Lawsuit 738: Square's Devil Wears Prada

Date: August 24th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The missing puzzle of the Whole Truth

I gone to some place with this Ancient Chasez story I told everyone somewhat in 2016 - 2017. And none of that will ever to do with this modern spider man works place or this movie: Devil Wears Prada. I probably never to be that psychi, or saying my outfit were this ABC Pang or Tina alike, my mother picks for me, or I have a set of the photo since 2018-2023. Just to seeing this clothing with the cartoon on, or a regular ink press of the t-shirt hot ironing, I don't know how much i wish to say, I am so glad that one day I found out outside were the Corporation or the business sleek. The high tech, the machinery, people go to the higher university, or the studious manner, with a certain population that will talk about "the statistic."

One of that its when I able to walk out of my room, from my bed, to this TV, I open and see the line and dot human cartoon, or CNN on. No matter how unclear they are, or they will ever know, its a modern color of the sunshine, the rain, the building, the road block, the every world other than the natural landscape of the Greater Wonder.

I don't really know how you can solve all these people argument, and this is not the argument, this is the literally inner vision and felt with a lot of those going on in life, where I been. Because, until I can really go and sit in a concert, that space and time wasn't right all those years. I could be sitting somewhere, and my space and time wasn't there. I don't know how to describe you such a thing, but I guess that time I wasn't going out. The movie: 10 Clovefield Lane.

With the people's world, there are noise. The noise where you see the TV, the informatic, the people chatting, and be happy in the coffee shop. If anyone would have relate my experience let's say that video Jan 2018, I will tell you, those New Age will say, all of you are not living the correct reality.

I will tell you, I wish its this reality, NEVER THAT. I just couldn't get back. Later about this year 2023, so away from 2018, I start to relate to everyone that I am a synthetical human. I have no idea how proudly I say that, or that idea of....everything but the Natural Wonder.

I believe the world evolvement will accelerate to the speedy information exchange, just to hear that, that is a learning curve, someone could read a book, learn, print, write, and learn it and say it. Or they go and show off. 

It already doesn't bother me why everyone loves to show off, including one day the ET or all those ADD taller race. Just to see the human walking around, of all the advance technology, because its a technology with the noise that keep propelling the world in large, to the information, the traffic incoming, outgoing, some kids are heart taken, got anxious, got excited, get going to be happy in life. 

I never so wished, this is the world I am living in, and it will continue forever more, it will never go back or anything else being discuss, or the Past. Its the industrial revolution, its the political upheaval, its the radio in that bus terminal, its the train station some reports to the front desk. Its probably not one of those, you stand there and watching that thing making a sound, and that person doesn't know there is a person like me stand there, and he will never know why someone stood there, wishing this space and time will come to where, I live this moment its where my life meant it here.

A lot of people's thought probably will never be entangle to those anything I describe. If someone asking me on the back of my mind, I ever fear. To be honest, I still am.

She looks like Square's role.

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