He is the friend with the JJ cafe, if they UB just asking that Pete or Wing, or Evan where is that JJ Cafe, not that Organic Chemistry Lee's JJ coupling ....

No, tell me why I asking you to do these small tiny bothering or bugging you steps about life? 


He is a what?


I don't even know.


oh ?~

Its Biden is the American President.....right.

🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪

🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖


Babaji: Go

稱讚人的英文 (English, how to compliment others?)

You looking good today 你今天看起來很好! 

Are you in a good mood, sir? 你今天心情好嗎 ? 先生!

You got a new shirt laterly? 你有一件新的襯衫 ! 

How are you? 你好嗎 ?

How do you do? 你好嗎 ? (比較正式一點) 

Its very nice to see you today 今天很高興看到你!

You got a new bag, you like it? 你有一個新的袋子,你喜歡嗎 ?

That is a very nice car, do you just wash it? Is that the car rim you add extra on the wheels? 

這是一個很好的車子,你洗了嗎 ? 這個車輪的裡面是你新加上去的嗎 ?

你們要不要把中文英文,這些電影 (Movie name) 寫下來?

Iron Man 鋼鐵人


這不是有個 combine 就是聚集再一起? Combine together?

我不太清楚所有的位置,但是男孩子自己很喜歡這種 super hero 系列的電影,亞洲男孩子我不知道,外面的男孩子很喜歡這種系列 ! 

The Day After Tomorrow 明天過後

The Ender's Game 

中國有對你們有些人有些期許呀 ! 你們可以稱讚男孩子呀 ! (You looking so handsome today, compliment = 稱讚)

在那個電影鋼鐵人裡面,其實有兩的名稱一個是鋼鐵人,一個是 Avenger, 最後的 End Game 其實有總和,意思在某種結構之下,你們看過 The Day After Tomorrow 就是很多人去國會討論天氣氣候的課題? 這種爭辯? 中國會有金錢如果你們女孩子軟一點呀 ! 稱讚男孩子一點呀 ! 這鋼鐵人裡面有一個 SA,類似我大學的學生會跟學生會會長,這美少女戰士外面的藍色那一本的第一個故事,叫做雨小姐。穿著打扮 ....等等等。

你們其實講話對男孩子柔一點,你們其實女孩子很餓,或是很飢渴,或是 ... 自己中國裡面你們做了什麼白紙運動,這很多女孩子就掛在你們所有警察或是邊界警察的牆壁上面,對... 他們一定是說我尊上長什麼樣子,我其實...不需要戴眼鏡打電腦,在家裡看電視已經不需要帶眼睛~我大的字看的到 ! 我下面其實也看得到,有點模糊不是很快,我看中文也還沒有這麼快講很小的字很快的關係。我尊上講話好像......

講英文了,沒有真的很講中文 ! 


尊上靠什麼賺錢? (你們說我養他們的?)

尊上前一年的 2015 是 2014 我自己來的某些總司令類似客串,你們其實立志自己女孩子 30 歲轉出來,瞬間,因為某種情況去把美國總統攆開,這其實也沒有真的關係呀 ! 你們一定覺得我自己做的很風光的意思,中毒就是那時候的關係變成,你們花千骨講,你們沒有說我其實可能不會講這種事情,是有那情況 ! 但是我自己休息呀 !~~~尊上是幹嘛的 MD 6+1 跟 MD 4+2 遇見第二次世界大戰介面的 1999 木乃伊 ! 

那時候我有講 BTX 名稱,但是我沒有看第一集,我是自己去燒掉那些東西的,空氣或是我那時候知道 ET 情況早就知道,很多人不知道現在也假裝不知道的關係,去跟法院爭執某些事情 !  所謂大眾媒體大部分的東西都是有相關的,叫做美國的 classify, 所以中國可能也有 classify 意思就是有點黑的顏色跟高度 ! 尊上沒有那麼高,所以尊上...帶頭髮、穿著呀、化妝、錢、講東西、女孩子清潔、跟男孩子、做菜、月經的清洗等等等,冷熱水呀 ! 或是一般。尊上是女的 ! 這很多事情是我自己就當有個名稱,自己轉著帶的意思 ~ 我本身應該是在弄現在這,美國醫學理事委員會、美國法律理事委員會 ... 因為這很多東西,我有原因我才會去有這種講法呀 ! 看過畫圖的圖像 ?

