
In Washington D.C, first you have to have a reason really meant why you going there...I make that easy, not that I just meant you go there.

There are 10 years later those 194 countries their groups. 10 years later....not right now 2023?  I probably also meant you learn how to travel, or you been through traveling, isn't that every single day you worry its the next meal?

Even my ex bf nick Canada and I was only eating that 2 meals, still....its 2 meals in the cooking efforts, you have to stand on your feet to prepare those meals if you don't have the money. When you make it the money, then you still buying the food ingredient back to the hotel to eat? Sometimes the hotel I just walking around inside, they have a couch, or even home when Nicky and Kian back, we can eat at the room. What I gonna do, they come back?

Here is the food, "The food is ready"?

Isn't you be together with someone, that is 2 people, still becoming the 3 meals in front? The last time I being with a physical guys, there is a lot of the cooking involved. He retired, they aren't retired, so they go out, I go out for the food shopping too. I don't really like going out to eat.

1. The food amount.

2. Very expensive

3. Nothing I really like.

4. Too greasy

5. Its on my money or on Nicky I guess....they have zero money, really.

You know what is made of a French ACE bread, you have the red onion, or shallot, or the tomato or the cheese, or the olives washed, you have a lot of things if you separate that task and capable to just put 3 breads on that table. Some vegetable, some salad, some crackers, some ice tea....

The guy themselves they eat at least half of that ACE bread, sometimes they have to run and go, so...it didn't have to be that much, but still, I save myself some bread, that is at least 2 long baguette inside our room, they eat half of that long baguette.

You can put the slice cheese, slice tomato, some salad container things washed, some olive all washed can, I don't know if they eat oregano, a spice. Sometimes they have this artichoke can, I just wash them. I eat that.

Right they have their own meat Deli. Some ham, not SUPER heavy meal what if they have to get out of the door? Buy some baked chips, Wal-mart, they have all that. That is exactly the sandwich everyone eat in America, with the chips and cokes and longer sandwich? 

Those American dollar store, has those plastic plate, funny or cartoon or the napkin, you can have one of those avocado, or the cucumber, or the radish slice, very very very thin, I eat that. When the guys get out of the door, that full plate its the per slice of all things edible. My own food? Its thin slice, just stack up pretty. No one eating that per slice, I eat that?

My blood pressure is low, I am a girl, I need to put the food inside my mouth every so often. They are the raw food, and healthy too. Wash my stomach. 

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