
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

It probably means a lot to the guys too !

We went through this in 2014 already, you were not born yet?!

Life to be joyful, or going on their own very path, every one last us, in the real life time....its on our own judgement, in that character we must succeed in a certain path. You trying to learn, you trying not to be defeated, and feeling the up spirits of all that trust.  You don't evolve in one day, you try to evolve on every single day, is that what you mean? 

I didn't stop talking about the same thing .....1 or 2 week pass. 

You cared about it, why don't you make yourself useful?

Really !!

The hair cut ....I never cut the guy's hair cut.

I can see...right. Its just Kian and Nicky's hair. They eat it on their own they think?

The Foot

That is bad....I found out. I am waiting to lose my weight and probably the same. The sneaker and the socks going outside world. At home, its those Chinese Smart Life, just keep wiping the floor, you imagine I am that lazy, if I wipe the marble floor every single day slide myself back and forth in....my own house. I do those things. I am not that lazy.

Those corn inside, those are very hurtful to the feet. If taken out, its very hurt at the feet, as if you get a full week day off. I will personally telling you that, how much you drain your life force on those. Let's say whichever that one year I was showing on the photo, all that? I don't have that anymore, its the entire foot below that sole. Those are not corn. Those are just the hard skin.

Badly badly, badly.

How about now?

No, nothing. I do exaggerating things I told you that. Really.

My Teeth, Thor told me, so I went to my mirror and check.

One of that teeth...as i grew up I never has this black thing. So 3 teeth have that. Now 1 teeth, its half of them, behind all gone. He shocked me, or I shock myself I still hear anything from inside and seeing it as I raise up my head.

I am so often screaming never stop.

🧀 I begin it, sounds like if I don't do it? 🧀 Someone would be that redundant in life to decide something? What is that?

To be redundant in life....

I have to put that money aside I am telling you. You saying the medical school 7 years how much that will EVER costs. Or maybe that is the entire undergraduate school has to be re-do, only 4 years, exactly the same class. I have no shame be doing any of that, I am telling you. 

Harvard probably.

Right, imagine the tuition + the Room and Board. Just imagine that I have to put the money aside, something generate on its own methods, that side of the expense just in case. I have that kind of the brain. If you touch that much of the bio idea, you cannot cook anymore. I am not sure that will really be the life. But I can memorize the entire textbook, its only just the words made of. 

AI Robot


🎄🎄 This is not about a Mahavatar Babaji God forms, we will never see him?! 🎄🎄

What about this God? 

The human form before he cuts his hair, and sat on the throne, and without the eye glasses and without the make-up, looks exactly like the photo. The way I saw he without the long hair and without the eye make-up, I don't know whom that is. He is a paper thin person. So I don't think I will ever see the human form anymore with that baby girl.

Its the MB God forms in that darkness windy place.

Right, it doesn't have any sense,....correct.

Its...only God that I only see?! He alone will know when the day I die? 

The movie: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants don't look so lucrative movies at all. Its just a chick flick movies. You saying the movies industry ends without those classified materials, I got enough my shares? Well, what if that is not the money or the Visa from?

I got told an assignment, and I happen to acquire some money easier things by now, and the guys are all over that place. Those girls none of them gonna make it, but I go along with the movies, since 2014, how many things can I be done, and we finish those bad movies, so ending up...some of this with all the guys there, it cannot possibly having why we seeing the ghost together. I got Taiwan all this LED flash light, ship it all this bright and shining similar to the Home Depot LED all light. 

Japanese Princess - Mako



Well, I personally don't believe the European Medical Board will get any ANY ANY easier than the American Medical Board, to be honest, I will tell you that. Just that felt, I feel cold my back spine, really.

No Royal on Earth has any back-up, there is no medical doctors, outside got nothing but the MD degree, how many times I keep telling you. Every human walk right, talk right, think right. MD, the Medical Doctor. I got no back-up, I am the backup.

No, I won't be told like that. No.

Any court, right. No, not even the Supreme Court will tell me that. I personally got very tense I am telling you myself. Not that I am dreaming anything. If I got the plenty of the money in my bank for going forward, the least thing I would ever do, its all you yourself too, when you doing that, and when you promise to that God you believe.

For me, I didn't have those prayers, but I have the TV or the movies as the assignment and the communication. Most humanity will NEVER just be honest to what things be told to them. I just got tense to affect my bones, but.....

(Pain killer patches)

Anatomy & Physiology

I often either look at myself, or look at where the things I look at those green turtle, their age would be....?! To every class or maybe that is the same for the organic chemistry, I just don't remember where I used to be. I am not sure...I go along with them to studying their per page per book, and just read it back to the Space, since Earth cannot tell. But just like I vent to ....the air to pretend lecture, so there is a MCAT. 

I blink even I cannot see. I cannot describe to you what I think at all. What is all inside their eyes or outside their brain.

No, I do that Taipei Mayor says. Its right on the news, you cannot keep doing that on the Taiwan news.

So I just believe it. I stuck in some situation, so I took time, be patient, slowly and not every day frighten them. The younger kids they got scared. They didn't think....life without supports its a reality to force to grow up.

Well, you like the guys and you like the girls. If anything coming near, really really near, you shrink, a lot of people doing that.

You never dream there is a home, there is a belonging.

You know how to go home when you grew up. For saying one lifetime...you know your life is too busy, too many obligation.

Dream Exchange Games, that first guy exists. Thor told me. 鬼宿 (夢幻遊戲,第一個人,Thor 跟我說他存在)


A lot of time I will tell you I think the guys lie to me, he puts a ghosty bloody women ghost next by as the pillow !! He is back on his ship, up over there. This is a hair coming it down, with the blood or something ghosty. Because Kian (Westlife) they watch the ghost film. Thor and me because of the telepathy idea, so he usually doesn't need to question anything I say once or twice things in life.
We know a certain thing just be true, not there debating in this world everyone so much to say. 

💝 You shrink because.... 你突然縮起來是因為 💝

You never expect at the life junction, there is a possible way. 



The cultural exchange means not a lot of the local Asian will know the White world any host family

You can take up the cooking skills like Eggplant Lasagna

Cheese Stuffed Shell

Lasagna itself

A lot of the guys will wish you understand them, the ideal. Never a girl does a criminal thing having a criminal charge included.

A lot of the guys are like that. You lean on them, agree with their decision-making, listening clearly what they say, and paying attention to him alone. You choose to be with him, or he chooses you to be next by. Its not you understand you don't last long. Work it out what it should be, not imagine to do.

A home to where you cannot stand with anyone all around, the tyranny temper included. You can only plan the 5 years being with a guy, then you work on yourself 5 long years to only get one relationship in life going. Some people willing to go that far to have one relationship.

你的年紀,跟你的人生時間,對金錢或是對事業,很多事情還是很緊張 ! 女孩子的關係 ~公眾穿衣服或是希望有人有什麼表達呀 !

很多外國節目會是一些形象,再一起的女孩子的打扮呀 !

I am cooking congee. The watery stuffs.

