
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

๐Ÿฅ–๐Ÿฅช I check after lunch posts...๐Ÿฅ–๐Ÿฅช

Your lunch box that being said.

The glassware.

I need to sleep ....


Food preparing



The human babaji cut his hair, wearing the eye glasses look like Tim Cook that.....novel, but lighter color as I thought Indian.

He got jailed, in that Yogananda house Flower Thousand Bones. He travel back and forth. The celestial and the human world, that is what that guy says. My physics. He is a tall guy, the normal guy's height. He looks like one of those book thin guy. Really. When he is a short hair. That is the house in the celestial, the air, the light almost....

Like that video, but when he was a normal Babaji painting that, he lives that celestial, I seen that before, right exactly like that video. The human throne that one.




You both scared? ! He is scared of the height ....he is lower his size.

Sorry, my IP all this food are nothing but Asian style.

You want to just look at the American food, not the mono-diet? 

The soup is....soupy !!!

Isn't you all have to constantly keep shaped?

You eat out all the time, or there is a gym involved?!


You are not hydrate enough, so your hunger response its very sharp. If you break that guy's 5 meals a schedule, every few hours its the tea, the water, the food, or some nut, some salad, some bread crumb, you watch for that. 

Everyday I doing nothing but that?

You keep the things inside your mouth. Like the fresh made orange juice, or the beets juice, but you have some prepare lunch, his security of being hungry, he can eat the full lunch box, 1 or 2 or 3 things extra.

Some rice, some salad, some rolls up tuffs, some pita bread. You must have eat out, they have this dressing transparent container. You save them, he is everyday on take-out, it is the same dressing. You figure it out the recipe. 

If he is home ...

If he is at work ....

I always staying at home. 

You know, as long as they ever hear me, I made just the soup + the white rice + the washed cilantro + or other parsley.

The broccoli that is really flowery....We have other vegetable such as the Italian brocolli is called the rapinni, we do have that, but I have to use the entire sink to shaken all that soaking. I don't really eat very complicate the food anymore. The shredded carrots + the cucumber + or the mayo or the miso soup.  (Yeah with the seed weed )

Maybe you really really really perfect one white rice. A perfect rice cooker white rice. Seriously, washed, and perfect done. Not over done or soggy. 

A lunch box 2

A good washing of the white rice + a good washing of green boiled lightly brocooli, and some very done salad shredded carrots + cucomber + mayo

+ the soy BBQ meat, or Terayaki sauce ....

Not soggy white rice, maybe I forget to mention; and maybe just the pure white rice. You hate the assort rice. Maybe you practice...right, understand the rice cooker. The different kinds.  You can use the cashew + some cooking oil, a little more than that table spoon really + some water.

No, no salt in the white rice. American sell the kale, I washing and clean and waiting that white rice Amazon, small tiny cooker, VERY small and its a glass top even. The kale has to finger going through the top, per flowers looking and salt really inside the salt water and wait....keep rinsing back and forth. You have to like those cooking procedure to eat like that. I used to thought 2015, the Kenshin Facebook I was wasting my time that time....making it. 

You have a Iphone timer now. The chemistry all lab, everyone using that, really. We magnetic that on the fridge. Yeah, we have the fridge in the bio lab. Its a timer, a very simple timer even. Washing, soaking, rinsing, keep washing washing washing. In any lab work, its going back and forth. Just the cooking in the kitchen...its your hot water does not go through that sink really. I care those things. Canada Nick doesn't care of it. I cook the pasta has no water left, so American Mac & Cheese + assort veggie, margarine blocks like a substitute butter or cheese. Its an orange color. The cheap food in Tops South Campus from UB. That is all I know actually. I eat the pasta they sell in the store. 

I don't stay on the phone or the computer nor the facebook when I am in the same house with another person?!  Eating healthy, you can still eating the home made sauce, be clean, be attentive?!  A lot of things have to come from = you love cooking, or washing, or soaking, or rinsing, never stop including the finger tips.  i think I buy one of those glove to process a lot of those ground beef meat every so often. I don't need to eat that much meat, I can just buy from outside. My finger tips. 

The White rice, you always have to wash it

I wash at least 8-10 times, a lot of the cup then 20 time, this water going out and filling up. I doing that a lot because I know the chemistry. I cannot stand it, the water are dirty and blurry, I can see it right below my eyes?

The assort rice, you use the oil + some a lot more water if you adding tooooo many things, you can just added the green onion or the chive. Washing washing washing, they have the parasites eggs in it, so use the salt, and keep soaking, washing, dumping the water, and let that water run. You can wash the cilantro and the green onion in a different basket. I process that so often, I might be processing the different green all at the same time. You have to like it how to "harvest" this herbs, those today you don't need to do that. MH or the Amazon whom Dr. Christopher company they doing that harvesting. 

You have the curry powder.

The turmeric powder.

Chinese we have rice congee. Western worlds has probably milestone + the beans. They all coming from the cans. In one dozen case you buy in the Costco I bet. I don't have other comments, really.

๐Ÿง The lunch box ๐Ÿง

The glassware, you do a simple white rice + the broccoli washed and boiled.

Some marinated tofu or the soy meat, or the seitan, or the mock meat. Taiwan we have many kinds of the soy meat, so will probably be Japan. My mother is here. The real meat is very fat, and less hygenic right? You don't process that everyday, I guess.

I can do this like samosa, you know how Kian has a freezer, let's say the frozen food session of 4 Samosa its one box, the frozen food. I can give him a dozen like a hash brown in those big store they sell to the cottage country life. BBQ for.

The Lunch Box for the Works

You imagine you coming home, so you wash that thing with the chopsticks. You can microwave a glassware. NOT the plastic, at least you knowing that, right?! I don't have a work anymore, at least I don't do those things, that any plastic will melt? 

The lunch box you doing that for Mon - Friday. So those investment for one good glassware, you prepare your whole week food. I done those fried things, let's say for 5 people, they get a dozen, its the same frying oil, and its very economic really from the frying + its not they eating that every meal. The frozen food concept? No preservative, no artificial, nor add-in dye, or any of other ingredient, the oil or soy lecthin, or high temperature to process before the shelf life, being sold in the store.

