Lawsuit 743: My UB classmate issues and my sibling if they returning over the comic books issue

Date: Sep 1st, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: There is a White Caucasian pair landing while I return to Taiwan my home place 

Background: I don't do Pang's flying routes back to Taiwan or having the family sit down with the grandmom or grandpa either side of the reunion eat out. I lost all the City life to retrieve to the meditation after the UB schooling.

This year is Hunger Game and Catching Fire (at England King Charles III in our Era frame of the 21th century meaning the year 2000 on; 20th century will starting when Tesla given a journalist speech on 1900 forward to 1999 Dec 31th). The circumstance below that has happened and with all the combine lawsuit from them + one person forfeit. He is probably knowing he is hurting everyone else or his parents found out. There is a Eric in the UB honor class.

If I am not here, you or your parents will feel the lost of the light too. How come I never knew that myself?

No, that is not what I told any of them the boyband? You mean....any of them?

You want to ...having your age line to - for the rest of your life, you will never be with another guy in dating service anymore.

Have you ever thought when your eye close the moment....what is the next second?

Remember this Hailey, I say her eye sight like that Elizabeth like Tina Jojo?!

If you want to get that life...why don't you just say it out loud, everyone bothers you.

I want to tell you the end result of this lawsuit, because its to do with the people's life and death and her father is a MD or her father-in-law is the plastic surgeon. That is two people's life, her life and her unborn baby's life - she has a certain belief being testify this Earth hour time, or the outside or any other life including the ghosty life realm. She is a Mormon and she wish not to keep growing tall anymore 181 cm, that is 1 cm taller than Keanu Reeves on the IMDB one of those wiki profile says. + he current TV or real husband of that working relationship over her Youtube channel. Someone told me she and him going to China = this 海葵颱風 in the middle of the 2 typhoon latitude right on our television. There are probably the claim party of from Ireland that side someone came in over one of the lawsuit other than this type of the lawsuit. They were supposed to be on the Cherry drop from the Top, everyone got ambush never ends, and so....they just happened to witness this I saying account, the brand new typhoon under their eyes.

To this part of the court, I wish to cite Eben Pagan's lawsuit to when he begins his career probably as early as when he took a stage name or when he puts Eben Pagan this catchy eyes words at the very beginning of year 2001, and later he becoming today known as the Eben Pagan. He has the business in the dating business or that is where he made his fortune by selling books.

The high school religious nature of the witch swallow something and got possessed, or reprocessed. My mother happened with that when my father's case or the situation got very worsen, she has no other door to go, so she went with her mother to this temple and swallow something. Upon I got limited in Taiwan over this 12th grade, something happened, and she is really freaking me out, walking back and forth outside the door. That time I have no idea what to do.  I don't remember how she gets back to the house inside, but she was in her room, I strangle her stomach, she went to vomit on the other side of the bed. Not hit, from behind strangle toward me and her (I hold her from behind) - my father has been a very strangle situation for all of us, really. To her, she is a handicap. I don't really remember how she gets back to the house or just by lucky she did come in the room. This thing happened in 2015 on that side of the entry of the phone conversation I have to call the Taipei Center alone, because I got no help. Never gonna be Pang, nor Tina. That will be my first time calling the international phone line to...this 1-866, that is about 15 years I never l ve in a country that is so remote, so you might have a profile on Pinterest. 

I think Hailey using that very same Pinterest Profile, I told her dad. My left eye got hurting if I listening to that music and reading that Pinterest. She is generating her own Ella Enchanted for a baby, or something in between is a real baby or not real. There is a speculation if without, at least not that kind of the ending results to this lawsuit claim, and I am the one claiming that.