Speaking in Chinese 亞洲女孩子






A lot of the guys if knowing you plagirism, they left you forever, they wish you well, but that concept why you doing all that, its not acceptable especially the White Guys world, they know exactly what that is, "Plagiarism", including your brother should know that too. - That is not acceptable. 

你們的年紀會在意只有你們認為的東西,你自己也是很忙的那個人,很多男孩子會有一些選擇 ! 我以前男朋友跟我說過, 他當初的選擇 !

人生的一開始 !

你只能跟一個男孩子在一起,成家立業就不可能再去想很多其他的問題,講說你坐在沙發上面想像所有人的 Line app. 然後你說廚房的熱水器,或是燒水的哪個東西,響了。是說你自己一個人生活或是想像跟其他人的感覺。你注意力沒有辦法叫做你自己也曾經想過你自己的人生,只能一步走一步,很多男孩子的選擇不能只有那種一步走一步,他們比較高的關係,也見過或是聽說過其他人的存在,就是從來沒有跟你說過,那你要說他不誠實嗎?

他們男生自己長那樣 ! 對 ~你在講外國的男孩子吧 !

那如果是你家裡自己的洗澡的熱水器要換電池,你要下樓去買電池嗎 ? 穿著拖鞋,台灣哪種拖鞋跟短褲? 頭髮梳理? ~~那假設你頭昏腦脹的走下去,搖搖晃晃,你覺得是哪個男孩子會真的知道你的每一種舉動? 你相信? 那是你要等到那一天的結尾叫做寫信之後的哪一個漫畫迷一起,不是這電視吧? 

That is the forever goodbye 永恆的再見

Let me guess, you try to ask me ...or you try to go and kill some guys? 


你上次那個粉紅色的頭髮叫做曝露叫做是公眾表演,你自己其實做的並不舒服,有些男孩子會因為這種原因覺得那是不需要存在的,在台灣沒有那麼冷可以,但是像我這種人是沒有臉的,那種東西對我來說在公眾場合,或是攝影機的前面叫做根本就不存在的東西,但是你是一個小姑娘,你會有感覺,很多所謂成人,還是你一定要說法國人? 同年紀,這個既做 Lewis ? 

這是你們同職場的人,很多男孩子不見得希望女孩子是跟自己工作叫做,所有結尾跟結局叫做,毀了所有人 ! 是那個長的像我這邊的 Eric? 他有新的手術後的視力,你可以問他呀 ! 

『快一年嗎 ? 三個月、六個月、閃光是一種中文名稱但是我講英文我想像,你的眼球對光不是對視力? 這是一種開玩笑,坐好,挺背。』

『你大老遠坐飛機來,你家人希望你有這手術嗎 ? 大部分的意見,我看到你們其實朋友挺多的,通常我朋友在美國大學叫做,我視而不見,你知道這種成語中文嗎 ? 叫做眼見不淨的意思~~台灣也有所謂醫院,或是私人門診,你對其他門診手術需要有人陪你去嗎 ? 你女朋友希望有人陪她去嗎 ? 我看到一些影片上的事情,我不是電視迷,我剛好經過問一下』

『我人生會在意我穿衣服在人們的面前,不是歸密,你知道這種中文字嗎 ? 那我講英文叫做 best friend near, 那假設你是一個男孩子,你們法國文化跟這安娜妹妹的那一屆之後,所有人都跑去歐洲,她是降一級,叫做聯考,我其實有些事情會問你 Lewis, 你覺得你想喝一點水或是 yoguart 草莓的,有一點冰,像放鬆你的背,靠著,我們談一下,十五分鐘,你之後有事情嗎 ? 只需要 15 分鐘。』

『那你可以問呀 ~ 你跟你哪個其他人可以介紹給你,一起看漫畫的,我有那種行動力但是,我其實會在意,但是講說你們學中文去看漫畫,會有點不好意思,有其他你知道的人嗎 ? 像說...哪個國家的』

『寫信也可以,不需要真的在這邊的也可以 !  』

If I describe to you...

1. The headmaster (Harry Potter)

2. MB God form the other day I say - me, whom have hold the responsibility in large

Not to worry whichever he is the God form, not the human form Babaji.

So I trust that he or Zawanna Lamp God form. One of those?

When you entering the Washington D.C like me if without 2014 (those painting human, number 1 = Keanu Reeves) or later UB this Michael Vartan, nor Westlife nor Taipei we have the same age like me, the 2 guys legislation in Taiwan itself both looks like Eben that kind, nor I never met Nick, or one of those Eben included or Craig Ballantyne.

It makes no difference to me, if I enter that area, if I just talk to the Education department, very quiet people, and sit in either the Library Congress Friday night their table or visit the National Archive just like the movie says the 8th grader tour trip. (What are they talking about in the movie? )

I have no idea what that was said, I go and find out. 

And I had an Obama biography in 2014, somewhere was in my car on the back of the car. One day I found out the Amazon, he says he was in Chicago. My brother was in Chicago. None of that require one word ...

The Honorable Superior tempament how I show up there, you saying if were Avenger or Iron All man combine forces.

I don't think you evolve to get to this part whether the UB local, or this 194 countries /military to this 10 years later. You imagine you enter the Washington D.C over right now, the last year one NASA Asteroid impact or 10 years later one China whichever activities in Space they are on-going? And ...whom you think you will find that information, but right now showing up in NASA in front of them, like right now?

I cannot be found on the social media, that is a true statement. 

Why? The family house chore. 

Your Diet, Your Fitness, Your Organization

All this may not have anything to do with your career, because in the majority of all people in this 8 billion people, a lot of the education rising, everyone finding that one path, they spell their own career what they must carry on to becoming a full grown human. They invest, and they stabilize their finance, and they all doing it alone. Without the parents or with the time alone inside their thinking. All these people inside their personal space, they will tell you what they believe they see inside their mirror, if you and them are the same age, you mean we are the classmate.

Or if they are older than you are, they are your birth parents for providing you the financial supports. That is what they understand or that is what I telling every human on the planets. 

Are you going to try to freak the youth out, once your grey hair coming out? That age will never never going back after 40, its only 50, then 60 years old.

The girl like a long dark hair


The Chinese tall guy


The young parents (from a different race)


The younger Chinese girl, to live a vibrant life, your appearance changes.


Someone does a cooking... ...


They playing their cartoon Role Play as the new generation every 20 years in a bracket


You gonna tell me you wish not to open galaxy, its because you have seen this handsome, beautiful vibrant to grown up, they gonna go ahead of you in their outside life, every 20 years, every 40 years, you can no more join one conversation with the youth, because you never bridge that fostering at my time. Those on Earth itself whom just too small tiny right now to you, its not your jobs. Its my jobs, or I volunteer when I thought I didn't get anything need to do before Eben Pagan 2021.

You want to tell me one scenario if Open Galaxy, continue to this Capitalism + Zen

And what's wrong just take care right now this 10 years, 20 years younger, or one day the 40 years younger, build a world they are happy the most?

