Lawsuit 735: Getting near on the personal level things (All System Domino seeing that indicator included)

Date: August 19th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: When the junction in life, in time, in space, in the job occupation and on the money

Background: I have been writing all this how the movie decoding sequence or the picture side by side to what I see, what I feel so. Less than decree of my personal life, such as

1) The personal family envrionment all around here.

2) The job occupation I make myself into (This movie or the lawsuit or the Youtube Channel / military)

To break down the 2 real things in life, I have a mother living with me. This is where my family home with the neigbhorhood, that has the neighbors, we live here a long time, or since I come back for a long time. None of those are the blogger data, but saying the interaction behind, its between me and my mother. I never put that up in the front why any romance at those 7 years ago, I never even think I will ever have one life anymore other than this what is in front of me, I cannot die since 2014 and taking care things = building up a communication with my mother. I haven't seen her in 25 years on. Since the middle school on because my school staying in the school or much later on. We have the 3 kids in my family, and my brother is the youngest.

In my high school, I join the volleyball team, and I got up like 4 oclock in the morning to study.  Later I come to America. A lot of this personal details I never give on the court room how to decode that movie process, I believe, that is not really everyone else in life, they keep in contact with the social networks to those their professional people invovled.

I have no profession. I just got home since this entire BTX situation (Japan 90s animation), I left America, or the situation left me and Hank (my sister ex husband ) to both ending back in Taiwan. We were having this one Tina Jojo situation never stop. 

Along this time, I put in my lawsuit this long stream of the words "the getting near" of the situation, it is not just the habitual thing I move things in front of me along my "career", meaning bossing the military with that TV monitor inside the classified materials, I do that also in my personal life here with my mother.

I got no friends, I cut off my entire facebook off, if not 10 years long enough having them. Not really anyone nearby, so those are off limited to where I would been at. Its at home. Mostly I just take care of the situation at home. I never got told my family situation until their entire faces airing and showing it up on the China platform. Maybe I should tell you the person I am, I scream. 

Its not in Taiwan platform. Its in China.

Later I found out, its my family have some conditioned, or some might have a multiple condition. Being at home, I like to go to sleep, it did feel something coming it back after 4 years, right now it is the 7th year. I cannot breath the first 3 years just by the building structure, they are all high rise, there is no sky. I don't know why I feel my body air up, I cannot walk down the stair or pushing an elevator buttom. I cannot practically function at all as that basic walking in this structure, I feel narrow, or imagine here I have to be, the limited world to that limited money, I will never make it in Taiwan, that is why I gone to America for? But I also never get a job in America, I got a Canadian boyfrirend. While being inside his home, we have everyday he saying so problems, so my eyes are only staring at anything he drives me in and out of that house. The neighborhood one time comes a black coal family. A truely black coal. I didn't think that time, now I thought about. I was too young.

When I was starting 23 years old, I will tell you, I still remember a lot of this family home bound incident so in my last lawsuit, I mentioned about something that inside the movie, it never talked about how chaos a real life inside, your saying the happy ever after life, its you making the time, and the dedication inside, and imagine you try to put up some dreams and hope to get the money going. 

In Taiwan, there are a lot of the foreign power here. I will tell you quietly doing this at night time they watching CNN. You might be aware I got some ability of this knowing, I will tell you true. And I align to some of those sometimes they won't even know, how smooth things are in such. For example, its the American policy you speaking in English, you fashion like CNN, you literacy like you gone to the Master degree, or Ph.D. One of this a lot more trivial, like the personal attire. 

These things aren't very important to a lot of people, you saying which quiet side of which things its the only thing of that world important or meant it well. I stay in Taiwan will sound a lot more like I never return Taiwan like my own sibling. I never knew a thing anymore about here. Really. With all this movie up or down, or seeing past Facebook long cut stream to becoming their own profession MD to how long that gonna take, to imagine if I have any problem I will FOREVER NEVER talk to any of them, its when they will be jailed literally speaking. Not they noisy into my life, not my facebook already completely cut off. Its very upset when this ability heighten, what else I found out there are worsen thing inside their own very very very life. 

Horrific to me that screaming none stop as if I have to work on their misery as the first priority and I did. Because I am indoor mostly with my mother. 

I didn't really getting near to the local, including my relative, but I implant thing along the way to carry some communication enough. I personally will say my age like 40 when reach, the appearance is one thing, but the money in the bank or the professional "job in description", might be just really having so many, a lot more in the real working world, they do exist. Such as I seeing this SMCH they will have the donors or the BEAS (Great Master Sawan Sigh groups), meaning the higher profile of people, why I keep insist talking to the lower bracket of the failure human making my life miserable, and I cut them off long time ago. 

It coming it back I got my facebook back to contain a few people including I can use the facebook again, meaning seeing other things inside the facebook. I feel happy, but only lasting long, they aged, got fat, and the life is bad, or none of that will be anything I need to be happy together with, since none of them were important at all while in the school. Its to getting hurt to know, or will know if they even sent themselves to jail more than once or consecutively, that will be a truely horror to me. 

