Lawsuit 736: OU language (to me Anna's meaning intepretation)

Date: August 23th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: If or

1. If I am a true throne of the whole universe to this name of King of King, I will be the signal to all the earthquake, typhoon, the natural disaster such as the Watermarke parking structure, that is tornado. 

2. If I am the true throne of both the phsyical and the spirituality endow personality, I will be walking out to understand a certain thing when I file-ing this under the correct background of the academia discipline that MD 6+1 are on the map meeting the MD 4+2, not one death such as Dr. Gabriel's face reminds in Flower Thousand Bones.

3. If I am the true heir of the spirituality, I understand what SMCH did as the jailed female inmate if I thought back in the 90s when I starting this a lot more independence life away from my parents, what I read in the newspaper to later on the spiritual quest all development. She is a false, I am a real.

4. If I am the true understanding of the political leadership in the past, and the spirituality and the image inside the mirror sense, the snail pace makes a transition a haste. (The graduate progression makes a hasty)

(The last 2 points)

5. The mortal die in the eyes of their sight.

6. They do not have a meaning.

7. There are others whom are the better ones.

8. The stepping stone, Toronto contact person what they did, remember all that?

9. Money will not be that ever the same.

10. You should know all that better if all this time, a lot of things are in places, being done. They are all already dead. Dead in their spirits, they care the most will never be one thing you ever cared about it. Friendship, bravery ....

Remember all that.

Ipod has those podcase, ET can get those recording that time. Not public publishing, but it was in my own space at home (Buffalo) or inside ICloud.


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