Smart Life


In this entire peripheral of all worlds here on Earth, whom secure their finance, these you called the very stable guys. They be care with their life. But in the social norm, you never know where you find them. Some guys are very quiet. So if we put all these scene together, these quiet guys will first secure themselves, second to buy a house to put himself in it. Third whomever he invites to live in that house, its completely his free will, that is his house, not your finance to go and control that one guy to any choice in his life, you say "He raises you up."

When I have to see 10 human that time until this Youtube Channel has one image header that is not super important how I don't breath well with those rubbish + The Flower Thousand Bones, nothing but the junk family past since 2010. You imagine you will hold a property at least inside your mind, body, soul. The America military didn't tell you that is what they analyze, I keep telling me from my side. You debate which one of us hear this - The Home Owner Manual. 

That is one very small aspect of Life.

Then cleaning the house, or stock up the Costco, it was intend talking to one Eben Pagan. Then my mother on the tax, or the Taiwan Tax, or anything with one property idea. That is before anyone like me to imagine how to file the papers you saying I plan that all along, just not in 2015 starting on, 3 then 5, then 5? Not yet.

One aspect in life its the personal hygienic how I feed myself or my mother, 3 meals immediately per day, every single day for 365 days. 

Laundry the 365 days

The bed sheet, the pillow case, the comforter sheet, or any sheet.

My hair. My skins, my hands wash, my teeth. 

My toilet, my PC, my keyboard, my floors, and my mother outside 6 tiles to 10 tiles, I need to exercise on this floor, my feet will not to keep have any problem, I get rid of the most immediate problem.



I go to nap.

Babaji: Go

Maybe overall, you can say UB they are exciting over to reach the Washington DC. Saying you all love the politics.

But you have to tell me, how you join that Washington D.C conversation?

Mine has to be left look Movie = right Washington D.C lawful (Laws & reinforcement)

I cannot tell the difference what I am doing in there other than be re-evaluated all that I written and I do something with that those claims. You like the politics, meaning you want to join their political leadership in getting to know them? Meaning to show up, and join those meeting or the groups together to motion something? Then you have to prepare yourself to go there with the groups of people.

.... The TV I seen it, you mean the Political fundraising, like the UB SA the clubs itself, we have the fund raising in the fraternity, and including my high school madrigal. Tell me what I think the madrigal there for? 

You mean you want to join the Political Party, like here, you walking to the political party headquarter in Taipei and give the donation one of those? My dad thing? Or something you go their what not wave a flag, or distribute the flyers or something the pamphlet? You mean listening to their speech, and horary all that? 

The only power I can see near me to that Washington D.C, will be the American Medical Board (this is not often mention), the strongest heard would be Pharmaceutical or the Pharmaceutical board you saying they present in that Washington D.C, because they know where is the lobbyists at, or the overall why they spread themselves in the Washington D.C, they hold that power. 

I think you all need to make the enemy with everyone all around when you get there. 

These are the things I can tell you I understand. I won't be in the Congress, you saying the law actual all that. They pass the laws, and you all going there to appeal your case, not to make a law right?

To appeal your case at where? The Supreme Court America, do you file from where the local court? Do you ever ask how you get there to the Supreme Court in Washington D.C? That is not the American Congress building.

I think you stay in the Supreme Court that whichever structural building at, so that is not....the actual Washington D.C activities you mean the politics activities?

I know these parts right ....the things I written I know all this, the rest I don't know really know. You are not saying anything to go near the American Congress, and this is about your President that stuff? You mean to join a political campaign? So is that anything to do with that Taipei Mayor is the great grandson those, you mean....in person? 

I think you go to Ivy League you doing that. 

You are not tired of me talking about the same things over and over again?

3 meals preparation inside the house if not in Washington D.C?

When you are like me reaching the age 40, you need to have a career, and in the spare time, you have your home bf or husband for some family social events to look like a mature human and be responsible over the things to say, you grown up. Not the hair due to make looks like what?

I know what that is?

In Washington D.C, first you have to have a reason really meant why you going there...I make that easy, not that I just meant you go there.

There are 10 years later those 194 countries their groups. 10 years later....not right now 2023?  I probably also meant you learn how to travel, or you been through traveling, isn't that every single day you worry its the next meal?

Even my ex bf nick Canada and I was only eating that 2 meals, still....its 2 meals in the cooking efforts, you have to stand on your feet to prepare those meals if you don't have the money. When you make it the money, then you still buying the food ingredient back to the hotel to eat? Sometimes the hotel I just walking around inside, they have a couch, or even home when Nicky and Kian back, we can eat at the room. What I gonna do, they come back?

Here is the food, "The food is ready"?

Isn't you be together with someone, that is 2 people, still becoming the 3 meals in front? The last time I being with a physical guys, there is a lot of the cooking involved. He retired, they aren't retired, so they go out, I go out for the food shopping too. I don't really like going out to eat.

1. The food amount.

2. Very expensive

3. Nothing I really like.

4. Too greasy

5. Its on my money or on Nicky I guess....they have zero money, really.

You know what is made of a French ACE bread, you have the red onion, or shallot, or the tomato or the cheese, or the olives washed, you have a lot of things if you separate that task and capable to just put 3 breads on that table. Some vegetable, some salad, some crackers, some ice tea....

The guy themselves they eat at least half of that ACE bread, sometimes they have to run and go, so...it didn't have to be that much, but still, I save myself some bread, that is at least 2 long baguette inside our room, they eat half of that long baguette.

You can put the slice cheese, slice tomato, some salad container things washed, some olive all washed can, I don't know if they eat oregano, a spice. Sometimes they have this artichoke can, I just wash them. I eat that.

Right they have their own meat Deli. Some ham, not SUPER heavy meal what if they have to get out of the door? Buy some baked chips, Wal-mart, they have all that. That is exactly the sandwich everyone eat in America, with the chips and cokes and longer sandwich? 

Those American dollar store, has those plastic plate, funny or cartoon or the napkin, you can have one of those avocado, or the cucumber, or the radish slice, very very very thin, I eat that. When the guys get out of the door, that full plate its the per slice of all things edible. My own food? Its thin slice, just stack up pretty. No one eating that per slice, I eat that?

My blood pressure is low, I am a girl, I need to put the food inside my mouth every so often. They are the raw food, and healthy too. Wash my stomach. 

台灣新聞講漢堡? 誰? 劉德華跟 Tony Liang? 他們是男孩子吧 ! ~你們在他們面前吃什麼?

Taiwan news talking about the hamburger, Two famous guy (Tony Liang from Red Cliff)? They are the guys right? ~ You eating the what in front of them?

應該不是漢堡吧 !  Shouldn't be the hamburger! 

你們不是應該長的要去跟歐洲她們變成吃哪種麵包的? Isn't you all suppose to go and becoming the European what not their bread that kinds?

Can I eat the ice cream? I haven't really seen a real girl in your world, other than the needed seen this far.....


In the morning I felt a little, I was so dehydrate, so I ate and drink yogurt, its fine then.

Now I don't feel anything neither, I want to eat the ice cream.




Babaji; Go

There is a commander-in-chef pass away over there, the war place.

