
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

That is per subject lines 400 million dollars per yearly. That is nothing to do with the biz world.

You saying ....what you really lose it?

It goes with the interest first. 2 millions dollar per countries 194 UN worlds. You didn't do anything just trying to step on everyone's way. The first day, the first time starting ....not the last day. Not really.

Every democracy world the fair and justice will tell you that. 

Your jail records starting very long time ago, the First Day on, too.....Maybe you didn't check that how the real Justice being done. The snap shooter called, to your parents, want to tell? The total costs of your countries carry this expense. You and your all around. Buddy together how soon you mean that TV was real. 

Ken = Kryon = UN 1995

Ken in Contact 1997.


Every guy lied.

They didn't be together with you because whom you are. They put you in the jail starting at the first kiss. That is all what they did, so the opening trailer looks like, endless of the mask on their eyes. They all lied. They will choose to be with the psycho those girls and in that exchange was the police fee, to tip what she ever did and buddy together.

You believe their lies.


The real guy they will tell you

"The plot in such, you undress, you will sound like you know the only reality in front of him."

"You scream, starting 1 to 400 times."

"Not really, but every guys lie."

"You nake and jump in the cold swimming pool, its every guys half naked legally felt."

"You didn't nake it enough, to take off those piece of the cloth."

"No one think that is really that shameful considering.....the military draft every guy will tell you likewise in the mud water, or in front of me talking, here are every personel standing by."

None of you have any quality for any guy for doing any of that. None. Not the comic book name, not the reality check. Some of them are sober like that, what you gonna do? Make them?

Its all fake. 

I told you if any of you girls not limited to any of the group, just open to tell Dennis every debts behind you have, its the only manner you will proceed your life. He is a fine person. He won't do anything with your situation. But none will open their mouth, plus Dennis is a rigid unloved guy. False. He will be the only guy will ever tell you, every guy lied. When the first time I said that, you all just meant to mocking at me, or laugh. That will be the only way, starting every debts and every bill, every bank transaction for the last 10 years per monthly billing cycle, or late in the payment and why. And this will be the only way at the beginning everyone sit there and sort the movie content.

The longer you delay, the court will drag your feet just like you all done on purpose. Dennis he doesn't lie on that, when he puts on that job in front of the parents. Every guy behind you just meant, you have a sweet words for 2 mins. All false. You suppose to just tell Dennis every act as if he is the only Earth Prince and you will be protected. 

They all watched you lie?

They all watching you how to make a fool of yourself. All the time. They went to the archeology I Anna says the Atlantis doesn't have anything on the metal straight line made. It started in 1900 whichever the steel starting. The rail road 1800.

The history site, the remainee. Those are the false story. So the Sailor Moon story were real was ...what you believe or seeing its not the other eyes seeing or truth.

The music notes ...don't sound right on.

Its whichever supposes to be right on, its all = right on Perfect Pitch or Perfect melody, perfect rhythm. They are just the pop songs. Nothing classic world, at all. You listen once, you repeat it, or you listen more than once.

What you mean the middle school Obama's bill on per transaction that is 6 years piano lesson for my parents. From NSYNC. Because....to entrance the middle school music academia, the movies is real. It was a real admission to test from the grade 6 school to the 7th grade. The middle school, but I gone to the private middle school.

People's state of the mind is different.

Their worlds its more IT restrict what you all saying the privacy being protected - the bank. Your personal asset. To that every ID cards, trespassing world. American and all the Western developed countries have the clean drinking water. All the credit cards or the bank protected means are a lot of those foreign investment.

Microphone public speech :

Testing testing testing !! 


To that you all know the shelter of that refugee Eon or Kalpa, life after life your vowing to your own belief what bearing the fruits to the result - Purna from the very first Life to this Ending evolution to this Time and Space had coming to a celebration of the next Hunger Games, Catching Fire next by Taiwan Mr. President 馬英九,his Party is the Republic of China that after 1911 democracy declares, the very same Party. The Top bracket them. To that 1950 that you all have a pre-setting a tone, that mentor examination were over 2013/ 2014 on….all the way stretch to 2019 by the comet calculation dates. So we had a NASA asteroid testing First unheard of. To that all gratitude and sincere well wish to all, I place upon my blessing and protection to all these events whether it’s a life you forward your evolution included or your set destiny to acquire the next points forward, may all that sincerity and seniority be with you, to all that coming towards us or going towards you.

May God be that Light shelter to always oversees that every creation under Him, be protected and prosper, no matter which illusion in Life getting them thicker, gloomy or despair, may that courage be found that in each waking hour stepping forward, let Light be your guide at the sorrowful moments to grief or to pray, with that one things in mind remembered - God him the doer as our Bible stated. That the universal principle and the brotherhood will never wane, its the Truth we seek with or without the Moon.