While my jobs will sound like a lot more debate, I understand myself, not on any of them, whom got the parents, got the community, got a country flag. 

About this facebook everyone to this near death experience (the ghost soon-to-be the future idea in my personal life included....), you might be just staring at your own peripheral this eye frames extent it out, exactly where you putting your near death frame in front of you that make you truely suffered. Really. You know I make you suffered, but the Truth is, when you die, you have no precept, and no one knows I claim true, its one of those Queen I can relate that her account, its the things she cared the most really in her life. 

Any job, anything you excessively saying....none of that can comprehend that, why the precepts ever needed? You might just argue the religion is no more.

None of the above statement were more important to the 2 things i list out and since this is the post-COVID 19, if I can re-write 100 times how people lie before the COVID 19, during and after, those situation like my mother's world, they were already inflame to the very very bad aspect in life, and I have to call the hospital or the police for help, including the birds coming near to tell me, or saying someone went to ask the birds about a certain thing. They coming forward as their initiative. I never hear them since I got back. Not intentionally to understand. As the human, I still prefer that, that was my mother...although we never know each other in the real life, but things such as the building or the neighbor, or the neighborhood watch, or the laundry, or the floor, the floor map, the scrub sponge, or the mops, or the buying those handicaps on the road, for those very stupid and small tiny things I really did talk about, I actually personally care about it. The magic branding detergent included. 

To say if I ever will claim that saying in Frozen movie, no....I put through Taiwan methods of the legal processing 2 kinds of the laws cases here, money or the murder trial. But for the Magic Detergent branding, right, it looks like I am bragging in my own happy world, because I will get happier if its a bottle of their magic detergent in front of me face a lot a lot a lot of time, not a human, but the chemical powder, the chemical solution, why I have a major in chemistry. 

In life I believe after I grow up, or anyone grow up, I have to make the money, not this.....Disney princess idea. I never have that. I don't watch the movie or the TV that much on what? The Disney princess nor the Royal Family in England. None. I have every other things I did in life, and I found my happiness in there. That on the 2 things I list above, comes to the neighborhood. 

We have a night market and 101 here. Every weekend is the expo including the vegetarian and the tea house or the Buddhism expo, then we have a vegan restaurant to go to. I start to make the money, then all that disappear. I just relax a bit. 

They efface out the block entire building gone as the parking space, I can see 101 ! I went to tell the post mail box next by or the Grand Hotel Plaza in New York City. Now there is a second one efface, near by the police station. 

Our annual tax is not the same as the American, we call the America country as if they the King of the World, and there is a term we bow at the floor many times, as that tax tax tax means. 10,000 (4 zero a comma) a unit, 3 times to describe what the America really made of.

We are the democracy system here, so we have the tax paying methods of the property tax, or my mother is a handicap, I just go with her to this tax building, but she has to process something different, at least I heard about it 2 times a year, every single year like 7 years pass.

We have this elementary school what they did in the kids activities, I remember that. I show to all my relative, they put their kid and my father put we kids in that school. Its about....all this lawsuit where we ended at too. How amazing.

We have this road build finished built the 101 district to this metro subway to becoming a new transportation saying. Well, between the family and the city life what it offers, there is a lot of things to keep the house neat, and all things tidy up away from this pandemic. There is a lot of things I didn't say, but if that is a part of the movie, I really think, going to Washington D.C, if you are so leisure that claim or your own neighborhood watch program, by just keep reading every sign on the building in front of you, side by you, near you.....its a part of the normal human does the normal thing, and I done that since I was 23 with the old ex bf, and now with my mother. 

There is the food preparation

There is a laundry or the bed sheet, or the pillow case sheet

or even my hair, I keep saying it like a daily routine. I never go out of my house but just hang around my family all around here and tell them what's going on. With the family around and the city life, and telling the garbage from the news, or at the work, its a home computer desk top jobs, I didn't think that life to be that complicated were getting more troublesome or in debts friends, you saying how important that social means it, if right now all this movie has to be put together, I will add some home base factor. None of that I ever written them up. 

Zawanna vomit, Biden vomit, Thor vomit.

Devil, Dean (Dream Exchange Game 井宿) ...workable / prayer can be answered /hola hop workable

靈 is a superstitious word in Chinese.

Elf included.

Wing = devil

Devil Wear Prada, its the blossom chest guy in the Lords of Rings Rogue (魔戒 again in Chinese, Devil's ring, 3 worlds below. )

Frozen, the music creator in Disney, Andrew Webber, that chest blossom guy with the money inside the breast in the rouge. No, it shouldn't be Wing. The rogue means the story before of it but with the movies sometimes they make the first 3 movies in Lords of Rings, then there is a rouge. 

"At the beginning" - Ananastasia, we have the war still going on in Ukraine and Russian. 

So King Charles III he puts this on his....concert. In front of it. He probably thinks that is brilliant, he vomit too.

I think....King Charles III vomits mean, so are Shane. Its Ola called them already. That is why they vomit. I cannot tell from Zawanna or Thor here.

Westlife - Angel's Wings

Soupy ...

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