有些人弄基礎科目的,什麼? 基礎科目怎麼賺錢? 我先自己講給所有人聽的關係,尊上猜的?




所以跟 Youtuber 沒有關係?

沒有 ! 


教科書是 Ph.D 寫


... ... (看右邊) 是教科書 ! 


是 Ph.D 應該是他們寫的


我是尊上,我做我智商會先做好的事情先做 ! 

西城男孩可能在後面打起來,在網路上面 ! 這個他們自己做成的影片,先說 Nicky 好了

他們的歌曲: She is Looking like That
有一個 MV

Westlife 演唱會 ( Season in the Sun) : 那是 Nicky and Kian

但是他們可能還在打 🦅🦅~~我不是跟你們說男孩子就是先去打架 ! 以後再說 ! 

他們本身很多電影卡在那邊,假設一整個 SA 當年的他們自己誰跟誰的男孩子樂團,這個是愛爾蘭的,有美國的呀 ! 我這邊講九龍公主,提哪真實版? ~~我已經見過這提娜 ! 

我找 Shane 他們,我當初自己去找他們的,因為愛爾蘭是海島型氣候跟台灣類似,他們講英文的!這最後可能 Shane 決定,或是他說他自己,我在想可能是 Shane 但是我先在這 Nicky 這邊晃蕩因為這他們五月去的是歐洲,我那時候是以為是 Nicky 擺出來的,在小布來妮那邊也是 Nicky 呀 ! 但是有個夢幻遊戲,兩天前三天我被告知有紅頭髮 ! 

這 Nicky and Ronan 小孩的時候他們是紅頭髮,但是這個可能是在講 Kian, 這真的很誇張 ! Shane 就是主唱的那個,我在猜我不知道呀 ! 錢大部分在主唱的那部分 ! 我們是去華盛頓弄這些紙張吧 ?! 我人都不認識的關係,但是我會跟他們講話呀 ! 

台灣新聞 - 有人跟我說那是 Adam Hailey 颱風

海葵颱風就是不登陸去中國,影像送進來的 ! 中間那個颱風叫做海葵,現在這個時間。不確定是不是基隆登陸,登陸是什麼意思? 就是颱風眼會在陸地,那個就是叫做登陸應該是 ! 現在有海上警報,登陸才是陸上警報。我以前我記得台灣看新聞的時候,尊上以前在台灣念書,我講我記得的中文,我以為應該是那樣講法 ! 有點久遠。

沒有,尊上不是跟他們有任何關係的東西,我也不清楚他們好像在這個花冠安琪兒的一張照片之上,他們自己知道他們所有台灣外國或是英文講的這些 Youtuber, 他們每個人的位置在哪裡,我尊上人在 2018-2020 在講花千骨,每一天在 Twitter, 我根本就不知道她們是誰,或是我不知道他們存在 !



Lunch 我睡著了!

Babaji: Go

西城男孩九月來中國 (Nicky and Kian)

就是好像你們在看這日本 otter 所有人都在幹嘛的意思 ....西城男孩在以前演唱會,你們寫 " Westlife concert Season in the Sun", 那時候就他們講了 ! 所以那很久以前了吧 ~我現在先跟 Nicky 講清潔打掃的事情。

西城男孩九月今年(我說我部分) (9:13)

Inside your life, it will come to your own age in mortality how ....

No one talking to you anymore (your parents get too old), you have no money both the guys or the girls. Your one lifetime were not doing anything at all.

Inside your life (2:03)



In the Corporate world ( you look down your own leadership) ( 5:58 )

The American President (Presidency), Congressman or the Congresswomen. There is a propelling wave, and none of you trying to acknowledge of that. - the Money transaction. You didn't try to think for them, if they breathing or imagining? 

Business world ( before the audio format ) (10:38)

Before I get on the audio to sound like a real person. In the conjuction of BTX, Silicon Valley travel, 5 Lords Reviews, Annca, Flower Thousand Bones (2018-2020), to when 2021 Lawsuit file-ing begins (Music, American Medical Board, American Law Board, along that side of SMCH every step the way) - near the China Classified materials.

The business girls worlds to the guys (10:07)


I explain again in this New Generation Business (19+ ~ 25+) to this new online landscape.

MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2

The initial points got freak out, repeat the textbook will sound like...what I did my entire life before... right. They wasn't doing that to you, I guess. 

What happen to all of you (3:32)

That is the lawsuit !

You bet the court doesn't know or I don't know.....every claim I ever had.....