On our news, lower that words coming out.

You all loved at this time with whom - the lyrics




Chicken thigh


You are not going to lift that thing your whole lifetime, every weekend, or every single day to cook for you or another stranger's life.  So this is the Devil Wear Prada the Chicken thigh? You sent to the wrong person.

At Simon, not at Shane.

(The Iron Man that red hair in boxing arena?) No, at Simon.

I gonna file a lawsuit ...

Try to get an overall sense in life.


If upon this Washington D.C is very important to you, for example I am traveling overseas...I won't have anything mailing to me all these BTX paper if they told me not the first time visit here, me.

And you just really listening to them, so your luggage is not prepared ....

You have a reason to be called to the Washington D.C, then at least that compile or something being printed, or write it down, or the bullet points, or you yourself require to re-write 100 times, that is a part of the jobs someone you know you are the freelancer's jobs, and for how many years you are making it the freelancer's job.

When someone seeing you never grown up, because in my memory I just happened to only see the olds having a career or the family norm, maybe you didn't realize when your hair one day will turn to white or grey, but none of your behavior will look like your parents right now. That scene I have never ever seen that in my life. That is really odd.

The Walls (There are many kinds of the concrete tradition methods of the walls paste something on it)

You won't be guessing a realistic life, or everyone else just imagine a real life, when the surveillance patch unit of the people they are not the human to show up an event, whether you saying that is a TV fame. Most public doesn't do those redundant things for you never show up in the peripheral. Between the guy and the girl, that is also a totally different seeing inside their per eye frames. 

The total years of when starting this Washington D.C exists....to how many people just travel by the car, or by the festivity of the mood (in this 9-5 jobs mostly the public formats) or those neighborhood watch of the local, for saying how many people provide their own lodging and the meals internationally speaking (including the birds), and whom to approach those redundant happy life if the money is supplanted in their own world in their own language, not because need to be there....in America, for saying the Visa is a thing, the trespassing too far away its a thing, or the relative. That total amount you guessing people doing it for the faint of the heart if did have an agenda to the American capital there, they will have a concrete things inside their hands to reach the American Congress, you can say the visiting and the touring all around display and get to be acquaintant as the civilian, to learn about the democracy world, that is a facilitation even in the D.C and the people will be encouraged.

The people with an agenda, which I don't really know what it is. I can only do the logic brain, not that I know what is the exactly function in the Congress. Passing laws? The traffic law I know that, and none of that has anything to do with me. I personally at least will tell you, they as the whole organization or the Corporation format, will have the correct methods how to deal upon anything on their own desk. 

If I see a TV, here is me location to D.C (Left to Right)

Car    I say DMV,    right Congress supposes to believe that (already is the classified material)

The house,   I say Intern Nick,   right Congress knows that Legally Blonde 

Underground water process, Taipei City Metropolian usage of the water,   right the same.

These supposes to be the laws, and be fence I can see it. That doesn't have any logic in it. Left to right, its just turn my head left to right. I cannot understand anything anymore complicate than that.

A job and a career

As I grew up like the first year off the college freshman, is no more fresh....so is this after the university getting a job and on the pay roll, so saying saving to the 401K in America, or some health package benefits included, or the investment other than the current jobs, most time people will tell you how the white or the blue collar working profession. You get hired because you are the professional. 

A scientific fact, you cannot change that.

A scientific method on Earth, you cannot go and argue with the peer review journal committee, why they know that is the only standard in our world, in any country world to put up one 5 Star hotel event, in the Washington D.C or NOT in the Washington D.C including the high school facilitation to those students drawn to the science mind or lean toward the scientific procedure to washing the vegetable at home at the high school girls side. Those efforts and the continuation of the efforts are always on the way, EVERY SINGLE YEAR. 

I give you a scenario, that doesn't mean you can deliver a job.

Next page

When you have a family unit structure, in the in-line (in-land your national 194 countries border line in), you foster a family with the values. That is almost you seeing a lot of the family on the video the same whichever these strangers to you. A lot of them are white. I have seen them. 

There are sacrifice you did that for years and years not just by the praying of the God, that money will drop in the end of that terms, you need to have a background before when you all having that discussion why that family will be foster up, NOT the next 50,000 years on those small victimized girls or run-away girls being melace at, so there is a legal procedure to ensure some of the human welfare the same just to with some of the animals. Today, that per yearly how each this animals being saved or fostered by the human efforts are a number. A paper thin number on my desk. Its increasing just like that Apple App in 2015, they won't be doing a presentation if it won't be a Silicon Valley Girl did a saying on what increase the medical workers statistics, why those numbers on my desk is fake!

A photo of a temporary Christmas, so one of them in stress WAS your Christian doctrine of that Bible church you volunteer, so there is a missionary works as the Christian society. This is the MOST ridiculous what the END of this BTX story of all kinds, my necks was HANGING on your future the American interests to what it turns out to be fake - its your Capitalisms be true, not YOUR God or you yourself EVER be true to one spirituality inside for saying whom argue what or not in the end of that tunnels, or the future THEM, you need your IQ or you need your BRAIN, I am telling you.

(I have to wash my hair) 

(Dry my hair )

It doesn't matter if ANY Chinese can go to Washington D.C, nor this China current President with that 2 actress girls to show up Washington D.C, you saying whom jailing whom in America. Or to that interval of the 3 time frames, you saying NO ONE TO BE that stupid not to show up in America, whichever the Party legal interests !!!!!!! When someone in ANY China or America territory in-land, the legislator or the governor's Body overall Structures similar to EU - the all sphere of their brain wave its at the paper they having the eye glasses to staring it on the moment you are off their eye glasses. Meaning their brainiwave will always be inside their job, and that job its 2 weeks a paycheck + the room or board + with the holiday the gulf club + the dining options for joining in all Washington D.C eating out Gathering-crowd festivity. Their attention span will be only be 10 second seeing you with your WHAT not look with your age at the written digits on. That is in 2 speaking saying. 

If you all continue to insist (Shut up, birds), that your job is a job, not a career, that is 10,000 dollar a year you meant you livinig on the social wel-fare in the end of the line, with all this TV or the facts shows up, this entire World of human it won't be limited to the GUYS or will be the GIRLS with the brain telling you, at this junction of WHAT not time, that staring of the per line, per word, per structural demonstrate you cannot utilize this time to be exactly whom I am. Someone would have just literally showing you a circus on


means !!!



(Shut up birds) in our world here on Earth, our mortality is lower, not the birds never got paid, we as the human perception we understand as we grew up in the same land or the same culture even, what that means = 10,000 a year, you try to live on, breath on, sustain on, the life that changes, that momentum will be off.

The outside world never register. On Earth, none of them are dead yet. And for some people whom have to work their way up to feel it that basic sense of having what not things in life to build upon anything, I probably trying to tell you the story, that attention span it is you one person alone waiting your phone call or your PC monitor alone inside your entire space, you got nothing else to do. When your family shows up, you feeling that day your brain IQ is so low, you cannot see anyone else around the responsibility, because that is one busy day. So when your age reach or before that age will ever gotten, your family expel you including one day they got illness and die, a lot of this attributes will get worsen, or your karma is just getting a lot more worse every step the way on. The TV given you something what not, we don't know. You yourself that time will find out. 

