Lawsuit 732: As the honorable superior upon this Open Galaxy I will put some decree over ET Reptilian Military or Grey's Wise Console in their Mastership any apprenticeship or students

Date: August 17th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: If the TV or the movie be air through the classified materials ...because not public know for sure its ET or the human efforts in the public broadcasting station.

You as the Earthly, I will tell you what some of your quality you can capitalize you are better than their kids, or that is just Reptilian they have the kids. 

To the new generation its probably all like their kids, I will say. Its your driven emotional games are so so so so so so heighten up to a million scale, they will be 10 millions. Meaning if someone getting near in your life, let's say you are so capable like me to retain was a facebook it used to be, you literally go and staring at those guys, and never will be  = me, closing that entire things and forgotten the years have pass. The ET one day tell me....

At the monitor right now. 

None of you will do that as me, as the Reptilian or the Greys are getting a lot more information I daily input, and they have GIANT their personnel looking like them count, per computer every day doing nothing but the data records or the surveillance. WE DON'T HAVE.

It might be I seeing more ET in front of my face than the literal the human in the last 20 years.

A lot of this education its saying being real, and being logic, and being capable to process your brain. And in the spiritual world, it will mean God's will to be done, not the selfish act every way do. To the boys or the girls mean the same.

I have this assignment you can get your finger small tiny and patience be cared to plug to one day serving that tea. Your temperament. To those if you will be the jobs at 400 millions dollar up, no. You need the meditation a lot more capable, you just pretend you have no limbs for now, only just your mouth and the brain how to operate, a very very mechanical, sustain yourself internal turmoil to against the high tech in the future, and calm down at your business negotiation for every New Generation if they gonna face immediately in how many years down the road.

To those not capable to deliver 10,000 dollar a year job, or renting forever, you can start a correct shaking things inside the water, how you keep your kitchen floor wet on the ground, you saying your patience last. You got no one inside your life around to care one responsibility. You can calibrate that, you don't need to keep insist you are doing that for the temperament reason.

The parsley

The Italian parsley

The cilantro

You can take a practice in that sink fill up the water and how you shaking its inside your body so much water on your clothing, at your face, or too heavy to your body weight.

Sorry, there are the military reptilian, a reptilian looking for a wife, his kitchen floor its all wet down with this uniform. Almost every their year right now, those if they asking for a wife, its very steady their temperament, they are. Planting a tree will never...nag me a too obligate a job, with a phone Tina Jojo called....I hate that. 


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