Money, career, personal space (your eye glasses)

I tell you 『your eye glasses』 ( Voice memo )

Money career personal space and -400 millions dollars (4:57)


Important Talk (to the girls about the guys)

This is about how I am a girl (?) questionsable and inside or the writing sounds like a guy (?), I am not sure the gay parts. ....right. The legal stand, or before the judge....right.

Facebook photo (morning picture)

Something about Britney (my audio re-wine got stopped at 8:42); You want me to talk to Britney, one of those?

This is the Britney talk (8:13)

🦅😀⭐️ My Pet wants to talk 小鳥想說

About sex 🦅

Like the drinking wine bar over the weekend, one night make-out, a kiss, like the Helen Raise up, the movie? Washing ...

I probably meant more to tell you China has a certain position.

Tell me how you land in China, so well they let you vola, you come back to the US in one week, you staying in the 5 Star Hotel. You going to California 5 days hotel, not one week 7 days, for saying you give China 2 more days. You don't know anyone there just let you make the money?

I just be honest and tell the whole world I live in Taiwan, this is where I am from.

Cooking ? He will forever never be with you




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I have a situation near me around me, not I have an argument.

You try to win an argument before a judge, so you technically speaking, you require to stand in front of the Judge to win the argument, whichever this you write, or you claim or you must convince the Judge, any individual freedom such as the guy its his, hers, yours....never mine. I never participate any of those conversation at all.

If someone lent you some bigger heart to operate, and you took that action as to hurt every guy and every girl ....someone lend it to you, a lot of people to that observer will leave. That is including me.

It says both that guy + that sister of this white robe me get together, they both leaving the organization. Right here they got killed. We keep repeating saying all of this. 


🎄🎄 When you participate in the legal lawsuit, its a part of the participating the legal process? 🎄🎄

Depends on your arguments I guess....

I didn't want to say this, because I know its FOREVER impossible with any of you at all. If you tell the Judge, you get into a relationship and you say this arguments we don't get anywhere, I am coming back to this like driving back and forth, and I need to get on a new life. Probably next time I gonna take a break. Its a real relationship meant a serious thing. 

yeah, the court judge if knowing that is a healthy an almost just get married life settle down, he or she can just put that file on the side. 

In Chinese Ancient just means, "No ending results, no more follow up." Meaning no one does a thing anymore, like randomly just gone. 

That will be my best advice to you. 

Sometimes in your life, you use drugs (UB I am talking to you)

No, the guys don't know.

But the American side knows you smoke, and you took the drugs whichever that comes from. Or You bang your hand somewhere on purpose including the steeling wheel. In America they heal you if you already told the court upon when you get jailed or something you are highly emotional. You know that yourself and you being honest. Those are all fine. They did take care. You need to use your brain how to get better on your own. You keep believing it, and you probably want to take the drugs to hurt yourself every single time. The jail is free, the mental hospital is costly.

This otter is funny - With the laws, its very flexible, you can see a very clear future consequence! And my brother doesn't need to be in it.

You know what I mean?!

You are a decent girl, you suppose to tell the guys to support themselves get rid of the girls such as you are. They know exactly what you are. You never ask the guys, whom exactly you are, nothing but psycho and the useless person. 

I may or may not. Something going on....I told Ronan.

I think....these several months, you girls want to invite someone. Almost like that Kate & Leopoid roof top dinner invitation making the food for the guys. That roof remind me a girl like Irene got drunk and Tamang tried to save her, or that is Tina Jojo, some girls drank a lot.

You test drive your cooking skill, and Nicky says, you girls did ask the guys to literally open their mouth and eat that food in front of her? And is that container in the company, or just one spoonful, that kind? 

1. Is this container with a spoon, FRIEND Lanh and Monica + Joey cooking lesson?

2. Is this the container with a spoon inside the Westlife Company?

3. Let me think whom is Joey ....

4. Is this a table cloth table somewhere outside iin the restaurant, sorry, at anywhere you can display this table cloth. No, Not the table cloth? 

5. A regular table with the plate of the food on the top. You mean you cook it?


Not Ronan?

In life, let's say you are all each other best friend between the guy and the girl, that is what you mean the together being to grown up? Its how you make them feel in person, or walking in those corridor ? You alone, or next by this one special guy? And he knows in person he is special enough what that means? You mean all this years are growing up special, you trying to find it this TV means real?