You talking about how you shape up one guy's life, if there are anything near by of it.

The reason you doing a fried food, you know how you don't need inside too salty or pepper? Its the sauce outside. You don't know the health benefit how to keep living and eating right.


You be careful with it, you mean the breakfast on the toast, or the Korean version. I think they eat the omelet. with the lunch box, the Korean those breakfast egg rolls are nice and neat looking. I am a chemistry major, how many times I keep saying that?  The omelet like the clean cut mushroom (I take the skin outside those bad mushroom looking? SMCH does that on the Gift of Love, I did watch), but with the Western World Omelet, that is more like wash spinach + the mushroom well clean and slice + dice onion + cheese?

You have to do some bacon on the side right?  + sour creme + small potato from last night left over baked? The potato when you doing them to bake them, you have to marinated them. You can do a whole bag, they freeze, or Nicky freeze that, or the left over. 

Nick he swallow the entire things down. The Canada that nick. You don't have any left over....

The cooking is tired

1) Because of the heat

2) Because of the stand

3) Because of your eye glasse

4) You are too hungry

5) You are fatigue, or dizzy

6) The smoke and the heat right at your face.

7) Worse if you sweat type

8) Worse you have the longer hair + the make-up + the contact, dry.

9) I had none of that, I am also tired. Nick ex from Canada had a very very very bad floor. You jump on it or you fly, literally. 

If they require to gift, not at their mouth, yeah, its a simple using....melt and mode?


People see one color less burden, + simple. A lot of the girls are very confusing between how many container to put in the microwave. The same color inside or outside. You can just get the white chocolate, or the dark chocolate, or something mix, to make that filling. 

Your brain cannot register 2 different colors, too difficult to imagine a process. That is a guy, I am very sure, not a girl doing all that. 

If I do on purpose to drink a cup of the water, and 2 years I doing nothing but this jump back forth I say a certain things with the bladder.

I don't wait til the last min anymore to go to the bathroom. The guy can hold a lot a lot a lot a lot. They are. Really. My first bf started, they can hold a lot a lot a lot a lot of bladder liquid part. The urine. The girls CANNOT, did I say that thousand time, its TOO sensitive in your own climate. Move to somewhere warm.

The interior design


I don't necessary sleep good, the nap, but I manage not to drink that much of the water, but I was very thirsty, or I need to drink the water, I lay down more now.  As a girl I have no one else take care of me. I have to learn all this stuff. I like this stuffs.

I am making the soup and clean up the kitchen. This soup base, like....small pot to dump in this bigger silver white (not the stainless steel)

I made a habit here ....because Nick doesn't have that.

The sink input some water at about 2 inches, and going back and forth this silver white cover top, the very top is very hot. Because I don't have anything else to do in the kitchen. Its a soup base. She has so much this junk to done I guess...to throw out.

The soup base

1. The carrot ( I shred them)

2. White Chinese big radish, you need to slow fire to cook it, and I just leave it there cover the top.

3. This water sink I going back and forth so many time, because in the meanwhile I am using this I found her kitchen big giant radish its about to....too bad on the skin.

4. I use the curry powder, the left over this looking red hot pepper powder, and parsley a teaspoon

You know the birds know how much its how much? Just a teaspoon is enough. They volunteer very much everything outside this window, cannot SHUT UP.

5. The ginger, this are fresh

6. Bamboo.

I put in the remain of this fresh carrot (big), and bamboo (very expensive), I stew for the liquid soup, the liquid.....the liquid.... so the rest of this combination I find a clear zip bag for her tomorrow to use right in front of her eyes.  I check the things to get clean.  The avocado in the bag is bad, I throw the inside at the food waste, and the bag in the regular trash bag. The recycle I guess the reason.

And I am doing this laundry.

If you get up from your routine, you cannot stop moving everywhere. It has been 7 days now, I think every nap I got up, I feel very very bloating and drinking a load of the water to lose weight, remember how long we are saying that? So I did do my parts. I probably drink like 3 or 4 full cups of the water, running on that toilet, a big blow its the air. Meaning the lunch got digested? I am so painful every afternoon cannot get up from my bed.

I want to go to sleep all the way to 4. But I gone to the massage chair to see, if I am feeling better. I am not up to exercise, but I manage to move around the walking about 10 mins lunch time, and 10 mins after that nap. You didn't take that as your life belief to live your life.

The preparation of anything inside the house. If your parents die, you gonna freak out. 

I am telling you, no matter how bad their housing options, it will FOREVER never be that floor in nick's kitchen that time, you jump or you fly I am telling you.

Its an open concept kitchen, he made that himself all around those wood panel? He bought those wood and put it in. The most important thing inside the kitchen its 1) you stand on your feet, not that kind of the floor 2) washing washing washing, preparation in the zip bag, or dry the zip bag after you usage that, nick had a long long long thicker chopstick, to hang all the plastic bag we used on those drainer near the sink. 

3) Taiwan we have an absorption mops, their mops are terrible, its a piece of cloth.

4) The preparation food let's say, washing the salad, the boiling of those potato, or sweet potato included, you saying you live or sit in the kitchen while those done. Nicky might be eating a lot of those things he likes. Nick from Canada, no, vegan.

So this Westlife - Nicky, he has to give me which English version of the clear book. Its like a chemistry procedure or the bio protocol. Its not that complicated, and I done as long as I ever remembered.

That session called the "Preparation of the Food", I mean it. Why I had those album?!

You cannot eat air, when two people together

Without Pinterest, its so difficult to use.

All your lunch box. When two people having a close relationship, you wash up, or you go to sleep, and next morning, its the fruits in the morning routine, or juicing? Let's say right now Nicky can only hear one thing, that is I ever had? 

The ex bf he eats the pears, the apple, or the banana. I don't eat any of that. Not the American tradition. Not very that. A lot of time, the fridge has to keep the left over. From the dinner is the cooked food. For the raw side of the people, my ex bf he done a lot of those, I just mildable to with it. Its a vegetarian / the vegan. 

