Lawsuit 722: The continuation of the Hive case (from Lawsuit 721 and W Two Worlds name list extraction)

Date: August 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I believe there is a name list somewhere

For real. 

I watch too many TV or the movie or the cartoon. I have seen it somewhere being mentioned. 

I can blurry say or it was a set-up, or the name list never exist. 

Or someone took it prior or during, not after but during. Some people have those the same ability of something vanish out of the air. I have seen it. I think the authority might always know about it. But today I wrote a whole case not related to the hive.

I just discover that last 1 week or 2 as we coming far along to closing some of the things. Its my personal life, so I guess if things are moving to some speed, a lot of times, its how to get things done. I close this BTX about March 2023, 9 long years time. We are in the August. The people near me, not really dead yet, I can tell you that, what I have update that reason to tell them.

Its not as much as the concern as I am believing in it. But I gonna tell you I think the American medical board those positive human name the doctors themselves, they do things according to the legal manner. None of them will produce anything crap to on purpose hurting anyone. At least when I getting near that field since 2021 or 2018, as if I am side by side that looking at them, or listening far away....its all by ability and the talking I get a feel from the other side. 

I believe its a normal society where the world I living in. The police is not there on purpose hurting you. No. You can talk to them directly, not this OU



Living through the horror, I cannot tell you how much you wish coming it down from that 101, its a police stair you seeing a real human talking in any language to even given you a water to drink, that one 2014 Winter, I seeing the clock ticking down.....Free Download SMTV, how much you wish there are things you see were someone whom you recognize. Not the Age of Adaline, even Conan Detective, Tina or Pang those childish looking, just because the intepretor's voice provides strength in people.

So is the Chinese translation in W Two Worlds.  I living in my own century, I am telling you, how much I would have said, inside that Christian worlds in America, how much you really believing in it, how much you cherish that freedom and resource you have. 

You cannot live in my world one day, of any of those days. And I hope you are not one of them being taken. 

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