Lawsuit 751: File first regarding to this Game (Any Game)

Date: Sep 4th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Hunger Games or the Catching Fire

I want to file this first to my personal encountering over a lot of things including the ghost side or the wild ghost part. They gone to hell, they won't have any attirbute of those not laying low those part of the humanity, don't do that. Internal. When a very very long time ago ghost existing today for saying how long they been in the hell and never regain the human physical form, their internal attribute, was nothing like the human here nor like the confident outside, or the spirituality that never got hurt.

They got hurt.

They got punished.

They didn't evolve not to get hurt.

They have getting that part of the entire situation into that hurting their own life, and that does not emit anymore 1) rebelliation 2) done on purpose 3) talking to each other as knowing each other part 4) all of them let's say its only the telepathy world, tell me the difference between the passing soul, and the current living UFO them?

They don't have the rebelliation form anymore. They were in the hell for long long long long time. They don't have all that confidence neither. They can find out, not that they are born to be that ghost, to be whom he or she was not. They had got hurt, no matter what that life before them. Inside the frames of the telepathy, there is a difference the living and the passing things. At least to me.

For this situation of while it got into right now my personal lawsuit here at this section and I intent to file including the next UB group lawsuit to the eternity how the world people be indicate on the screen will get back lash, or feeling get hurt, or all things be mortal bound rules will never be broken, as the mortal with and without the moral standard - its just as long as its legal and humanity wise being universally accepted.

Its best I have seen all this far.....

Its best you go to the Heaven world such as that Mahavatar Babaji Throne Human could be either two worlds apart its a literally the physical body going up, or that is the high tech to illuded him. The real Heaven those are him in the God consciousness form, right now those are the darkness all prevailing. 

We don't talk about one part or dusty reason why there is a religious or any nature of what is the iliterate and immoral fun as long as ....without any values, that kind of saying. For me personally, that will forever never true. I can just choose without any more public statement. 

Its best whomever that part of the outside one day, if open or going near this one Throne whom the universally or the whole Cosmo, meaning endless Galaxy included...because he got jailed for 2 days, you saying he is not proficient in his laws degree or his evolution as the human being form. He might be staying there right as that.

Any TV such as a tiny implication of the Heaven scene.

Such as 3 3 10 Peach blossom or this song

That is where he stays, just as more in the eyes sight as vivid, that beautiful all around. In the longevity of time, maybe there will be a saying how someone can be that immortal transcending that space and time, or the Universal police they accord, that is the standard of the Heaven that coming it down. Meaning the physical world universe and the celestial has this Universal Police whomever that division given that permission. He is only one person, you cannot have the whole Cosmo human married to him. He knows that is a scandle himself. You do on purpose. 

A lot of this supports might be weave into the TV form. Whomever them.

You can never be with them, in the physical form, nor, its the money stake how nobility they have evolve including the literacy or the eloquent. And whichever the Universal police allows that situation to becoming the part of the humanity public broadcasting station material, that wonder if you abused, or hurting any of this none speaking presence "external force." for given you all that per degree supports, so no matter what, you make it with the God, in that low health, or buddy with the low human, while that one Bible given you will be a waste in another 2000 years, because it was ended this time. 

Some human outside might just have the eternal born right. They exist as they ever remember, and always being humane or including the lawful ideas whether its the human part of getting hurt. As the throne idea. A lot of this criminal nature of the mortal, I will clear that statement, if you just find your mortal flesh how to get near him, or some whom knowing him or another every Universal Police side, that grant all your criminal nature how to be in the presence, he knows or not, you are stable at all, per thought, per thinking, per feeling, per degree of high tech calibration. This may not be our world any future to come while I am alive.

I will just tell you, do what I say, as that tiny wisdom is embark to you.

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