My father might be a handicap too 1) color blind 2) like Annca, rage. No body gonna believe that, but I put on the profile just in case. I have no idea all of this handicap where they gone to. Its when she get back in the house, she was in that state of the being repossess. I personally I will tell you, I never touch those elevator to go anywhere other than going to the school, or the music store near the Taipei Station to pretend I dress up and walking there and back - no, not on any date, just I got nervous when I was growing it up. No make-up, a strange pale blonde starting from the front. I will tell you when I was young, I do not know how one thing how to walking out of the house other than going to the school when I was in Taiwan - that time was bad. It probably didn't help me anything better if for saying they are all handicap, and I was in the very best or the worse situation how to generate the career or the money many years before 2021. The physical strain and the career strain or something in the air makes me strain, and including 2019 I told Dr. T or emailing him over this Bermuda Triangle line, in all the conjunction of all events, a lot of things pulling on me or neck my air cannot breath every details later becoming part of all this lawsuit. By my brain I can tell you that. 

To this end I probably use that Eben claim of there is a population is not the believer of the Idol God in the Bible claim, not those psychi human form. The Chinese or Taiwan the folk legand inside those TV as the real gods above, or the more you saying the divine traveler. I found outside the world, there is nothing but the business or the Corperation sleek and the Central similar to our governmental idea. 

No, not my personal gone where, those seeing, no. I probably will say its fearful and I cannot change any of that, for me to believe anything else gonna change my eyesight this far just about anything present in front my eyes, I will really tell you that or relate that later the case anything to do with that. People lives in the fear of not achieving in this real life without the IQ or they do on purpose in their younger year against their parents, so they hit their head somewhere all included, impaired or the CAT scan results.

Maybe you should just go and save the human life first, because with the scenario of my own UB classmate 60 facebook people + their neighborhood community 600 people, + my entire family inside blood line are all the handicap, meaning conditioned might with the ability or reading the comic book what not - the rest of the around relative, unless its the wife conditioned, the rest are the too perfect normal, they never cared about that stuffs, I one person can just sorting these files myself. I can get through it.

MB God form is not the same as the MB human form (still part of the celestial)

Mahavatar Babaji God that realm cannot be descent other than the consciousness same as the Zawanna God form inside the lamp, not the TV that image, its my glasses got from 7-11, its symmetry on the dark cloud above, you might have an image generate on the police side if they have. Bad. Anyway, that entire world is blackness with a break-in opening such as the BTX ending, so I am down. I am also down at this Music, Commander-in-Chef til probably another a couple of week if MB God does not keep splash this magnetic or the wave right at me with Nicky, or Shane with Mark, if they physical or personally felt it. 

I am not running anything particular on purpose for the Hunger Game or the Catching Fire including SMCH year with 馬英九 Taiwan President and my father and the very rich known man the nominiee himself the president in 1950 year. I need to attend my own family line things, since this 2014-2020, I done more than enough and 2021.

However, I did implant something for the kids to grown up.

The current event on this One year calendar year (they probably don't know that saying in the Chinese or in English) + the rudimentary subjects. You can find here. That is as much as I can do. Nothing too extra, for my physical condition, this is very very bad, I cannot wave myself 4 limbs in the space after COVID 19, my weight was 69.15, now back up 69.65kg.

Its overweight, but its I regulate that, not really eating the real meat or the substance food other than the pudding or the ice cream with a lot of the water down, or a piece of the chocolate. Not currently. My weight are stuck in between the Taiwan and the American identification number. I am stuck in between. Its on the OU language year as well 569 and 570; I am aware of the Leonardo Da Vinci has those number too. Long time ago when I process that notebook 2015. Be aware the evolution year such as 107, or 1107. The choice you making. (or 1007) - that notebook number does not exceeding a range limit upper. 

And this part of the lawsuit will be a small font over this idol God if not the Bible claim, its one of those TV inside. No. Just doing the correct Capitalism with the lawful idea in the modern time since the revolution time 18th century and the scientific methods processing the washing procedure since 16th the steam engine or on our planet starting the Newtown's law (15th - 16th century), many people don't do lawful so they gone to the jail themselves. That will be the moral debates, but...even that astral or the traveling god, there is nothing like if you being possessed or repossessed saying.