That’s a joke.

Be Happy and be prosper to all that attended to you.


You didn't decide to take the American classified reasons, you didn't need to waste time....

Dennis is the biz major, same is Eben.


I say the traffic is very very loud.

Its very very busy.

Dog Language: Are you hungry good appetite you are a good boy

2  9  4

7  5  2

6  1  8


唔 = 2

(2)  (3)

0     W

u      u



































Fighting the moonlight, the day time by, the night time by?

Taiwan is not that famous, for saying its very limited if its a made in Taiwan band. True. But these are the materials inside the 4 points frames.


Tell me again, what’s the Biz & Economics?

You have to have a real banking interaction like you walking in to cash your own 2 weeks per monthly checks, that is if you sort your bill in front of the bank, or the cubical seat with those the same age, and one day will be younger than you are. They all have a job. That is their receptionist job.

Every time, its a transaction of the money, that is the real thing in life.

Not just the paychecks you living on a real job, for saying the deliver that just like your own very parents, if they keep a property home, or they are the home owners, and keep your own room, and board?

You don't have a real job? 

No, that is one side of the jobs (all the Space or Stargate talks)

There is something I write before

The Business and the Economic

We are not in the same field, remember? So don't you have something for me to lecture me at? Correct, you are like the sailor moon without the memory, because I Anna say, "Do you eat yet, drink, you want to get to the book store for some stationary, you keep your password or you shift your entire American IT surveillance, they scam people at the market, you use cash?" 

"You need a drink, some strawberry beverage milk or the yogurt? See this is the price, this is the special tag, no price."

"See here they say 2 for 1 for the freezer session, meaning we microwave with those tall table."

"See...this board, you are one person alone in front of me, I am the hologram. Its all the bank app they say they supporting what things with the holiday gift pack."

"Turn around, all those are the holiday gift packs."

"Miss home? It used to be my home, you know?"

All kinds of the language


Crystal (memory)


Your future variation


Here we have the concert, its a City life. You are not living in my life, I have all the birds all around. And this Thor, Zawanna, Kail they are....You don't need to go to just Westlife concert. You can look at everyone else concert. You can travel from Taiwan to Japan, while you are in this area, you have every airline you check out? There is a schedule just right below the ice skating rink. There is a Korean fried chicken on the second floor.

They are not the only guys in the world ...You want me to tell you that? What if?  It was a TV name already  O ______ Remember? What that means the eternal glory anyway? 

Nobody - Stargate 5G

As if that is a memory. A real high tech memory. As if that is exactly just like the OU language by your own Master.


You understand what is to learn the language. What is that you willing? 

That golden brand potato its the brand for the eye healing in Cayce Edgar, whom in 1900, the sleeping prophet on Atlantis. You have to shred it to put on both eyes. There is a remedy or those lousy ugly typer writer printing out book, without the editing like the hard bind. But its a book. This video above looks like a memory to you? 

... the rainforest means the humidify, here the green is not sunny good morning sunshine Calfiornia Palm tree or those Red River Manga Egypt tree. Its every green look like water seen. The tree man, its where under, the mushroom or you say fungi.

Not the feet. 

Its a medical condition for some population their feet are the tree growing below, if you check out this TLC on the Youtube. Not just the TV cable. We done this starting 2014. You cannot have me to paraphrase everything you don't watch anything educational. 

The Business & Economic structure, you understand anywhere when you land at...

The humanity reason why you capable to handle with or a developing talent or the characters. You go forth your own presentation in that mingle of the people, or the social norm. You OU first, you land second just like Anna, she enters the metropolitan alone herself. She did.... That is not necessary home, but you trajectory an OU scenario and found out what she is willing to do, that will enter every metropolitan City not limited to Taiwan. It can be in anywhere she decide how to survive.

There is no one inside that entire space / building. No one. She is only one person.



No one exists

Get the jobs close to the above - the Star Gate, the Star Gate Atlantis. The Space Age. They won't tell you, but you didn't find out !!


Kirsten Caroline Dunst Has a movie on this sea and science


Upside Down (2013)




We are alike

Thor and me Anna, air.

(Just to talk about this one post, they want to kill you, all of you)

To those whom your next 10 years ....

I have something to say. 

My arms left are very very very painful. All this time, I am in the seat of the crowd place, everyone has a lot of the talking and shouting, as if no one hears me all this talk from the certain time to this time. We talk about it, that doesn't mean I clear away, so my body can feel leaving to whichever the next destination.

Because I didn't say. 