Me and Wing don't really talk much after the graduate school. He was on his own course of study, he knows I gone to the MLS. I told everyone on my facebook still in UB. No, not like this.

These Jonathon or Wing guys because....the way they are, for those length height girls, they can never get through any taller guy on my own facebook, may not be also in their own high school friends or the middle school friends. With all this, and so Wing and Jonathon including that Zac etc etc....even just they are breathing in space, that 3 simple human a lot more decent be around this shorty girls no matter how defect they are. But if one day.....that wasn't what I say about the external world outside, meaning its they run and jump in between life. They will know what this TV really means to them. It may not mean to the guys.

But to them the girls, these 3 guys Wing, Jonathon or Zac, their height or as long as they live, no matter they got married, and the girls start to get fuss, or making a whine, they 3 as long as they breathing and living, they feel supported and its true. But one day...if that reality its not the court knowing consciously, you will be one person coming back this time....in a very very long time to kneel at my word......

You didn't need to abuse these 3 guys, by just telling them, In this forever life, you leave my life, no call, no paper works, no looking, I forever will not come to you, knowing you, write about you. You be happy, and never work on this paper work. I tell Anna.

Set them 3 free.

And all my facebook guys free too.

Think about it 40 years bar.

When my lawyer shows up....your options with all of these guys. You doing it on purpose to kidnap anyone. 

I will tell you that the food preparation best, even the science basic bench, all people know...the food lab must be one of those chemistry or organic chemistry lab long table.

In the normal American Western house, there is a design in it, you feel the mood to make the food. One of those kind. You have to afford, or combine to afford that house, the payment, the tax, the property land tax included not just the house tax. 

You one person be very quiet inside that zone, how to washing all this meat or cooking with the red wine, and dump all that badness, and re-cook them. The ground beef you have to be confident to say

1. How much your own pocket money capable to deliver one time job.

2. Costco by eye looking, how long you willing to stand in that kitchen one afternoon.

3. One on the stove, one on the island counter top. (One side is the sauce, one side the meat ball)

The tomato those jar sauce has to be some other time done it. The tomato itself don't have a lot of the sauce, so you have to buy a lot a lot a lot of the tomato for one jar literally like that TV made one full bottle mason jar sauce.

💝💖💝 A lot of the guys when they grew up, they got pamp a little bit.

And you as a girl, your behavior when you were a kid is very bad. So that grown up your parents don't pamp you. So like my brother he grew tall and the bad attitude and all that. But the least thing he will ever do its to know any girl you are, you don't get pamp, he can smell it.  You trying too hard to be humility running deep until one of those erupt situation.

Food preparation (voice memo) 1:31

My mother is roller gluey on the floor...never end this thing.


You girls are so sickening....You got freak out, you cut yourself, truely bleed, or anything worse of that too mad, too hungry, let me guess where that knife you do on purpose right at you.

The girls want the dignity how the guys seeing you ....

I think the girls have been, you know, the several months passing by literally gone to buy some food, by the way they have to eat it anyway, to try to blend something to make a food I guess. 

A while.

So last weekend I say 1. Food, 2. Money, 3. Sex.  I don't think you very believe that I say this sequence, literally. Or you know you yourself, or the guys make you feel or something in the social occasion.....


The Asian I think its the Parents raise the kids up, no one will ever raise you up in America.

That kind, never the bf to me.

Do you girls in America .... (wash up my hair, shower, dry....processing my hair)

Believe something like when you get married, its the guy raise you? That kind? Like your dad? Literally speaking if getting married, he goes to work, and that money will be forever yours? That kind? Carla did to Tony?

oh ~ I seeing all these last 2 or 3 years because we used to 2018-2020, I don't need anymore guy I guess for doing any of that photo art stuffs. You want to be with any guy, you don't do those photo art stuffs, no.  The little kindness the little prosperity society. You probably don't have the money kind, those.

Do you just meant your dad is the one literally like that Pang's financee seat belt you at the front row seat, and take you to the friend party house like you were in the high school, he doesn't need to walk you in, you get off the SUV car yourself to walk in 1) your gf house she alone or with the parents, or 2 ) Its a group party house. That kind? I never saying my conclusion (The birds say) , but....this commander didn't say Conan, he probably meant that growing up experience. So that is Conan Detective means. His name is 工藤新一。

Looking at him a commander, if I told him.....

I think none of you had a real job, or ever kept a job, or never had a job, or what not this facebook anything might be all fake.

