I think....these several months, you girls want to invite someone. Almost like that Kate & Leopoid roof top dinner invitation making the food for the guys. That roof remind me a girl like Irene got drunk and Tamang tried to save her, or that is Tina Jojo, some girls drank a lot.
You test drive your cooking skill, and Nicky says, you girls did ask the guys to literally open their mouth and eat that food in front of her? And is that container in the company, or just one spoonful, that kind?
1. Is this container with a spoon, FRIEND Lanh and Monica + Joey cooking lesson?
2. Is this the container with a spoon inside the Westlife Company?
3. Let me think whom is Joey ....
4. Is this a table cloth table somewhere outside iin the restaurant, sorry, at anywhere you can display this table cloth. No, Not the table cloth?
5. A regular table with the plate of the food on the top. You mean you cook it?
Not Ronan?
In life, let's say you are all each other best friend between the guy and the girl, that is what you mean the together being to grown up? Its how you make them feel in person, or walking in those corridor ? You alone, or next by this one special guy? And he knows in person he is special enough what that means? You mean all this years are growing up special, you trying to find it this TV means real?
Me and Wing don't really talk much after the graduate school. He was on his own course of study, he knows I gone to the MLS. I told everyone on my facebook still in UB. No, not like this.
These Jonathon or Wing guys because....the way they are, for those length height girls, they can never get through any taller guy on my own facebook, may not be also in their own high school friends or the middle school friends. With all this, and so Wing and Jonathon including that Zac etc etc....even just they are breathing in space, that 3 simple human a lot more decent be around this shorty girls no matter how defect they are. But if one day.....that wasn't what I say about the external world outside, meaning its they run and jump in between life. They will know what this TV really means to them. It may not mean to the guys.
But to them the girls, these 3 guys Wing, Jonathon or Zac, their height or as long as they live, no matter they got married, and the girls start to get fuss, or making a whine, they 3 as long as they breathing and living, they feel supported and its true. But one day...if that reality its not the court knowing consciously, you will be one person coming back this time....in a very very long time to kneel at my word......
You didn't need to abuse these 3 guys, by just telling them, In this forever life, you leave my life, no call, no paper works, no looking, I forever will not come to you, knowing you, write about you. You be happy, and never work on this paper work. I tell Anna.
Set them 3 free.
And all my facebook guys free too.
Think about it 40 years bar.
When my lawyer shows up....your options with all of these guys. You doing it on purpose to kidnap anyone.