That kind of the routine, well, he usually finish eating all of them serious. 4 or 5 plates of those giant big dish, curve in? The big dish, not the plate. A concave in BIG dish, you can hold the liquid, or that is his pasta and my pasta bowl. Something like that. I need to tell this Westlife - Nicky. I never called my ex bf a name? 

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I go to nap

Babaji: Go

Sometimes, you as a girl, you must have going somewhere seeing some home recipe?

You talk to someone, you hang out with someone. Not just sitting home doing nothing but staring at people's face in the computer. You learn something, you remember something. I start when I was in the university, when I stabilize my environment off campus housing, I have to shop and cook?

Rice, assorted rice


Pasta, different kinds of the pasta, including the soupy ones.

Lentil, milliet, couscous ....

Bread, Pizza, fried dough, flat bread (baking soda, no baking powder)

Pizza again with a lot more topping choice, you be more delicate to something like artichoke, the bellpeper or some more meat, with the cheese less or the home made sauce. The reason you eat homey, its be a lot more healthy.

How do you make a food like my gone down Pinterest (Food making)

Talking to Nicky and say hi to Shane. Walking a bit. I am not very well, the whole body situation, but I move a bit my entire body, maybe I do a little bit more in the afternoon, I don't like to keep this abdomen things, just look at it, so fat. I just had a rice soup, feel better.

If You Cook Long Enough ...

1. You must have a budget

2. Mine would be my health costs - those things like osmosis water + the box of full orange, I don't save, no. I invest on myself those things. My habit is like that. 

3. The farmer's market

4. The venturing talking to the local farmer

5. How you seeing the produce

6. Prince compete and compared

If you go with your bf shopping enough this grocery bag, the recycle bags....

Do you like to have someone near by you, you both going to shopping in which store? Do you have a problem to push a cart in any whole food sale, or Costco. You cannot breath in the big isle those, every brightlight too big the ceiling light. There is no human that much.

Do you shopping for the cloth, or you will delicate to the food making process, everything its impatience. I look exactly impatience with a lot of this, you know. 

If you SUV yourself long enough the family outing, with these bags are

You prepare the aluminum mat?  Me and ex meditate, so anything on the floor, good to sit on, we already know for every material.

Your bf or I will have a routine myself in the Western World living standard.

You have a routine how to run a simple household yourself, washing, cleaning, other than watching the movie, taking the trash out, schedule the fridge to wash, the container to throw out, mop the floor, vaccum the carpet, or re-paint the walls?

This is funny, that is how they eat meat! The entire meat down, next by the french fries


ๅฐ็ฃๆ–ฐ่ž Watching Taiwan News

oh ~ There are so many this traffic incidents, everywhere. 

Japan has the tour things, self go or with the groups. They have the culture here for tourism a lot, to all this near by countries. A lot of people love to go on the road and eat everyday. 

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Babaji: Go



I have no words to describe.

Desk Top set-up


Fight Song


You are not going to school anymore


Making eggs


You supposed to get near some these girls, how far they sent themselves to jail. When people in jail, you just leave them. That is you all too perfect to do.

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿง With any guy, mostly are one of those Composure magazine, they are very open to talk about in America ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿง

Not really between any Sailor Moon girls in CAC. Not Wei, not Melinda, not Karen, not Adria nor Emily. Not those topics. But what I found out the guys in their life, or later....they always find those girls lean on them, meaning doing things in their own interest only. The guy is all like that.

Hailey is too giant, I am telling you, my ex bf saying that tooo many times, too heavy the skeleton bones. Very very heavy, and their head with those hair, just swing at the jaw, you imagine I say false. I didn't need to get near the guys, when this Flower Thousand Bones did what, so I have this Jan 2018. Right...just because I got on, I never knew why?

You give up the whole world in order to get everything done, with your life in it.  That is how you use a name right on the China Television. No matter what that is, other people did or what not. Just make it through, so I did a cooking channel. That is for every every every SMCH lectures or the groups meditation video, we did 2 hours a half a day, Weekend retreat. You don't have any background for saying spirituality, you go to abyss just like the TV told you. You will never be a disciple. 

In Asia, we know what those TV formats means, you don't? You imagine your are what? Twin goblin?!

You don't give your opinion to any guy. You can tell them a fact. Like, "Shane, I went to ...."

"Shane, oh you know I remember I saw....."

"Shane ~~~ you know what else being seen, its unbelievable!!"

"Shane, here is the photo, not the drawing."

"Shane, can you see per min and second?"

"oh ~Shane, its unbelievable what I was told, and i follow and I found out....."

You tell the guys the life you live in. Not staring at the computer at their own photo?! 

If talking about Flower Thousand Bones, there is SMCH / Tina/ Erin!!!

Because that 9 head terrible monster looking Tina original form is real + Monkey

Its a real legand / myth, written in the wiki forum. I talked about it before and its on the Loving the Silent Tear. Tina and Hank's position. (Swallow and Sky).  But here is the duplicated things, because its Tina and Erin best friend? ~ Erin is 2 years older than me. 

When I was talking to Shane before 4 months later, this one full month talking to Nicky, I don't remember all this to tell them? I was saying the exactly things like their video, so I tell them. "I think..." - you all having your own too perfect speech with Shane they are. I don't know how to do your talk. Then Nicky told me a certain thing, so I would tell Ola's parents?!  And I tell Wing. You keep thinking I cannot talk to Wing or Dean. Something wrong with their brain.

Friday like tonight will pass ....every single week. I do my own world things, you what? I generate what things in front of me, the money. 

Like Karen and Adria has more friends in life, meaning a literally seeing a real human guy or a girl in front of them, near by.

I don't think Ola has a friend, she just staring at the monitor PC with her eye glasses on. She is uptight to a very refine space. I don't know if she lives with her parents in Rochester, NY. But she will grow to greyish hair. She will never see Simon, she just wants to make her some points, almost like Fanny. 

Lucy's mother.

Want to see the past?!!! She and me are the same High School. My grandpa's proud !!!!


Want to know the connection, Ella?!

The burn car, the literally fire on one of her friends in the hospital during those time

yahoo.com.tw, after Sammy and me depart, I gone to UB


And whom is this guy? Exile got married to this Taiwan #1 Super model in Red Cliff movie (3 points of the Ancient Chinese History AD 206)

Getting married?! 