You went home or you done something, or what not, you staying in a trance of the life, you may not have a job, meaning a literal those American local culture I thought everyone has a job, kept a job.

Its about the music ...uh, I probably didn't mean that neither.

You have a reason to select the song I guess.

They say those are from Ireland, you all need to have a lot stronger character meaning the you or any group leadership doing something ....with the brain I think. It must be something, someone does, and you didn't use your brain, or all of them have a brain and they are the music idea. 

oh ~ the military with the brain. 

Those team leadership that is long time ago. Every country I guess. I only know my time really when I grew up. You girls don't shape up, or don't strive in your own age, you staring at it your own 20 years old bracket, you are like 19 years old? So, he probably meant in 20 years down the road, he is the future senior officer, what you all girls care the most....its very similar to this Conan Detective saying I guess.

They growing up together. Just the time apart. If any eternal life, saying....Anna say right now we are only 40 years old. If you use 10 years time to settle your best career and staring at your own money and the career, some people are outside late because of the school, you can still get back to your own any boyband, not even those age at THAT time.

They watch Conan!!!!

I am one of those currently down commanders

I cannot be too long to be down by the way. So I need to lay down and sleep. This is your vola moment to this brand new whose seat get higher mechanically speaking his chair....your music liking in what?  The rap, the soft rock, the metal, the rock n roll, the hip pop, the pop music, or the melancholy blue jazz (the radio at night 11 oclock), the good morning American on the Bus? Let me guess whom drives the bus in life. Do you even know how to use a radio in this era? The podcast, the iPod music, the ITune, your iPhone? I think your parents did more works than you are. What is at 11 o'clock at night or the Good Morning America, the bus or the school bus? How coincidence!   Tina's ex bf is a cello player. He is in the Ancient Chinese Drama as a regent. My brother is the Mongolian. Odd!? 

Jack Sparrow, Old guy (?),  Fan (Dryer not the Westinghouse brand), Irene's brother

                               Tina first bf (ex bf), the cello guy.

                               ( A short guy. He is the substitute. )

5 Major religion line up, there is a muslin word in the transcription. 


I think I know that gold sword. My mother side whom has a saying whom.....right. In the Ancient Chinese time, its you kill first, without report to the Emperor. There is no crime in it. 

I think that commander is mad. No, not Biden. All right, I have no idea what's going on, you all doing what, or he requires to hear any demo....starting at your own practices one of those to know the entire world population is made of? uh...no, he cannot be in that job, he gonna destroyed himself - whatever he heard. But he is okay everyone get married to get out of it? 

Right...It might be a part of the Ender's Game too. A several combination to the Star War, Stargate, the Stargate Atlantis included....

Its not I make food I think....I will tell you in the end of all these too. Seriously.

(The birds agree left side. The National Building that side.)


oh no !

I just show you the ending video its on that same video - the ending, those video pop up? Its in it, so I look at it. 

194 and your music

My red Chinese New Year dress not next year yet....Its the end of Jan next year.


Is this another sheet they give you?

1. My skin doesn't have a choice. You don't have a foundation number on my skin, you look at it every make-up session not isle, the divider or you think I try to be competitive?

2. If you keep eating the process food, its bad breath. You any human trying near any....I have no idea you mean the entertainment world industry? That would be you literally getting near a music teacher or a music agent? So similar to Westlife or the Westlife Record Company those? So this would be a music studio somewhere to publishing a CD?

I thought they do the plastic face with the money like Adam's dad does those jobs.

3. Your eye sight does not go straight if someone just tell you I seen enough this DMV things on the television. What you staring at anything is not really a straight line. You raise your head up or down, the things in front of you ....

4. You mean the rhythm probably. The beat.

5. I am sure you didn't hear the music.

6. You have heard this music before, I know. 

7. This is not exactly...how Westlife becoming the famous for on the pop sex icon those image like Britney those, selling the teen pop sexy icon, exposure your skin, including the tones of those singing. 

8. I keep saying that is Shane did those creation with whom, Mark or Kian.....That is why that is Westlife. 

9. There is a lot of things I keep saying or repeating starting on the day 1 really. That is a group, yours is a solo ITune artist cover art, and you are the super star.  Probably not = Bieber anymore, their age 30 yrs yet?

10. Apple Steve Job explains to you how they works when that ITune comes out in ....2003 ? The first 6 months and then Microsoft what. Its in Steve Jobs speech...probably before that arrives. You had those torrent ilegal downloading the software or the music, remember? I say Matrix.