Meaning the correct scientific attitude and the methods, you have a hypothesis and the experimental control and the experimenting group compare to the end result of the conclusion.

Its hypothesis - > a theory - > a dogma -> the eternal truth

Like the sun color is yellow (pale) or very orange red in close to where the darkness all around, its not the camera light on the top from Heaven in the entire Cosmo Dark matter idea.I probably will sound like in the end at this world, its the IQ problem I keep saying it right. You can think but you cannot manually generate an experimental at a home basement and be possess or repossessed. I don't think Hailey side that Adam look anything to know, "Anything but THAT." - he is inside these key-in modern trend of the IT computer and the Chinese language learning how to marching in China. A business idea or with the Church full of the human faces that his height or his confident his dad or his entire sibling supposes to look normal. He is not normal he knows that, but not that kind of the abnormal, I would say. 

Possessed or being repossessed. 

The situation of all of the main stream media I can see and with the facebook the leadership in the black format such as Tamang in the gun possession on the facebook 2010 one of those year I called Dr. Steven Hairfield

The Indian black (its the wheat black) Khan Academy from Harvard (the entire (Youtube interface is black), I erase my organic chemistry website - I was a tutor in UB that time, 4 years. 2 years in the undergraduate and the 2 years in the graduate school.

The England Indian prime minister (current) - Hank's BTX, that prime minister before this was a women white. They know each other from the past, when BTX was small. Similar to the recent seen all those otter on the television. That is a bio AI. 

The Google CEO Indian (current) - the rainbow bridge color on his facebook photo, that is I going through between Canada coming it back to UB near where I live from my ex bf in Canada. All the time.

The UB president current (my school)

Recently this Nicky or Westlife has this Good Morning America, 2 blacks with those horror to tell me a story of that Nicky and Nick (with Grace) over this money idea. She won a lotto, but got split half to that husband, 7 millions dollars each.

When I seeing all that, there is nothing right. I feel to staying more close at my own home. 

1) My physical condition got hurt 

2) My entire family crisis primary home + every other relative near by all around on the television. Running in and out of the border line. I don't, but they might.

3) UB they are as I describe them in the blogger links post I wrote them yesterday.

4) One white Caucasian from a church probably trying to delivery other sentient being's life, if not their own personal life at the stake, whichever those saying to me on the vision or being real, someone could be that literally going in the basement one day owning a home, and she being possess or repossess because its a freedom in Ameirca, you just swallow something and both side family were a doctor nature. 

I probably have every reason I wish to stay more down than this....they doing all that. (My Youtube channel is muted at the current and I have no idea). And with my Pinterest account just gone. They have some other issue I told them the star on the tour. Its the Dr. Pepper in the maroon red from Kentucky those time (Ella Enchanted beginning) - It might something Adam Levine - they used to flood my facebook with his body guard. Maroon 5. At least all my facebook have seen that. They didn't know that was 60-600 people alone in the UB community + everything else I collect without the Ella Enchanted in SMCH groups. 

Its the Love of the Century with the Toronto Center, and my ex bf used to have a habit to just random click on his Master's photo to make 1000 friends. He was only the 10th grade, he keep saying it with the handicap too. They are all opening the mouth to talk human I can tell you that. I already erased my facebook that time too before 2014. Before Simon AGT, American Got Talent for my bio invention. I would have that kind of the brain to deliver a TYG Google partner Simon's job. Imagined....

Over this MB human form - to how the entire world having the Indian color.

I think he is the real throne, a real and literally a physical throne. He can literally goes back to the celestial those beautiful world. No, not the MB God form. He the human form is trespassing both world. I think that is what I was told. I can relate that account to you. 

Its the religious nature. There is a real spirituality throne. He Mahavatar Babaji human form is the throne all over the Cosmo or the university. He is the law professor at least, not sure how many Ph.D included. I state that requirement in the Pinterest already. 

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