Me and Nicky, and they are on their own ~~~ this Korean or Taiwan too Super Model



Red Cliff (Tony Liang)

A Certain Beautiful Girl


Tony Liang



No one cares to ask me ....too many things !!!!

๐Ÿ’ To do things for Simon? You mean how to make him feel good, so many ways....you need 10 modeling guys at the scary craw floor mat outside your parents door. I tell them your polish parents, they care about this 10 guys lunch walking in, holding the arm. ๐Ÿ’

You will feel the mood better, all the money at different place, just never on you.

Never Wing, you know that.

Never Dean, you give up that, his facebook you used to check all the gf.

Never these girls inside the shorty, reading what? You alone the last stand.

I give Karen 10, you 10, this modeling guys walking inside the parents home for lunch. No there is some food stamp money, side by side, Rochester and West where Karen lives, north Hamber, Dean from....I am sure you don't feel it....how I make the whole things blast fun.

To the mlitary. They never have one commander, to say the commander-in-chef to squandle money. On Simon?

You will feel your mood better, a rural poor communism girl of the wavey hair, so 10 hold arms, you will feel money makes life so great, zilzzing hardon feeling, you know that, right?

The World Revolve around us, that Ola can only think of Simon - one straight line.

She is not the military strategic mind. Things like the milkyway, how to spiral things inside, she doesn't even know. Some girls probably coming back, they told me they know what she did. But she cannot stop keep thinking one way straight to Simon.

So good, the phone App, the Facebook, the news paper per day.

And your parents' home front footstep mat.

I describe all the details you feeling good every day hard on, hard on, get more gluey, hard on that one direction, you know Wing has no hope, anyway. I explain to you the Best! 

I didn't think to tell Shane about Erin. I was saying...what I see and I think that is what they did !!!

The Taipei here is my home, the property people at?

So Yesterday Ola is leashing this Simon, I say then  no more Wing, I sit on the top of this Vanderbelt next to this Anderson Cooper's mother. He is the CNN journalist, like the paparazzi? I didn't tell Shane about Erin or Tina, they are the best friend, saying....the True love over this Monkey thing. Erin married a guy name Lee, Asian guy got a green card in New Jersey, where 430 is at New Jersery, SMCH height True love on Flower Thousand Bone.

Just because Ola made her own conclusion on the law paper, she thinks she is too good on the darkness thinking power, or the negative term, she just ends in the hell never the Flower Thousand Bone. There is a Tina, and there is an Erin. They 2 fight, but technically they put away the Heroic Guy (I would ask him to sign when I was 6 years old) - I used to read that?! 

The children's literacy!!!

Simon knew about that, or just all of them are not clear, because Nicky just got here 4 weeks ago, Shane heard only the business, not Erin. You mean we literally sit down writing that per line lawsuit "people, location, map". I don't think they care about the map. I say that is the physical evidence, you have to be here take a photo, I sent the photo to the URL all the time, before.

It is on.

But They never asking me about the 50 Shades of Greys, or Simon's side lawsuit. Ola did that herself. Someone if they asking me the Flower Thousand Bone, there are a several monkey sign. Not just one Torus Tina. And since Ola didn't need to think about Wing, that can be cut, don't you think, agree?

When I was talking to Shane, I just random telling him one thing, BYE.

Now you gonna ask me Erin?! The Monkey ~~~ I already calling too many time, not just the police, here the public domain. It was in the past blogger. I say that, I think Eben heard that?! 

Too many things I told you, Shane they were not here, so I that time, was thinking that is funny, so I tell Shane, his own video what things I keep saying it? No one listen to me one word, so I go and tell him. I tell him, "I think that is what they do." - me and nick used to be talking about this funny thing....?!

I told Hailey's dad, Tina and her first bf, restaurant

Pang's name on the restaurant

I forget what else inside the taxi I pass it by. 

There is Irene - my hair cut place, nurse dressing. a nurse?

Irene's brother at Japan night market. The food vendor.

You want me to tell you, what I really think? 

I already told everyone check your kids where about!!!!! On the map !!!!!

What is Mark sing, the revolving around us? I didn't even think of it, I didn't listen the full song. I only pick that verse.

I just did that on the recording, I didn't even listen before?


The Westlife song? They put it in front of my Youtube Cpanel I know. That is one song I know. Mark has a some part of that I think its good. Not about Adam Hailey, I forget about all of them clown lifes never end. People doing very very bad things. The bad kids. I keep saying that.

Probably the Sky photo China might have. 

Its the rectangle of the 4 blocks. Literally on the sky? Yes !

What? How to go about?  No, I am not doing it. I called the police long time ago. The Day You Found Out !! I just had a surgery remember that time? So many things, I get rid of the things on the first day.

Probably more than that.

So many things … everyone does on purpose. 

Tina, Erin and SMCH

The breakfast place + (RNERIN next by Lab restaurant )

You are talking about the movie: Erin.

50 Shades of Grey, so I tell you about Erin. It’s right there big sign next by Lab. I told Erin, I told public ! Why? ! The Chinese myth and legand Tina and Erin are the collaboration to fight against a …I used to think the reborn lotus is important, his name is ๅ“ชๅ’ on the golden big rings under his feet. Tina’s true love, not Hank. It’s a story legand Chinese has (the monkey story, Flower Thousand Bones)


Tell Shane to invest? You mean 5 months ago, I say he was a leadership and behind I do that? No, I didn’t tell him the myth and legand. I say Hallo and goodbye! I forget this Erin and New York (city) Jewish bagel stuffs. On the road I told everyone check it!!!

No, I forget about them already. Adam & Hailey, or this 99s Vevo, No.


Right the same song. No, I forget. I forgot the business, I forget the Taiwan Youtuber.

Did I tell you this Nicky, its ....Jason that jailing video, its per word key-in, key in....and there is not exactly how you imagine to extract an answer?! 

oh ~ Hailey went to massage through the expensive Taxi, so Adam walks to Square restaurant, that is the Star bucks. She has bend to go in the taxi, tooooo tall, the head turn? I can see a lot of the details, its some distance, we just happened to be there. The guys will tell you, the giant women giggling, its forever impossible be together. She believes those lie, and she will use that Church, I used to think its 430, those short guys, the man does the criminal, and sent themselves to jail, 430. The scientology. 