11. Why don't you just listen the exact things I told you, what Steve Jobs says, per artist, their align up this software Apple design, the phone is a piece of the hardware, a box. A literally a box with the scrolling feature so you putting the login or the billing feature on it, you have an interface to put all your junks music in it. 

12. You want to talk to your parents about it? They might have a real professional job to explain to you per degree this term means?

13. You want to just open your mouth to tell your parents the Truth. Its a what sheet....

14. Intent you to become, not intent you to fail your class GPA 1.0 Tina Jojo, one of those combination where or how these room of the science museum, or the science expo room being dispatch, and where its my stuffs at? Do they change your this giant photo art, you seeing your eye sight meaning on the hallway, you guessing it with your eye sight, they didn't tell you....that is how per this standing what things, not to insert the USB, before you get that far, if that is a hallway design, about half body photo literally per bathroom door this big or bigger width, you literally walking by, you are guessing you ...you too lonely too many big giant face you walking nervous you are just one person trespassing......

15. You get nervous because that is per photo standing, your eyes sight glittering, one person alone.

16. Is it funny? 

17. Tell me what is so funny?

18. That is a VERY long corridor, there is nobody literally when you walking by. Not even the standing control panel. Its just an advertising, or looking at.

19. There is nobody ~~~~~~

Otter - Cute Otter


You feeling ashame because of the metal looking cage that, or a bit outside looking all on the camera, or shy because you are still young, and trying to be a super star? You know what you 2 did or 4 of them with the cage behind the wing specie flying it down? You coming here to confess your sin, or right now you probably meant your care taker its a women, and you are? Protest your jail room door is open, you don't bulge to the justice I read you all the condition and service in details....its a fine print in the legal notice. Meaning they write in the small tiny words like your jail cubical square you look from inside out. You want her repeat a few time to you slowly?

🎄🎄🎄🎄🧁🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪

🎄🎄🎄🎄🧁🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪🧀 🥪🥖🥖🥪


Babaji: Go

Its Wing and Karen

My facebook.

Wing has a car. 

Wing, where is your car? I think its Benz like my father drove to my mother that time. Karen is at West Seneca. Not at the Buffalo, don't drive overboard.

If you two gonna talk, don't do to that UB campus, when they move Dr. T to SUNY Brook, I thought its whomever they didn't realize the first mistake was talking to him on the first class, they suppose to re-take that class, and sit there every office hour. What I think did happen are similar to my high school here. I brought my mother with me to go there and see. Its literally written on their one street away from them - they re-taken the exam. I don't know whom exactly, so I never enter my high school anymore. These inside, they all change, every degree of it. I won't be going in at all.

No, Karen doesn't have those brainy things I see those inside the Honor Class. I think...in their girls personal life, they don't have any close vincinity you say the facebook girls friends, or somewhere blend in the American local friends. Just having those around ...But Karen may not know that actress, she is a TV host, the entire TV or that industry knows they on the newspaper they slept around. From the beginning to the end. that is probably not those actor guys will tell me. Its what I read it from the newspaper. That talk show lady. She is a MC host, not an actress. Why she?
She interviews Keanu and his new book or that Tiger, and she interviews Wallace too.

I personally think a lot of the white girls are similar to Hailey. When they did got married and move to a new environment, assuming that is true. They are not happy. Let's say right now, I told that Brian or Peyton they go to 1000 dates seeing people's face...a lot of the TV effect driven that. So the girls believe they have a lot more options in life for one lifetime, or they wish a lot more people calling them, or flirts them. When they got tie knot or worse, its to settle down with one guy if with one kid or 2 kids, and no more contact to the outside world. If like me.....they don't really cooking those elaborate preparation chemistry bench jobs those - lasagna or casserole or fried food to clean up the entire kitchen, so BBQ outside, the air dry, still you prepare per sauce or engineering that indoor thoroughly, or mops every surface of every piece of furniture. 

The pharmacist job is not like the MD. He reads per bottle, per saying, per symptom, per side effect, per words saying clean during his study, per drugs and per given prescription. Reading and say it clear. Wing he can do those jobs. He read them clear. He process those in his head clear. He is that type. If he gets another girl, you imagine this type of the people they are all over the place for saying a steady job, you will feel the lost of support - quite a bit. To the girls like you, every guy got snatch away in front of you, its a pain. Right now you keep thinking that options at this age 40 is optional. I told you, there is no more options. The steady profession people if they get married or planning to, those are real. Not fake to settle down with whichever the girl, you plan to seeing them both? For this China TV drama - the Ancient Chinese one? Seeing that girl if Wing get married to one day?
So.... talk open.