(Next page)

Eternity kills Asian and Blacks (No 楊洋)

Until you realize on Earth itself its nothing but the criminal Asian guys or the Blacks guys with Elite or the Asian women this very gruelsome pirates or Hives, very very cruelsome and ugly,  extremely ugly. This open galaxy will not have the communism idea sipping outside any world. You don't know that, or you imagine you will be represent anything on TV will never going through and treaty outside. To the financial or the Corporation interests, it will be one of those terms when you sign and agree. Whichever Party involved that you heard this.

Thor has return up to his shiip before 1 o'clock last night.

The troops of Kenshin Era gone in the First World and the Second World barrier. We (me and MB God he is the conscious, he has the Power, we back back back a lot a lot a lot furthur away) - no, not that visual on the Sky.

That is Simon's China TV last all scene. (MB Human form + that little toddler girl) - they were second time move far from last week. Today its the last day I seeing him the MB human form I guess, that is a celestial jail, with a nicer air and fragment and color just like the TV. (or else they gonna move same like MB God form)

MB God form is polite, MB human form is in the jail, you understand the points. No matter what or whom really says, there is a different degree in Heaven, or in any dimensional human world to....side by in the end day of all these. He the human form probably doesn't die, those are the high tech world formula things but he can get jail for a loooooooong looooooong time. When he pretends to be the MB human professor form, he looks exactly just like his God form. Right now he is....this Indian short hair with the eye glasses like Indian version of Riley cynical, or jumping around normal a living by himself happy guy.  He himself the human form got enough the fan club, all your money is not the money. I keep saying that. FOREVER. That is not a career, that is not a job, that is just very near the boundary of the homeless you saying your morality or the face will fade.

Almost Ireland will tell you that a certain attribute when the time - scrolling feature of Apple the silent tear in Slam Dunk, left or right....the appearance will be the only thing meant true on the public television or the internet all skill of works. You didn't realize the traffic, you didn't realize whom are the commander or the commander-in- all chief, or the military commander iconic. You trying to reason a very very very very bad attitude with the Judge even. If your attitude continue to believe, that those manner its to be off fence to this jailing method, I will tell you the executive order or the immediately kill will be applied in every cross of the society. 

Shut up, birds.

You didn't realize the severity of the 3 or 6 or 9 digits, not on your first day on the jobs, not on your first week of the jobs, not on your first year of the job. This world only I say so right now, and when those digits if on the public television such as including your President in every flag countries if they screw it up, they understand that formality or 12, 15, 18, .....zero of the finance lost, its not just one human lost life or deformed, what you mean it....its a hive connected issue or your watching the porn no discipline issue, to untamed your own very mind. 

On the First Day of ANY Job

You didn't sort this country flag landing here in Taiwan at all with that one American Medical Board claim. You staring at China, or imagine Japan, or Porn in Taiwan in-land. I told you Taiwanese guys are not like Japanese guys they have a different background. Your face, or your race (ethnicity), for saying being couple up side by to anyone.

1. The shape.

2. The height

3. The make-up

4, The dress or dress up

5. The hair, the willingness on the hair, or for between a guy and a girl.  A Power WHEN this Power of BE or anymore this WILL EVER BE the manifestation of some of that Conspiracy theory, its almost like you saying going at Bush family....NOT Trump family. He got FBI all over him. You have a CURRENT president if the news DIDN'T make a sound, you didn't LISTEN at the current simple thing to make a logic. 

6. This judgement of a VERY basic manner, courtesy, politeness, even ARROGANCE people, how you suppose to handle them, NOT starting with the hatred eye sight, the hatred heart, the discrimination FROM your uniform, where that flag represent.

7. Let alone this one Bible's has a judgement seated position, ANYOINE with the brain such low morality + mortality means would have told you, you don't quest thy God in your service, or finding an exit Heaven or Hell, ITS NOT negotiable. You are about to die, and you try to reason which direction to turn. THAT IS VERY STUPID!

(Next page)

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Maybe I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

I probably just want to go to sleep, not to doing this physics so tomorrow morning I sleep all morning !!! at all~~~~!!

Tomorrow is Saturday to sleep in ~~~!!!

You got a job in front of you...while everyone getting into the life game.

Upon this whole universe, if I claim to be true, everyone is watching each one of us. So in life, when you grew up, you don't want to be a professional skillful people? Meaning any professional people whom could survive in the real competition in some way, they find a correct method to carry that life, NOT to be ending inside the jail?

What is that?


One is drinking water, and shy.

One is fighting between them 2.

One is on the....Apple App or Apple IPad Cover behind.

💝 So we are the Friday ! 💝 They are on Monday Good Morning America, and Ronan about to finish? Are we in the same time zone.

Not sure.

Its the Sunday or its the Weekend, their glorious moment of their alternative priesthood jobs?

Not sure. 

Friday is my sleeping night. Ronan they are one hour early than us, he just started the concert about 30 mins ago I guess at 7 oclock.

I am dreaming this Friday night, the darkest of my night, I go to sleep...in the darkest mood or the darkest night, no one bothers me. Its the only holiday I got!!!! The collective consciousness here are a lot more happy the Friday night. Even we have this foreign people here, still...the most air is a lot more relax and happy. 

oh ~ I just want to go to sleep not hanging on the phone really.

I have to wash the pelvic.

I sit whole day on my chair .....the air to that diper are none air circulation every time took the pants down.

I believe American Medical Board is behind you guys. Not Sailor Moon, never mummy...they go and find out as close as possible.

They the medical board means it = You all becoming the perfect mature MD, jailing included if the first you got it wrong when you graduated that year that every year on, you will continue to make an effort for your dead parents included, or including travel back to your country, you realize 40 years ago, you lost every possibility of the financial gains if were not you yourself the spirits sabotage yourself. 


Try again. 

Wing is in the middle of the map, No, me Anna didn't have a time to think, but they the board upper those IQ has no problem MD might compile a super all of their brain for this....Wing is moving himself there or how he ends up there included. Money from Wall Street, but whom is having the money issue in here MD 6+1, or the whole class. 

Whom has what with the money

Whom is most resourceful this far at this time with the money (amount)

Or means from the parents included. Why it is Wall Street?

Did you do any of that? I have no time, I didn't think of it. I just so occupied, I told the Medical Board, how about......that might be 6 years ago or 3 years ago, or the last 1 month I saying something and get back to my own this realistic world. I didn't think about it. NOW IAM THINKING ABOUT IT?

... No, that is not the money. For me the reason I got occupied that time. About the several months. No, I am very clearly label everything but that Wing at what Wall Street. No.