But its the women, that is so so so so bad. There is an image. I try not to talk about. Every time I say something, no one hears it. That is real, so I told you that. A women using Mormom internal? That church was bad name on the man to wifes too many girls like her.

Its....What she gonna do?

She thinks her herself had a position, I told everyone the religious power doesn't have any degree anymore. Not right now. I think she tried to say she is a contact person or something.

She will use that Church behind to go and hurt everyone, because she thinks doing the ilegal things is possible, they all getting it away. Very bad. Its real. The guys and then me. Probably every parents. Its an image on my peripheral, that is so sickening. I told everyone that time, the first moment I got told.

You all don't go just killing the criminal every step the way, if you would have effort yourself just put down someone keep believing what inside the TV.

That is wrong

That is wrong.

Tell me, all sunshine, how you feeling without the changing location and without the jail

It’s you have the food, the water, respect, fake and the university help?

Did you know? ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž they also eat sandwitch with the paparazzi?  It’s without the demamd so without faith, you exist? Say it why…. The public citizen didn’t think of it? 

Tell me, how does this external factor will get Biden jailed, as our first witness together case?

Right? Isn’t that interesting to safeguard…the mortal, nothing to do with the classify? Any more, one is the toilet !! ็ฌ‘ๆŽ‰ๅคง็‰™ (ancient Chinese )

Tell me 1) Whom has the external factor cases and exile? 2) China needs to know I am not in their land doing business but, this Westlife doesn't look so assure, just by the apperance looking, not by hecking the telephone, so if I inflame the 2)....

What you think, good plan? The star ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž usually don't have any plan, or I would have copy and paste without thinking, I just thought about it this morning!!! But I telling everyone, I won't be doing anything myself, China probably guessing not really know. So yesterday I asking if Westlife got jailed, or those to glow full face and dump in the abyss, I am still thinking about it.

Yeah, the business.


Not that China consciously know of .... I guess me and Shane talked about 4 months ago. I told him. That is when Google has this Hook video going down to South, that time. There is a bank dealing those Melinda countries at this Amazing road, 2 actually. And I can tell you the third at. (In Taiwan, the same bank in Taiwan, Taipei these amazing road + I guess where Hailey depart Adam).

I have a certain attirbute when I am outside....in Taipei these road of the crossing every intersection, so here I can just tell the entire Asia the story.

The movie: The 50 Shae of Greys (Tim Cook's sister)

The background: I was walking this 4 blocks, from my side of the new red breakfast place next by the Wing, (the police car drive that car road right to through station in the very early morning. Seriously.

Its...the pedastian walkway, I am right in front of it. Its a Metro stop, you know? (diagonal to Dr. Gabrile's face) the full troublesome black blocks of building, I say that along the street side are the wedding place? From here, the next stop is called the Daan Metro Station, next Daan Forest Park Station

The Red line map


                      Daan Forest Park,   Daan,     Wing (Police station ไฟก็พฉๅฎ‰ๅ’Œ็ซ™)


The 4 blocks its from I was walking a lot, remember that period of year, to lose weight since Eben Pagan in 2021. Its the 4 blocks back and forth, and I told everyone there is the same identical breakfast place, but one without the Google Review, I saying that? (so that is the Square if without driving, must use the Metro)

Yeah, Adam and Hailey depart, she goes to massage, I had photo. These entire sheet of the front "block" of apartment, they originally saying were....That is too long ago.

Without thinking that, this Station across is the Kid's museum. If you going around the 4 block back, before the bank will be reached, its also the kid's I guess the toddler's store. This breakfast place probably always been there, and next by between the Metro and them, its this exactly the same bank called ่ฏๅ—้Š€่กŒ

You cannot miss the eye sight. Do you know where Irene lives? I walking out, rise up my head, the second floor logo (5 traffic liane across) - Day Care. I told you?! No....I didn't tell anyone.

The Second Location. Near this Ice Skating rink (the concert place that Westlife didn't go to, they went to the second capital), its a vocational school, I went to the eating place (by command of course), I feeling vomit. Its very expensive I will tell you never eating out myself, not there?! But that is where that Sport Vocational school walking indoor, from their side of the door toward this Family Mart, passing the sports ware store (I was looking for the new clothes before sitting it down to eat), that coffee, the Western food.

Correct, that seat place, I feeling vomiting, and I saw them walking by. Seriously. 

The Third location, you know the Red Line Y. No, not the end of the underground, up. I used to be taken the bus, and everyone will tell you that is the stupid methods. It is. My mother later took me to the green line if we use this Commando - Taipei Mayor's great grandpa Metro Stop, to change to the green line, its effortless, you don't need to walk the entire Y red line to reach the end....

Anyway, I took the bus. That bus how to get there? I got to SMCH the current Taipei Station the biggest flyer everyone won't be seeing it, its pass the Taipei Station. I walk to get there, from the main Taipei Station to wait the variation of the bus, about 1 stop. Here you have the store. And here might be, where Wallace's brother would have known their police station branch. 

They have a Chinese medicine doctor office ( I say the Ep 01 Flower Thousand Bone), behind that, that is 3 parts way.

Air, Land, Sea (with that Ice Skating boss' his business name right on the Top of the building that trademark or trade logo word), Where is the police station branch, I walk pass by already.

Is that a long walk? Yeah, but I don't know anything about here. I took the taxi, when I saw that logo, I don't dare to keep walking anymore, that is 3 parts way. I draw that on the Pinterest, I ....ๆบœๅˆฐ Taipei station the next did things? That is the exactly what I did. On the Pinterest that photo.

That is walking by the?

The police Station I say Wallace's brother, for some reason that name ไธญๆญฃ right? The branch, not the First branch.


Well, you know how this COVID 19 raging war all kinds of the buinsess, other than the bubble tea near us, its the pharmacy store all over the place including that coming back 4 block to the bank road, it was raining one day, the birds feather. (The DNA place). 

These pharmacy all have a name.