Lanh he is a refugee, originally probably they lost everything, so Hiep probably has a lot better family. Lanh establish himself in Toronto, but Hiep has her own issue, right. The refugee means they carried onto the boat and runs to a brand new country, and that destination was in Canada.


She wears the eye glasses.
She cannot take anything that Italian nick says. Between that different race also. They do bad things a lot of those people too. A lot of the local Asian will tell you, a little bit different thing about some people look like that. But she probably can guess he was conditioned. Just something in her head in that entire space and time....its not very healthy.


In the center, its about 4 couple very visible, the girls its the same height as the guy. Short guys and medium guy, or a little bit taller guy, This giant from medium to fat a bit. But they are all married. + 1 = Lanh and Hiep. Right...we have a Sherry Red hair, white in Buffalo, NY area. Its a hand touch Reiki. Forbidden in our method. Yeah like Dr. Steven Hairifield the Metaphysics guy.


I don't really know its Lanh or Hiep, they have the property all around there to stablize his 2 kids growing it up. Its just that center life, she cooking every Sunday, and binds to...that formation. Lanh goes to work. She tidy up the house and socialize just between the ugly women in the center. Those vietanese or Chinese. They are very old. I seen a few porn video too during the 5 Lords reviews. I did. At the Food offering that time. My aunt 6 of them...they made into a connected story.
I by myself when...before the Gay club shooting happened.
One person alone....one of those Utah number its not 1800.
I told you the farewell American Idol those. I count per math behind all by myself. So many this image....pass it by.


He got 2 pharmacy store downtown Toronto.
No, I never talk to them. She does this funny thing. I actually never talk to those contact person. Old or young, not really. Its....everyone else they talk to them. That time the 2 contact person. I don't social, you all UB knew about that.

I personally don't think Wing has anything. Lanh didn't start with anything. He probably started over with her things. I think. But he had a background before he arrives here I think.

My grandpa is using my grandmom family things. My mother's side.
I think my father got exile by my grandpa, that is using my mother's thing never stop. Her sibling.

In this world, there will be a lot of people that never gonna have a family, or a break from their own 9-5 jobs. Every day they are on my blogger. They are. So I almost 24 hours on the internet. These people never gonna have a romance in their life. Never gonna have a parents near them life, or ever have any sibling or nearby cousin, ....you know one person living til they make it and save or watching the news including the fan life with anything they follow.
Like hearing everyone else a gossip. They wishing all those people well. 

If you feel the TV force its too overwhelm through inside you outside you, you just thinking your price tag its too precious, meaning you ought to aim high. You can tell the court you wish to take an easy at this time, a free dating period of time. It won't matter if Wing finding someone else, or if he literally got married and settle down. Literally got married that kind or having the kid 1 or 2. I don't really know.

When Wing or Jonathon, we all going to school, its not demanding each other to go and get married that time, or we all focus on getting somewhere. Meaning a job, meaning a staring at something. Each of us won't know what that future was, but everyone is kinda of up to something. I didn't know Wing is focus on IT or Pharmacy, Jonathon was focus to create a chess club. I am everywhere else I guess, now on the television. So a lot of this thing were funny.
But the things were that, this girl = me, its not any of you girl. You will wishing them ill if they got married. You are not getting yourself busy enough to the things in front of you. Even today if Wing or Jonathon happen to be in the same space, saying Hallo Goodbye its not with a what thing that each other go interfere with anybody around.
You probably try to tell me otherwise, you getting in very personal...let's say anything they wish to do better at their own.....inside of the established organization, it may not. But I am telling you, they cannot talk to you, they cannot ask for any help. This role its I am too far away. Really.


Discuss a thing with you its a burden, really.
You are a burden, a trash. A useless thing in life. I will personally telling you. You taken everyone does a living its not a living. Its how you feel like with TV. No one can live without your mouthful life, you are nothing buy babbling psycho never end. Really.

I personally can tell you, starting 50,000 years in hell, you wonder, why you should be bargain in the court room for real. Every degree of your too higher price, someone so blind when you just finish yourself disappear out of everyone's eye sight. Never minus 400 millions dollars.