Lawsuit 748: Karen

Date: Sep 2nd, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Karen and Adria has an issue

When you saying a homocide, you mean it literally someone internal its exactly the eye sight like Tina Jojo, Hailey (next to Adam), or Elizabeth with a kid and a husband. Its at their eyes sight, chewing a gum seriously hand touch a penis, sorry that 777 slot machine, how serious that eye sight high school Hailey has. Exactly Tina Jojo GPA 1.0. No back end road exit human, if lucky or being spare to hop on this witness program, someone wishing them well. 

They start early to work in an intern or a job away from the school. Tina Jojo and Hailey both.

Karen, when we first met, this may or may not to do with the TV monitor Japan 90s cartoon or the movie, but I describe to you exactly how I enter upon this scene. Its starting at Melinda's song, "You are the most shining Star". (中國方方的戲劇 - 愛在耀眼)

Except, her momentum was on her Indian roommate, a girl in the pharmaceutical science anywhere, or someone she Melinda knows another girl can sleep their way in the jobs in America to stay behind. They are all the international students. 

To Melinda, her eyes sight seeing me walking to CAC office outside in, I will smile all the time. She told me that. I heard this song. As for any of the Ancient Chasez lesson, I never bulge or waste a second to explain, like I say, her attention was on that Indian taller roommate, taller than me.

I want to describe to you because me looking like a professional with all kind of the bad names, meaning, literally someone in her life seeing one person dead that scenario, and all these girls in their whole life time have no precept - they reading the murder or those cross hanging Irene's novel and the comic books, they meant inside their thought outside their soul its day in day out they wishing someone dead, and literally knowing how that is daily language, very very common language. 

I will describe to you, from my point of sight, I can tell you this internal I hate every one last min of the Police jobs or the profile to the 1 year turn over rate, I never stop saying it. Its not the dead people, its just really really really really bad people.

I think they meant it they will kill each other literally in that space. That time was Adria's Kensington apartment. No, I am not talking about that Prince Harry real or the fake things. I am talking about....between a real living environment, even the building will tell me about it, you saying how psychi I ever becoming....every air, every brick, every crime scene. You didn't believe someone lives in that kinds of the mode. 

Between the guys they know they have the hatred to kill or someone does something to ruin their life. Inside their very life. When the TV told you to get near a guy, sometimes its for his best interests. I never say that, you never wishing well for anyone, at all. Seriously.  They go to glow in their face but they come home and sit down to eat. You won't be knowing how glory he ever did outside in any space and time. 

Maybe you don't understand me. She wants to kill her, or vice versa. Its literally one person dead in front of another person, and literally did it before all of us, seeing, and we all becoming the witness of that one night. None of us would be thinking, its me forever being target.

Not that to each other becoming the TV.

I don't really seen the TV inside, I think it means exactly just the TV those eye sight. I can only tell you that is how I feel. As for how people having those moment of the buddy together a memory with a "slash of" -400 millions dollars, that is really really really bad in Tiny 4.0 小世代. Its a memory, meaning I seeing the TV and keep walking forward.

That was a memory. I can tell that very clearly. The rest suppose to be the police jobs. That is about how many years they done those jobs, so today after so long time on this file-ing the paper works, it comes to my personal space. I don't really know the details where everyone finds things out behind as the police force. No, I don't know.

I just gonna tell you from the girls knowing the girls, and how hatred I am toward any girl. No, I am not a guy, I just tell you its every them I hate. I think that is what they do, similar to inside the sorority. When you place upon some girls inside the girls next by, they kill the girls. Literally pick up a knife and kill that person.

You are not supposed to have that. Never. You will tell me that is the correct job, and I am telling you I know that. I wish them to be dead in that space of time like this morning, that doesn't mean they can be literally cursed inside outside to be dead. They can be warn to go and be dead yourself, right.

I saying that very often. This is my Saturday morning, their Friday night. 

(I am proof reading the second time my writing up to -400 million dollar, I saw Henry's crime the hole in the wall or the vault inside the movie. i remember its a hole inside a wall, no, there is the money stake. But its trespassing going through....idea. No I don't remember the details of the Keanu's movie, downtown Buffalo Bank street me and Tamang gone to. Its a tall hat Keanu walking looking like JP Morgan.)

This circle, its the gold more over the middle line....there is no circle line, its smudge, the foggy. I was drawing a bigger normal circle, but I cut that half, to move closer to the gold. Its a smaller circle inside scene.

My mother keep banging outside, can just anyone stop it !!!

Its hurting my head !!!

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