Even Hank lives at, this bus to go to Hank's house? I check the bus route, very very very far away. Its something about my uncle (square's uncle's name) - the hospital. 

I was checking the geography. I am telling you.....※※※ I try to tell a lot of people a lot of things.

Movie: U.N.C.L.E

I try to understand they do that on purpose to me.

So I found out this store what they did. They set up the pharmacy store and then gone?! They acquire the data to go somewhere else !!!! That is not it. Because right next by this store, its this UB too proud to be the human, "The Day You Found Out" (Extraoridnary You) Hardware store fixing my air-conidtioning. They looking for a chef, for the entire work force of the labor guys, its on the second generation boys used to be. One of them might have the kid, but no one cook. They use to have the mother cooking for the entire work force.

What happened? My air-con broke, they coming up, I told them about there is a TV drama, just in the chat: Something English its at zero, but the korean literacy its at 100. But I didn't watch the TV from the ep01, that day they come, I just say to myself, "Just in case", how I make them feel?

I went to see the first episode. That is not what I mean, its their story!!!!!

I scream, never show up down there, at all, other than my tooth hurt for ibruprofan.

That is everything Shane knows?

Correct, 5 months ago, then I told Nicky laterly, last week or 2 weeks ago. He says he was in the jailed I guess, someone I told Shane to go and save him?







I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I put your motivation down there. 

What are all these scene, that sit and await the humanity. I would get sad too, MB God and Zawanna. That is a beautiful video. 

Next 10 years

I link Physics on the Top


Imagine....The Honor Class or the Program the shorty, if their brain were not dead for those reason, not even CAC one of those, "My Love" Too Eager, not ego-ccentric.... For the UB Honor them, where they should have thought about one patent, one law, one formula. Don't they capitalize the idea I had an Organic Chemistry website? Too grand too big of the dreams I am telling you, per book before everyone....


You know this Fatima, I have a feeling she does something for a while, everything is useless, she quits !!! Really?! She at least has some orientation of life to gear towards Eben.

But then, what if those girls just too short in belief, and eyesight, each of them these the same girls opening a textbook, with or without Wing, and you are the only Taller girl like Joann, if only you met each other high tech frames.

You see....they not necessary has to "always believe the love", and what, the hay floor mat "X Man" Silverquick? I think proven to your parents are so highly highly highly driven, a man like Simon must show up. You don't believe that is how Truth the reality, becasue Wing might thought like me, well he rejected you anyway, you crying to the heart content. Its another way...of the new chapter next 12 months, you stood tall, everyone is in wheel chair on a book, because literally they found more attention on their face to that flip of the textbook, you keep standing on the door.

You know how to draw that, because when they telling me that is the real attention inside that book, and yours on high tech, tell me: You willing to draw, to make Dean understood, he is the type of the guy only finds faults to reports, don't you agree?

You see, next 10 years, the hair will grey, how much no parents complaining the boys...they used to be.

That in next 10 years, your every greeting to SImon will be,

"Its MD psychiatry to the sick person like you Torus make s zodiac of the 12 months minus 1, and 2 makes a tangle, isn't that hahaha?"

You parents pay 100 people to calling them both, saying 100 times those words, with their money pocket, you dare anyway....They feeling it. 


Its just not the door Simon stood. 10 years 100 calls, just the animal might calling every day or the sky. How to make things sound psycho. "Today the sky calls me never end, I am telling you."

The hands, the feet, the head has to be shaken so bad, no one hear, shi.....the head skull so in pain, the period will come every month. The calculative move to the next 10 years, how come this guy never show up the footstep, you know the mat, made of the scary craw hay reminding me...the Harry Potter inside the Howie's castle. Feeling it

ha ha....

Your parents didn't know that proven vola so important, "But hey!!!"

"Wing, hey ~~~!!!"

A rural communisms poor girl like you doing magic never stop, the potion in love, you believing in it, right? 10 years will pass of the previous 10 years already....the movie content of the movie original, or the movie position itself. I guess every terms of the original file location you wonder that law you file...its here the original that says, Laws made

I say Taiwan 1) Frozen 2) or the murder.....Simon?

People cannot get it, they will need it to make it disappear, that is not murdering? Then what is that?  Inside your chest, or the stomach, has really really a physical sensation never stop wavey, don't you agree?

Never stop tremble how far, how deep the abyss TV made you think positive anyway?

You believe that, don't you? Agree?

See Wing, you should find 100 people calling her parents alone, "You don't think to take her to see psychatry? Worth to proven to the parents so needed a guy like Simon into this."

Imagine 100 people

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

"You don't think to take her to see the psychatriy mind stupidity or fantasy to grand or the hospital general?"

But if you doing that, she will think she is too popular, so you need a plan. How to make the psycho screaming never stop, and hold on tight. Its not true, of course.

๐Ÿง So Wing, today, Vandebelt will glue my photo and all this sheet. ๐Ÿง

Some people have a particular reason to believe if you return back to Hong Kong your only survived means its the underground fighting, you told Ola clear today? Its switch the photo today?! She seems to be very fond to leash on Simon, when I say, this morning a rural girl and a sheet, and he was looking everywhere else other than the rural poor communism girl, sad, permissive, negative thought all the time, like Nick's big sister from Bell.

You still all together with this person having a hope you or whom entering Asia, to make it clear?

Today is the day, or Flower Thousand Bone (2015) someone if telling the Truth, she will becoming where? The last seat of the MD, the last seat of this competition? The TV says it all?

Your hope is gone, Wing, you believe? Today Vanderbelt Campus wall

Her hope you will always be underground fighting in HK No matter what, right? Hive?

Her hope to Flower Thousand Bone that entire plot she told Simon she is?!!! Gone.

So, she must hold on tigher on whom the choice anyway? One Friday, makes so much difference anyway, one year its only 52 weeks time try-out this, we play we game, no game no play. Right?

You know the first derive I calculate ....how to glowing on my face?! The first sheet.

In China along, not Asia along, might be download 1 million time at least, how much population that is in China. You don't know why, I know why. Because that is why you go to the complementary school, this sheet they don't give you. I think the middle school, they teach the math like I show you, and in high school they teach you the physics on the second year of the high school. No one has this sheet. Not even me.