... No, if I get back down, I might just seeing it again, THAT IS THE MONEY

I think.,...originally I thought the American Medical Board they are the money. The hospital I claim in the lawsuit. Still the same, until I got stuck and seeing Wing. Every time if I freeze and stuck, and vaccum. Not just I might literally inside the vacuum seeing Wing, and keep floating in the vaccum, because everything freeze out, "It cannot be...."  (look behind somewhere far away might be us is near, and that 2 near Reptilian Pharmacist. " - I say they go scissor, rock, and bon. 

oh, not that.

One is the correct pharmacist. One they tend to say mix it. (might be the engineer, but they or he says about close to the material science) 

When they tell you to be a mature medical profession, especially the medical doctor....they mean that is being a real professional.

You don't think they meant real, I think. I just told you, you have to get up to becoming anything I say the last post or this post. They make you to whine, or prepare you to give up, and gone to D.C and saying something and finding no exit, and coming back to Rochester or the clinic you assign, to then continue that job or that studying. 

They are.

When they make a decree so vivid that every medical institution or the university campus can be seen on the real map, and clear and the security in place, they are. They mean their every word, you all have to take it as long as it takes to make it.

She is turning like Tamang.

She is staring at something ....and laugh that kind.

「If I have a kid, oh no, they will just turning into like me. They know I want to kill the first degree murder, if they force me, I gonna lie. But they mis their job on me. All their MD jobs. 』

This kind of thoughts, only like a certain cyclical Asian would ever had. Narrow jaw like you...you have no friends in life? Dumbledore's sister? And this MD 6+1 MD the second generation of all foreigner's land, its one missing Asian?

Ola, no one knows. Only I keep pushing that and saying that. You can tell all of them the MD on the map or Lee. You know you are the W Two world first degree murder that one. You got suspected, but not ink at those MD on the map. You know you and Tamang being target exactly the murder side by side. Only you know, Ola.

Only You know. They think you are the part of the MD, together the classmate. You think you and Tamang is their assignment to fail their MD reason. That obvious things she saying so loud, and apparently its on the TV, you don't know about the Flower Thousand Bones, but everything else its just as about correct as she meant and says true. 

Tamang didn't do what you say, or?

How to turn into Hank's position in Slam Dunk meaning be on the street, never studying it again? He quits studying? You Ola did this calculative reasoning back and forth, you write it down, you won't forget your memory how this and that route of the leading each other, normally the Washington D.C, doesn't lasting very long some guy show up seeing you sitting there. Its not the beauty you think you content, and you care deeply about it.

No, he doesn't have that kind of the brain, meaning that kind of the telepathy. 

From the beginning, Anna I say, you Ola against that Tamang.

And then this Sailor Moon you both are the assignment like Dean and Hira sissy sassy, you are the jobs, then Anna's book keep saying that is a women. You saying that is BAZZAR Joann, but you never met Joann. Or that is saying Annca.

Its the Mammoru and Usagi story. It is the bestfriend going to the Earth Prince.

There is a Mars....meaning Elon Musk, and that 2 girls Anna says was the same girl Tina's best friend. This position of every Best Friend, if you claiming Anna is about to get married, you can claim that is the 2 Weeks notice, you no more needed to study. In the Washington D.C, you want to say that to those MD 6+(1), Dr. Steven Hairfield is not our age.

You wonder if inside one of them is the real MD does the real Job.


And Mommoru is (not Dr. T, not Wing, not Anna, not Tamang), someone baby sitter, you won't happen to care if all of this Sailro Moon Honor Class guessing its, this entire sequence re-write? The UB Honor Program does those the University Baby sitter thing.

You give up not because of the TV sequence. You give up because you don't want to studying it anymore. Your brain IQ, or you are looking at something outside the windows all that. You finding an exit other than the studying, you don't believe a certain thing. What is that, Ola?

I think....you cannot get out of the program. When the American Medical Board does something, they meant in many years you evolve to realize that, including me, like Ruling THE ENTIRE World, or the universe, that is what they mean. But Correct, we communicate what I say to them, no, its not like that. So they have to go and find out. Normally when something like that happen, you give them 6 month to 1 year re-evaluation again. 

So I am not pressing it on them. ... Meaning when you ruling the world, you kindly telling them, go and re-evaluate that again. Its a regent, staying that for a while. Its not going it back, something are outside. 

※※※... No. On the legal stand, one time I say, a lot of us can go to a upper bracket, and we just flying in and talk about it. That is they American Medical Board paying the expense. THAT.

... ... It means exactly I say that. We upper bracket sitting there on the Top, because they are continue listening, they are. They didn't approach to me, given me that scepter, something is not quite all added up. They can give themselves a little bit time re-evaluate that. She cannot keep hanging herself in the middle of ...THAT.

... 2018 the music things to 2021 I claim a page, they understand the geography location, they know 23.5 facing outside, she claim as the 194, has a reason. That is....worse than the movie or worse from within, its the Music? That is the interface, none of that are good. Its evidence everywhere. And therefore, all the president has to behind that one human in case that is BTX ends, meaning continue that their own happy world, she deals with that. She finds something she tells everyone. She cannot have too much every other mind, other than that mind. That time, they or me don't know what it is. 

... No.

... Every time as the Board of any Directors or the Committee Boards can just file as "We re-evaluated that another 6 to 1 years time" "1 to 2 years time" "10 years gone, we have a new report upon that re-filed of the past 6 full months, something came up. She is running out of the hands, she is not aware of. "

... No, there is every kind of the meeting someone joins a club, a classroom, a few people gather in the school that does a group gathering complete an assignment. That one day, Anna later in this 10 years say, or she puts up a certain organization of all their name from the Constitution below, down to the Pharmaceutical Board or the American Medical Board. And I say they won the lawsuit. When I stumble, they go and make that clear. They are needed, that is not a fake, or all of you will disappear.

... No, you don't have that construct, I think...or I believe you probably joins the mailing list of some kinds in SA. Maybe pre-med included. But you didn't go in the SA for anything up to your liking, or you don't have anything built up in life will ever be anything that TV scribble, no one understands any one thing why it spreads everyone's life in misery, but they are finding it out. 

No, they know I got very exhausted, just imagine all that, not the physical bearing. No, but that case is important so a lot of people watching it. She knows that, it will probably take the most majority case for the rest of the world on Earth because no one bearing that one movies this long, 10 years, not even a guy will wait that long, and you say give up the life like that Flower Thousand Bones saying OU, if I approach to them, they will tell me I can live my life. 

They are the medical profession, even in their life, they imagine how to relax their own life, like...I sleep a little bit longer, in the last 1 week, I adding the time, or I taking the shower, or I make a certain gesture, or something, for myself. I saying some of the words in, or I laying it down more. A continue efforts, when I am not feeling well, I go and lay down.

... No, they have to....well, you decide you want to be a MD, or you just imagine you will NEVER be a MD? 

They are coming up a personal plan inside their life, what if...and how to having a medical expense if the future whom they want or they claim, how much in details, how much that full package even on their own what is the fair or not fair. It may not be MD, but they are the MD to evaluate all those physical bearing or the public URL nature, or the domain, or the social media, or the peer pressure or....etc. The medical profession jobs.

