Lawsuit 723: Utterness Darkness (Da Vinci 430) on Sariputra (MB God world all darkness previls)

Date: August 7th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  430 David from Scientology is not him Pang (Sariputra)'s true love

BTX Final

MB real God Babaji himself 5th dimension (the second world) with some old 神仙 like the video game these looking more reverence, and holy, or loving and compassionate all kindness God.

The God MB will never be the human above the 5th dimension (the second world above)

The law professor human form MB

The fake MB Indian Boy processing the daily prayers.

The blackness and the strong wind. No shield.

一輪明月, no wind.

MB God is the Earth Prince?! 

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