I was playing the volleyball, I never gone to do that, that was for a memorization not the actual test. But the people need that sheet. How much population China is? There is a billion people in China?  Well, from 7th grade to 12 grades, you imagine there is no human. They need that sheet. I am telling you.

Physics, why any ABC will never be accepted here, Wing, can you answer? Why no one accept you no crowd here?

Explain to me, imagine I am working on this table, so ugly Dr. Bing shen cannot tell you a story, right? Remember our lab?

Westlife - Angel's Wing


If everyday til the end of your life, just belieiving it the First Lady School to those hive looking human without IQ Hailey, this quick financial reason on their textbook....to what offer the China in itself its the standard derivative.... No schooling background high school drop out on Green.  Isn't that hailey look greater bimbo on food dreaming that each more meaty, sound juicing on lips to mouthful drank some bubbling internal, wou ~~~ that is Wolf. Than dog would be.....howie...right? The fat to the giant foot, you wonder the tall girl having how big giant foot anyway...haha...don't feel the worth, of course, none. 

Look, there is a 37 here, 2015.


To make (3) points, it require (1) and (2) to becoming the end results of (3)

Westlife - the comet, Shadow


I need a paper, we do nothing but all that. Not on ipad. But you got the idea.

I cannot really teach or else I gonna lost these 194 just remember the Gravity !! 

A Friday - all festivity happening the Morning Friday America

All seems to be busy, the morning commodity time.



You know class 10 English would be = Engineering a method

How to Apple 2015

They remember what that was....Toby.



Want me to draw it?

I tell you how a lot of people plan life ahead of their time, must be or else lose!

The win and lose.

So ...it was like Robbin William dead in 2014, everyone knows that. He was dead. The Good Will Hunter !!! See, so much connection out of this.

Vola !!!

When Tony screw it up, he and Carla moves to Niagara Falls.

Nick worried all the time. His office is next by me. There is one Black coal color move right in front of us. Later when they no more there. Tony decide to move very near Seveus. Interesting, his room has nothing but the porn or this very expensive clothing. His father's computer or the messy desk just all those nothing at all.

The gold crush in 2008. Or something about ...right AGI. You saying a lot of the circulation of what things in this piece of paper from the parents. Its your personal line loan credit, to safe Tony's sport car. I remember the amount. Carla almost declare the bankruptcy.

You need a seal or the signature, in Flower Thousand Bone. How they took, or whom's face took the giant seal. You know what I mean?! China would be that stupid !! Taiwan is no gun allow here at all.  I think Hailey's dad their entire house disappear, but the perfect couple has the house, you wonder the parents lives on the street, I bet....that is how the church does the business at all. No wonder human save each other its the karma share

Love Actually, right Sofie?  I think its sofia. 


She looks like Justin's first known gf? That older lady. Is that next to the green Mask, the bank table. Ocean has a bank scene too. Ms Congenality has the rubbery 2, too.

The Mask dance with Tina | The Mask


cannot be

Justin didn't married her, she married to a priest' daughter name Mary 7 Heaven. The house guy. 

Let me tell you a story about....this Hank's neck of this one key, his house. Not anything else.

During the Frozen time it was 2014. 

You all see this Lewis Walsh let's say with the "Make-up" lady, my mother.  = me and my mother (The Ancient Chinese Drama, because you all cannot understand that, so it is not relevant). They give you a sense how to run and manage a household. A home, a house. So Hank intend to do that. They already started in 2007. That is "The Youngest Princess". I am talking about the real house, the real property. You have to go through the mortgage company...That is what Director were helping Hank to do.

Yeah, when I was in my room. Hank and Tina has a spare room in Trump's Towel, no this has nothing to do with Trump. Of course. I am talking about one apartment, I was having a guest room to take care of the Aria. That was 2013. And Hank has this tendency running around the rent or the house, or the mortgage or the calculation of settlement, it was one from NYC to California. He already sold it. He got so many problem, so of course he has spent more money to fix all of that.....and caught by a fire.

You never imagine where you keep all that stuffs I am telling you.

A lot of this thing was done before you all knowing it....there is a Hank's property and it was sold by the Indian. I am telling you so many problems of this.

You know the Lewis structure how to draw that in the textbook, or that the most stable of the methane has to be CH4. Tetrahedral. But the things, in this entire UB human crowd, the simplest mind of all of you its to live in the rental agreement til when? So no one has that issue like my ex nick were the TD bank, they handle all that. He done that more than 40 years. You know how those personal loan credit. Mimmo learn, not Tony will ever learn. They don't have a correct marriage. Connie manage a lot of that.

You know what this mortgage and lending to what people's idea to this one Hank's house behind was a water ditch, the TV means the abyss... He sold it last year, we just happened to talk about it, Gone. There is no way, you all show up there, seriously.  He does what I don't know, but I never got to anywhere else property. He remembers that.

No, he done more than once of ....smaller things. He remembers all those details, because Director was not there anymore. And I have a VS slant house roof. I run away to Silicon Valley to live in the hotel, how can I be in anywhere near Hank or Tina? There is nothing at all. Gone. It ends up this Sailor Moon the crystal skull, tell me why anyone will go there anyway, for saying the value?! But like I said in UB itself, among these some other guys, maybe in the Honor Program, not necessary to the UB honor class. Some just didn't participate this until the last min, they will tell you how that goes with the real life going, to get the life experience married, or with the parents, or with the parent's house, or the neighborhood, similar to Karen intended and want. 

To people like Hank, he has to find the contractor, in face -- the Watermarket first janitor was Mark. I get rid of him. It was someone else I find. Hank has this new way on the website finding "testimony" fence behind website similar to the yellow book. But its paid I think. He is the new generation doesn't require to get an invoice, but just reading the internet. 

Don't you want to see this whole thing again?

You see every piece of paper or the keys, it will not be in China

Because the land is not their........you cannot exchange the money outside I think. The currency. Micky's husband and the household live in Japan. That is democracy world. None of you know any of this people, for saying why that piece of the property idea so interesting. 

With a roof, that is VS says.

