Lawsuit 724: Congratulations!

Date: August 8th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Its to my blessing for Toby (under Dr. Bing's lab) and Lee (both bio lab)

Its from MB God, Mahavatar Babaji God's will today to supporting the Real Loves idea. They are not in the human form, so ....there is the MB Human form and Zawanna human form. This is my lawsuit stated the facts and causes!  To the case of the last Lawsuit 721 and Lawsuit 722 (Hive and the Name List), this psycho felony guy wants on the ether parts what Dr. Bing Shen do it on his voluntary act. Again something he doesn't know like before. Dr. Bing Shen's doesn't know. The City of Hope, or the City of Light means.  I told you that guy felony he is a psycho. 

Westlife have the fan club, the felony psycho guys say no. Dr. Bing says yes he won. That felony guy say NO!.

I got the religious assembly power and the universal truth display.

The MB human form, he got the assembly power and the students too.

Zawanna human form, he got the military power and the iconic power and the book club fan too. 

But none of us think like that. That felony guys will say no, they got the assembly power legally. Dr. Bing he doesn't know. The TV given him like that Adam Davis or Laura to....the appearance that time but they gonna get fired. None of them have the money reason from behind. That is a felony psycho guy. He wish he Dr. Shen to be that smart and be his puppy, to where...eventually I told you he is the psycho guy. 

The BTX final Scene - toward the ending (5:15)

I am getting married to Nicky (side, Westlife side) - I still think its Nicky. He is not that flashy anymore some of their internal people will tell you that. I personally tell Mark I have a lot more other things to do (after the Pinterest down), its me and my mother here are the neighborhood watch. Right its after the Pinterest gone. But Ronan knows something I told him earlier this year. I did tell Ronan. I didn't know Nicky yet. Something happened on that Pinterest that time.

Me and my mother its laterly after COVID 19, there are a lot of the activities going on. There are the property around here. Taipei is very very expensive, and my mother has that kind of the habitual thing to inquire things on the real market. No, its all happening before the Pinterest. I keep my mother update including the birds to my entire Family Line app since 2 years ago. I did.  I didn't start talking to them like 7 years ago, but in between, I start to tell my mother little by little more when I found she had a lot more conditions like that Nick. So to approach this situation humainely 4 or 3 years ago, same to my father too. I am not sure his situation / conditioned, my entire family are conditioned in that sense, we immigrant to America. 

But beside all that, its my uncle/ aunt, my father/ and that is uncle's ex his sister's property, and my mother here. We keep neat. That is one of the things I constantly blog about on my own website washing, washing, washing. Me and my mother mop our floors or the furniture included and the locks when Tina leave (I wipe with the alcohol wipe). Not really that much I care about the Pinterest to anything after Ronan knows those incidents.  In America, the known term as the neighborhood watch. WE used to have a guard guy in front of us, across us building they hire a guy him with his dad 30 years ago. He becomes the new and old. He left, and behind him shows up a sheet of paper. I personally will tell you some guys do things very strangely. Because its after I told that building guard guy about my 2nd floor neighbor, long time after. Eben says unlimited traffic on his newsletter. That piece of paper shows up.  I took a photo. Its the people breaking the car's windows all over. Trio's the drinking wine bar Top logo are gone. 

The short story will be, after COVID 19, there are a lot of the screw up things people happen in their life I told my mother. (Before COVID 19, during the COVID 19, they wait til the last minute to tell my mother), so I told my mother that is the real situation. She got mad. Its pretty much everything I told her, she got mad so she gone to her life crisis to do whatever she feels like. At least I am telling her, including Westlife. 

I probably intend to say a full story but I don't know how to re-word all this correctly, because everyone does see my entering the field of everywhere they see me on the internet. But, maybe I want to really say in the real life, of the real thing, I got a family Line App and they did response to me, they exist. Maybe its the people when we talk about the MD 6+1, they are the best pal when they are away from the home. When I was in UB, I guess I buddy with my Canada ex-bf. Still, its his family stuffs, I usually live in Canada at the cottage water region. Again, every time having a real household, the house, the property line and the neighbors, to be honest I think its all day all long we got nothing else to do but talk about the neighbor, the downstair the new pharmacy store, or whom gonna let go the store, and whom come back. Its strange, but its happening around here.

You mean me and my mother have nothing else to talk about, but gossip all around the slow pace snail life style other than the real open galaxy scenario, you mean I lie like that?

No, I think the life needs to be real. If you like those painting that much, you could keep it on the Pinterest you mean? I don't really want that life, really. Because those are the leadership sent over there, you mean you being responsible for anyone in that groups, you mean whom are this boys or the girls, even if the same age, I will tell you, I didn't take the leadership for a very long time. I prefer to manage my own real family here. The property including the real estate, meaning opening up your mouth to do the real thing, investing, or going to the bank, or going to the real life in front of you. I am doing that behind, while my time is away from the computer the Facebook, the Pinterest or you saying the Blogger.

Therefore, this argument to bring to this table would be in this ending frame of 5:15. No one is waiting on that felony black guy with the eye glasses. I am exit out of the scene, or as soon as that 2014 on, I told everyone a huge story, so I don't really know what to tell you the behind, whom putting all the paper works to sound like a real life or the real law proceeding content.

Because Nick, my ex bf he was in Conan Detective waitor's jobs. One day he got to TTC, not the police works, and no one is his best friend. But in this story plot, he got a great bestfriend, and everyone die in the Greater Good of the Works. The bomb got exploded. In the real life in me and him life. Probably most people look its the Princess Diary 1 and 2. To be honest, its the guy's life or my life just stay together, why not? 

He didn't have the friends anymore, like that when everything to explode. I don't think he got any job after that. He tries to get in between a certain thing, but I don't think we got anything going. He retired with a pension. So my moral story or the lesson I can share on this lawsuit was that you don't need to wait for that felony guy eternity.

This is the eternity blurs say. 

Why not?

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