No =  = = equal equal equal evaluate one person's health. What is really needed one person's health? Sleep more, warm up 4 limbs, vitamin C, massage chair, let's say she is mummified on the bed, why she is jumping up or down, and how much that material going it through, they have all the reports all that, but they technically have to key-in some of the experience as the mature Medical Doctor. You never think you will ever be a professional MD, that is what you mean. You dreaming still....how to make Simon be your puppy impossible, but hey, trying that beauty queen not Diary Queen in Buffalo New York a vendor art. Everything is a clue right?

Hey, you?

Maybe be realistic, talking to Shane before or after you imagining....

That is his stuffs, oh mine ! At least anything really meant the romantically taking care of someone the one full lifetime. I am not sure how you imagine the house chore and the responsibility over all that togetherness, you meant real, or you meant burden.

Sometimes living with your mother the way you sound like, the way you look like, or the way you present yourself for next 20-30 years possible real feel near by you, that is what is more real. Everyone whom had a tiny life experience will suggest you that.

Not that comic book page...you want me to show you that imagination inside Loving to Cry Little, why anyone like me will saying that loud?

You went to tell your mother's something real. About...you asking the guy's and the sex things to explain between you and your every past. Either you shake the head, or you knod the head, so your mother explains....

But you never explains to her, how Brian can make you becoming the chair, to that becoming a sitting down position. That you didn't tell your mother, you want to call her telling her now? Today its our Friday night here.

Calling Ronan Me telling Kian or telling whom to tell Shane to tell Ronan?

You like this phone games?

Not phony?

You should tell your mother, Frozen tells you to be "hiding it", you want to kill her all the way, very very very strongly, you don't want to explain to her anymore, not one word anymore, but you went to talk to her. 

When the kid like you and Hailey inside your every eyes staring how to kill your parents to every TRUE degree or like Wing, its HATE in that eye hollow, every Justice will tell you what is the First Degree Murder case, you should search on the Google seeing those word in front of you, how never a guy will imagine they have the penis drive, but not literally any girl any girl any girl, can VENT, in any public space, they hear about it, including the cuses word, will NEVER a girl to be worship like the Godses, to go and commit the First Degree Murder. Every single one last guy on Earth will tell you that piece of advice.

I see a baby ...


The red-blonde, right side slanted down hairstyle, thin eyes. It must be an incentive how you get yourself get going. One of those Simon's kid is the One.

Tonawanna, or North Tonawanna. 

I see Biden?

oh no, not when he was young, thin eyes? You know, some people went to ask Any Chinese, and Any Chinese if heard about Simon + Lauren as that beauty and the beasty....they will go somewhere to gossip the entire world, you are really really really psycho every known world police will tell you that.

Every Chinese secrecy community. So stupid. They supports only Simon + Lauren, really. Only. If knowing that, and seeing that. NEVER ever will be Iron Man, EVER, just by looking at you, at all. Forever. Every single one last them. 

You know driving through only we UB around knows that Tonawanda, to North Tonawanda, do you remember the first day Knock Knock prior the First lawyer's office? Before going in, or coming out to look at the sky before going to the car? The first time you feeling...without your parents you goona be?

Say it 

"You gonna be..."

"Without your parents, you gonna be.."

"Without your parents, you will ever gonna be...."

And do you remember driving through this Tonawanna, and North Tonawanna to pretend how to close a hole? Whatever that comic book, you believing it ....I am telling you this one American Medical Board has every tricks and games to fail every human on Earth including building up this one Taipei City, I bet.

It must be Keanu Reeve, the One.

The wall says knock knock, very loud renovation.

The vision says the baby, before I looking at or talking to Kian. We are talking about the wedding reception things me and him about the dress. Not that. But...So I thought they were sleeping, today's is Ronan's concert, and this Nicky looks like they suppose to be in the concert somewhere I got confused, its early in the morning in America time. Something is not right.

I think its that baby.

But I will say its everything I written, because someone drove that, prepare that Simon + Lauren,....before all of this, like you all don't know this Tonanwanna and North Tonawanna place. Its furthur north than UB, very far from worse that Torus in Downtown. The Red River Manga that Queen married young, in the imagination or imagine the Angel's Wing, on Brian or Peyton, they know her worth....her mind boggling.

She went to this dim light sun down, the sun gone, she drove that area. Its a barren land literally. But if you are getting those bench jobs, compete and compared all the way downtown to imagine how many hours to drive to go back home, where you can afford a housing reason, might be Tonawanna. I don't know.

We have this supervisor and a Fire Department you don't know where the Compete and Compared coming from. She had a volunteer jobs on the weekdn.

This is called "Preparing the Singular linear brain IQ at zero Marching Vola moment to Washington D.C"

I think that is what everything told to me combine.

Can anyone behind check it? The American medical board you know what it is literally told to me, this one afternoon on this external wall anything physical? The combines. Because I see different, then receive also different the Youtube. 

I think its the that I written here.....

"Preparing the Singular linear brain IQ at zero Marching Vola moment to Washington D.C"

How an amateur looks like a professional !

She lied.

Its asking President for one thing, Its Brian!!

I tell you what, tearing down your underwears like that Mimmo's "Loving to Cry" comic book 愛哭學妹 inside you ever seen that...part of the tears

Its cute and funny, like if I pick up a booklet of inside full of page clipped, and shake it in front of your forehead this 19 Anita's hair bang in the front, you cannot see it, or you know something coming it down like those Taiwan or Korea cheerleader.

The traveling food in the Washington D.C?

Did I say I don't need to be imagine I get things done in one trip? That is why I had that planning for myself? I am a leadership just whenever the White House maid me I have to show up?

Those food are for my planning, correct.

My parents upper this bracket? Asian whomever their circle? Taiwan is so small tiny, they ask me in Chinese? 

The Washington D.C traveling food to White House?

I actually was saying myself. Me. I eat the chocolate too, and since I am back to America, its anything I am capable to stock up pile inside my room. All of that was for me.

For me, for me.

Is this about your Friday night if you get a guy near by, every Friday night its not a lonely library hour.

Today is so hot....maybe because of the period, I eat too much lunch.

My entire abdomen sits on the chair, how you seeing me that fat on that belly.  I gonna get a drink. So thirsty. 



I nap

Babaji: Go

你們的新聞是講 74 跟 75 ? 一定是在講我,之前是我跟 Nicky 再說,他講過了! 我說 - 我 的 錢,就沒有下文了 !

台北市長好像講過這二寶三寶~對 ! 我們討論過,我沒想知道 Kian,他講話是我聽不太懂 ! 

他昨天被 beat up,但是我今天跟他說這 Kian 附近有誰 在 Kian 不在出現什麼場合他會說什麼什麼~~~ 我之前講過,我現在在跟他說一次 ! 但是對 ! 我問他是 74 結婚還是 75 ? 兩個 ... 我說

他們剛好挑那種時間來,十一月~ 講之前的查理王子,現在的王~我等一下 ! 


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Babaji: Go

The main dish: probably the beef steak cut top middle buttom, 3 and try to fried and cooked in the big big tray inside oven. Until everything is not red.