You don't believe me what I say

OU language transcription

"Huli" not hulahop, Successful

other page

'Oro" loveliness

"Muo" positvie

"Kuru" carefree

"Igy" beauty

"Konu" well-wishing


Kory, this one with s, okay? 

"Kory" with S is graceful region, that's why you cannot read "korys" because its differetn then. But a lot of regions I pass by have the attributes that I cannot write down, cannot translate

Write it down - its at.....

Wonderful, You are wonderful. foku f-o with the hat-K-U'

To write, or writing

X don't have. I haven't found anything in X yet, because I also have to remember in English in order to compare.

Don't you think? 

See morgage

Mountain fog, foggy the mist, yeah funny yeah? 

Yeah means grandpa, mist means Keanu in Hawaii.

might (spiritual power)   pee all with the hat

Some more, my God (Yes Master)

Okay okay I try I try

I'll read fast okay

Thank you Master

The word for "No" like when you ask me something. I can answer yes or no

No ru   r-u

for now ox

nice like being nice T-ๆƒก

noble n o with the hat

for nature O-S Os"

It must be one of those Jesus wildness 40 days on retreat, must be too far away.

number SOF O with hat

Sofie I guess....who is Sofie, next by Helen ! No...try Jackie, no Vicky.

Sorry, Meghan Markle granny, was dead. Howie's moving castle.

Don't you agree?

I think Keanu got rubbery inside his house were 2014. Same is Simon's house, they got the rubbery. Simon in 2021 I think.

Really. It was on the news. Ask them. In the Hollywood. How can you ru = enter = ๅ…ฅ

Like the physic formulat equation

E= hv = c/ ๅ…ฅ

c = the speed of light

h = constant

Then what is c or ๅ…ฅ

Its one of those vibration or frequency I guess....one is upside down of Time. Like Time after Time.

Its pink or red

2006 or 2007? Like Twilight movie, maybe this Taiwan property I guess.


You have every painting with Zawanna except...I don't have time I guess. 

The life force were already dead 20 years ago, each day....every hour.

The people like you, always die before the university this too grand Big Classroom, none of you will accord to each other, so none of you have any friend to even saying how one person remain, between that :

You and your parents

You and your high school past on the first semester UB

You and everything against you

And you will aging just like I say, the personality or the height this short people like you, dreaming of this hugging from another person and be trusted, not one stable guy will ever be with you, forever.

So that linger was long time ago dead

I just tell you the Horror of a real name or the real celestial I do what I want.....like I say, you all intend and will die before your parents, if they live on and on 80 years old. Remember the foot chain iron following each other. Every so year that Earth court room await, at least that was genuine one hour the court room having you sitting in those chair 120 years. You didn't know one hour without the hell fire, suffering, it was the court Earth was such a genuine person of all your mouthful say. Isn't it?

The reason the American military won't tell you over this 10 years...if were 1 hour 1 week per 52 weeks, you doing nothing but derived one chart of this - Ub Robotic (Big Hero 6)

In 10 years, I impressive "Myself" with only just all of this sheet from 

52x 10 = 520 sheet, that is all I can do for 10 years. That is one hour per week. It can 1000 sheet, for 4 hours a week x 52 weeks x 10 = 2080 sheet.

For one UB Robotic (Big Hero 6, the only movie I will tell you the only method doing that )

I = I am becoming today....I will tell you what it means as the Honorable Superior. The American Military does have this school scale K1 to K12 from Taiwan. They know exactly what Twilight means.

tw = Taiwan.

Like yahoo.com.tw

But see, I don't have the debts. 

And I am the honorable superior.
Myself.  How can I possibly to get this one thing wrong over one Flower Thousand Bone. Because....American didn't need to care my opinion.


I will ask my price demanded.

4 limb off

All the facebook friends fucking in front of them with the porn sound

To this Big Corperation dlelivery mehotds until each of your nation promises and eternity nothing but prosecute this people

Serve as the rest of the Ub honor class warning,

6+1, India (2), HK, Poland, Ukraine. Any paper of that Judge didn't get rid of them this 40 years saying on the first day, Jonathon too, you take Tamang's point isn't it, Mexico.

Your every friends that got separate by your mouthful jobs

Every single day of your parents and Facebook friend will rotate this 365 days wipe your without 4 limbs

This nick 124

Until this horror be done.

Every country of yours will not be recieving every help

All tapes will be reocrds served the only promise to the Lords Life after Life

You contempt my per word, you took the wrong side.



10 years gone ....25 years gone, I know why Pang and ๅฐ้พ TV, to all this MD 6+1 meeting Md 4+2, one more at Reno Dr. Steven Hairfield, but he was the Ph.D already.

Coming back to why this video is being used of such ้–ƒ้›ป้œน้‚่ปŠ the Formula One, or like Keanu Reeves photo stream in 2014. One of this reason of the car to any autopilot, sorry, AI right now are a trending things that heard, its that the detect traffic system of those signal, if one day becoming this public City Planning such as Los Angeles 12 years go I have heard, or witness 10 years ago from the downtown Los Angeles AGT place, outside the audition grand hotel that exit parking lot coming to exit the city....

All this concrete design road other than those the water pipe in Buffalo NY required the City budget funding, because the freezing temperature beneath the surface road, you know why that is a concrete, its a dry substance of the made.....semi-fluid, not just the baseball paint on the baseball public park field in Irvine.

In the sense of California, they will never see the snowing or the freezing pipe of the water pipe so will it never have a city budget why that is relevent to the main street UB South campus before the Medical Book store, next by this Tops Plaza or whichever this Papa John P Pizza place, the Gulf Course in JC Chasez Always musical video. This road are the bus terminal coming out of the city bus from the South I guess all around. 

The very reason of the concrete pre-made material to burry undernearth has to be the winter budget per annual fix the road over this big giant crack of all kinds in saying the Buffalo NY is all of the business of the local transportation business. 

The East to West.

Coming to this road of the curve, there is a vertical line, but on the curved concrete if not the sand in those race car "outside the line", every field, they will tell you, why there is a little bit slanted of the entire surface of the middle ground such as Australian Open.

Don’t believe?

My IPad right side this .... vertical broke a bar. About 1.5 inche, right........= length. (Vertcial)

My left shoulder this point so hurting.