Because I didn't say about your economic idea including the business or all this related how between your social skill, your education, your family background to how you shape up this next 10 years, maybe you trying to say Kenshin Himura has a 10 years idea, or your sheet, or anything Eben etc. I did say. I say my terms as the American Medical Board consent that 2023 this entire one full year, every TV including the high school musical 4 - all around the Kenshin Himura new version 2023. But in the First time ending, they had a 10 years later, which is this time 2013-2023.

Once I say, I think my body might feel different to capable to say I can leave.

I haven't said.




v=l k  OQ  56 u6 ti 0

Everything you seeing this OU language to every degree "decoding" process I Honorable Superior did online free. Its paid by every card behind. All the money are nothing but subjective to me, one person doing. Every money. 

American Medical Board and American Law Board didn't have to get in the conversation when someone being said as the celestial Honorable Superior Lord. They willing without a name, its every money credit to my account. But I told you they added Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical, these real jobs, the real career, the real Ph.D or the real MD including the claim such as I was 34 or 35 I say the industrialist that time in 2018-2020. I blurs all that out, All that were nothing but the dropping of the unlimited money.

The Education.

The 10 rudimentary subjects including the cooking. Some people in the bigger world those governmental probably a lot of them because its eternal I say I willing. I didn't give any condition that time. 

They don't care about this Hunger Game or the Catching Fire. Every deals are done behind when this noisy die down, you all the trouble makers, didn't need to pay today....


As the girl, your safetest bet its in the police force, the American medical board or the Law board, they won't care if you say you are TV if or without any condition why you are happy or not happy to be caged as





None of them take the name, for example, if I Anna doesn't know them. Not the police Conan Detective I say day-in day-out. Not American Medical Board I say day-in day-out, or American European medical board day-in day-out, you say ambitious, or American law Board, as if that literacy I can make it or fake it the bimbo carried a basket. 

I was telling you every word true. And people do find out through the lawyers to the lawsuit. But what your 10 years or the next, it may not have anything to do with me. Your major in the university is not my major, or your background or the group whom sponsor you coming in anywhere in Asia including in China. They wish everyone develop their own talent how to sort the problem in every countries in whichever you got assign to. Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sigapore, or any other Asia countries included. These will be saying you tempting most because you say that is the only money at

= The Business and the economic.  Anna I never say much about this things in my life because all of that didn't require if I was being guessing or true why any of those credit institution will hand me my side of the money and what I do with myself capable in my own term. Its you didn't understand your assignment the next 10 years. Not Taiwan, not China, not America. Your assignment, they probably only give you a sheet, and I Anna the only person in the middle of all this seating down = me, everyone all standing up busy. Mummified. In that pale state.

My left arm hurt.

My bones behind me really hurt. Very very very painful.

I cannot leave until you understand some of this, or I got nervous, so I make myself not capable to get up and get going to do things. I got very painful at my arm, very pale.

The Business or the Economic

Development under the Energy Source of Department ......

Under the Asia Pacific Regional Operation center, sorry...亞太金融中心

American survillence under ALL "Ella Enchanted Giant" as I Anna never stop saying 2013, the economic term the Silicon Valley Giant has the IT survillence 194 countries to the local police station over this facebook someone doing things behind everyone's back. You have this video I made you of the "Online Landscape 1 and 2 and 3....or 4"

Its everything I done I do it for you.

If you continue to fail this gala every Christmas The pharmaecutical annual banquet in every major city, you can just stay in the hotel lobby to wait until you watching everyone with your eyes and outfit, to stay there year per year per year Every degree where the only money you staring at with your correct Metropolitan concept. If you continue to fail that so ....Its every word I am the Bible, you deliver.

If she told you, she is God.
Sorry I told you, I am God. My name is God, the TV says I am God. You kneel, bowl, flat, every thing copy and paste starting the elementary school. You got a group efforts, its you sleep you will live on that 4 walls you cannot enter. Because you got a group, she was only one human, she did what to that every credit account, correct, they won't find out, But you will all be knowing what it is like, you got a group, she was one human only. 

Painful, my left arm.



I go to nap

Babaji: Go

嬰兒尿布兩遍 = 你們站起來運動的意思?

食物日本沒了 ...煮飯嗎 ?

Exercise and making food?  That means my Pinterest not enough the food album? Unbelievable. Today is Saturday.


I think that is Justin Timberlake's wife in 7 Heaven sister to Lucy and she has a husband today talking about the exclusive right of triggering the nuclear weapon button its solely at American President hands.

Kevin Kinkirk



Babaji: Go

American nuclear weapon discussion at our TV channel, whom has the right to authorize?

Your American President current. He is the commander-in-chef. I didn't think I change that saying did I? 

Music, is not a real existing thing right now on any map to Earth, they intend to say the material science supposes to work. They recall on the first immediate time, not 3 months later. Really.