Stack it back, with all the side dish

+ The eggplant casserole

+ Shell with the cheese + spinach

+ Long pasta tube with cheese + spinach

Probably shrimp they have or they eat those things. 

How many things can they have, the bread? I don't really know which bread they eat.

There is a gravy sauce that require a burn onion to soak in it. Maybe that is for the Potato or for the steak gravy. Probably the light boiled brocolli on the side. That is the main dishes.

Length Wise - Eggplant Casserole Parmesan (eggplant lasagna)

(Food Network 20 years ago on the TV)


No, not that thin, on the right that width, but the left side length. oh ~ I think I say the eggplant lasagna 

No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUhIiiIZJXg

Well, you have to cut a bit thicker, because you process the salt, for the water coming out of the eggplant and fried them. That many people, its the potato fries in the cold water has to be coated going in. You see those ASRM not that giant, but you gonna sort everything quick.

Once the potato fries fried, you re-heated in the oven? YEAH!

Food Network - Italian Kitchen


Isn't she looks like?

Movie: She is All That?

You see, the guys like them don't eat pumpkin or salad.

A sheet of lettuce wrap = (6 or 7 or 8 of them) = 8 sheet lettuce I wash

Pumpkin boils its all mine, except, cutting like how many small tiny cube on that one sheet

Cashew+sun flower seed ( Pine nut is more expensive)

Red bell pepper small tiny dice, small tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny, sprinkle on Top, and some Parsley powder tiny tiny look, a few shredded cheese from the bag, and 2 drop black vinegar. Balsmic Vinegar. That is your side dish.

You don't need to eat it.

I used to say they cut the human sheet of skin, like the red bell pepper, you imagine I cannot do it, you cannot taste it.

I ate some fruits, now its a bit hurting.

A full bowl of lychee and brocolli a lot of it + some green stem chew.

Maybe turn on the air-con. I think the strawberry yogurt helps the digestion, really. Might be too dry. 小鳥 ~~~~~ Yogurt?

See nothing when asking them a question. That will be the second bottle, too much maybe, too giant fat this thing. Okay, maybe I drink it. Too dry I think. They told me. 

Lay down you will feel so much better off the pain !!!

Burp~~~ I think might be the poo. I have to go to the bathroom. Nicky has my bathroom every so often underwear changes: drinking too much water leaking on the circle top. Big circle Top.

I think I need to wash my hair too.

What do they say? (Same video)

Nov 26th, Kian and Nicky.


Imagine the first time I heard, Sligo....word. Kian is blue eye. Nicky is a what? oh ~ the gardener. ... ... Their hair is touchable, so strange. The entire ....them look strange.

he says withered? Plays....Kian's guitar, belfast? Losing weight, on shane's neck? he means lyre? He is a right hand human or else Kian will be at the left. 

I suppose to have a period, waist down bend my back on their video...forgot. Want me to lay down? 

9:15 before, that pen broke.....did Nicky knows? He keeps on and on.

Kian's pen up and on and up and on, and up and on half of it? 

(Til the head like Kian on my right)

oh no, their is at left, their neck is not sore? My head hurts.....left.

Wambley. The stadium's name. There is only a few geographic city where the civilization meets the water and the portal meaning to the Sea. Ports, pierres. Where the human gathers, so there is a City built, sorry, not the civilization. They all speaking British English must be. 

See Croke Park. How many names can there be. They concert around and around and around and around....and iconic on my head around and around on the Scottland Gosglow. How interesting....

Face up, my eyes close, the knee needs to be down, everything straight.

Face up, laying it down. Close my eyes.

Right...Shut up, shut up, shut up ~~~! 

Right, written statement...I think I might have a maid room next by the kitchen to lay down

Their 5 offices why it has to be in my house?

Tea, tray, honey, cup + plate?

Sorry, not me today. 🦅

I am? 🦅

My waist below I already told you the difference between a guy and a girl. They eternity never have the full bags of these sensation never end to the brain.  The entire pelvic bloating all that, it is probably somewhat enlarge by tomorrow I think. The second day. My correct pain right now or the period coming at its at the second day on. The first day is very little. 

69.40 kg


小鳥,去吃東西 ! 喝水 !~~~

That is a dough made sheet of ....rubber right?

The frame of Nicky and Kian this? The kitchen roll the kneating a dough?

Samosa can be a little bit spicy

The one next by its, its a lot a lot more spicy. Those Indian flea market.

Irish eating a lot of the potato.

You boiled the 2 full pot, you have 

(1) The potato salad (cold)

(2) The mash potato (mush)

(3) The Samosa filling + this round thing spicy thing, very spicy too. 

Right, but that is not a meal. That is a snack you bought them in the paper bags. Mac n Cheese, they use this white looking cheese I guess. The American use the yellow or the instant package in the Wal-mart. Just look different.

You can do a red potato (marinate) and baked them in the small oven (save my electricity) 

No, those are the side dishes.

Pizza probably. Its rising there next by 1 hour gone? 

Washing the green, washing the herbs, I just asking Nicky 2 days ago, the full menu list, so if there is a spicy sauce, you made it in the early morning, it will become very spicy. 

Next by, next by, next by.

No, I don't use the sink unless I was born to wash too many veggie. You can get this super giant plastic transparent bowl. Super giant. The transparent, not heavy, no, not stainless steel. That should be marinated the red potato and dump somewhere. 

You have 4 stoves, you boiling the potato in a big giant pot

You boil the pasta. Mac n Cheese, that is a side dish?

When they are eating, I need to stay away from them ....the food inside their mouth in my own kitchen.  Kian and Mark.

That sounds right ....

The Pizza Topping - Home Made

You have so many variation really. Some people using those too acidity taste life tomato paste, then you have to re-engineering the whole entire things. Not that kind or dilute, or somehow doing the pizza method. No, I don't use the outside Prego?! No. Tooooo heavy in taste, very very pungent smell. I don't like it. 

When you are eating outside, you don't use the red onion or shallot. At home you can do both. Of course you can use the regular onion, you can make 5 pizza, they just selecting them, one oven its 2 racks? I used to got this from Target, its one flat darken steel plate. One side its where the tilt up handle. Its flat tilt it up. So the base of that darken steel full square plate, darken color, you can make a full square pizza, there is no limitation how you home made. If they have the pizza mode or the cheesecake mode, yeah, you make the Chicago double cheese pizza. You put on those standing rack. They can eat that much cheese? 

We used the diaya cheese, not that fatty.

On Transit Rd. Pizza Plant, ask Jonathon and Keegan. They live there.

With the same pizza dough, that is the pizza pod, same, the cheese or the mushroom spinach mixture filling. You can put the red onion. The red onion usually is more expensive but a lot more in taste too.

Maybe they eat the paparonni. Its just a stack of the meat laying on the top with the rest of the other stuffs. But for the vegan us, we had this artichoke from the can. But you have to wash wash wash, same as the olive can, wash wash wash and cut it. I wash and I soak in the water and wait....

Right, I do those small tiny things a lot.