Lawsuit 759: UB 6+1 once they finish 40 years studying be jail on the first day after the graduation

Date: Sep 4th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Its every Youtube inside funny things video you process

You didn't do that, its Monday to Sunday everyone saying something in the public how funny that is, you must process every degree just as if you married in here.

Every single day nothing but that jobs, but since you are incapable between me and Westlife conversation, and worse, your American medical board intent to show off you the power that can gain their trust.

Not me to go. You know what I mean your movie implication could have that merits of your professionalism. They will tell you, that is probably impossible sarcastic, but they wish you know that is the job degree in the professionalism. And when I Anna file something as no spiritual degree over all this you didn't copy paste every post from her blogger, "every waste human live to the every human boy or the man's looking someone like you", its every post you supposes to noted for her on this Princess Diary 1 or 2 the only requirement for her, never again to talking to you in the public, nothing but sex, the sex agenda just like the movie, the sexual implication or being implicated because you are, whom you were, what you are, what you always say will be and she says you will never have one more date at all, to eat, to talk, to think, to even imagine in that 20 years later, no one to talk to.

That supposes to be your jobs, not me Anna working so hard.

The website after Sep 1st on the website of

Every post about how waste the human value of those the waste girl at all why your mother and you will never live on but be the homeless shelter its your American medical sympathy a begger like you or were not your records will be the eternal criminal mind. If not a couple unit in jail to the next lawsuit.

50,000 dollar jokes in 1900, she was not suffering at your UB electric chair or saying 10 years DC and AC war - one Nick Canada or this repeated karma, you all can live on

Its a multiple unit the humanity together with you, or its just a couple unit this Taiwan Youtuber, they will be married forever or raise those kids forever, the money to go on the street forever and ever.

We'll see the lawsuit ends.

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