Lawsuit 729: I personally only talk about Nicky much personal

Date: August 14th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title:  Westlife - Season in the Sun (The concert format)

Its more of I probably meant they go and get a date from the SA. Shane or Simon's SA. Not necessary Kian's movie or Nicky's movie all over the planet. 

Home Alone: Henry and Eric |   Trump and Biden (Current President)

Do they do on purpose on the Hunger Game and Catching Fire age. I am almost dead if they keep doing this.

Prince and Me (both this are Kian's face), I told Kian the first time I met him, should I scream first, because Shane declare the bankcrupc on the newspaper. If I follow the movie, I look at you Kian, and start screaming 1 2 3 4 and half. That is what really happened. I told Kian in Jan or Feb this year before they come to Taiwan in the end of Feb. I have no idea where Shane is, and what happened to Nicky.

My ex bf is Nick. Backstreet Boy and them meet in that Feb too with a guy name Nick Carter too. 

98 Degree has a Nick too. My Christmas Album, they were from the 90s boyband. I have the NSYNC album maybe not Backstreet Boy but I know whom they were. All from the 90s. 

The real incident in life would be: in the end of Feb, once Westlife exit Taiwan, I told everyone Shane is their leadership. I used to have this leadership in high school, the volleyball school team. I blog on and on and on. Because when the girl's school and the boy's school meet that final annual performance, the guy's leadership will always be the garbage. They end up on this BGT, the Diversity group. My UK class, University of Kentucky. Its the black minority to where we have a public speaking skill. Its a diversity advocate.

Well with Kian this time 2023, I already processing the movie behind in my entire stream of things since 2014. Most people don't have a memory and I have, and you can read on this 720+ lawsuit, they are all the memory to put down a word or a picture including on the drawing.  So my approach to seeing that, the first thing I did was to go near that Kian after talking a few talk to Brian and Ronan. Because...this is scary what they say on the newspaper. It took me a month and until they left, I made my conclusion, I think I was right. Therefore, the Kian Home Alone first movie that screaming part, its not real. But I took it literally real. 

But did I scream?

YEAH, Lucy was here, Shane kiss a Lucy in 2000 years. He remembered that, and Westlife: She is Looking Like That, I literally run out of the Christmas, and Tina shows up after.

In between its Westlife and Backstreet Boy concert. We have a Chinese New Year. Our COVID 19 public announcement were a Taipie Mayor MD in last year Feb, and then Dec to official the public off the mask. Many months pass.....

To me its like assault being happened, or I have to leave it here, go off somewhere there are people can see me. I need to get out of the door immediately. These movies just drop a curse, and everyone spin around, figure it out the rest !!!!

Lucy was a horrible movie on the television. 

Prince and Me

I thought that person name is Payton, Carla'a first daughter. I found out the girls just the cherry from the top, dropping never stop !!! I am tellnig you. I think that name is Paige. My sister used to told me I look like that lady in Save the Last Dance. She says I talking with that kind of attitude. Like the jaw up to the nose.

I have 2 chemistry lab partner, I am telling you the real thing, almost everything real. Wing and Dean were my chemistry lab partner. Justin is in the analytical chemistry lab partner, and Jonas is across him.

There is a 5 Lords position in NSYNC

JC, Justin, Lance Bass, Chris, Joey

Seth, Dean, Silas, Bill (X man), Patrick (VS) - all were on my facebook but I get rid of them.

Talking about screaming never end, before I met Kian. That will be Home Alone in Canada, I found out Nick was not in the house. First time and that house is in Tesla's patent - Apparatus to Nick's internal house design. One time I am doing this VS opening to this 5 Lords Review, the very last sequence was connect to somewhere (Crystal skull says), and my entire roof, me alone inside the house, was a pouring rain. (Cello, with you, a lot of drops of the flower padel, not the dropping of the Cherry from the Top.), my mother give me lunch one day, I explains to her something. That is horrible every day I eating here....I am telling you, the screaming or the Cherry from the Top NEVER stop dropping. I am screaming everywhere.

I don't really know why Season in the Sun has a Nicky and Kian. I cannot understand a word with Nicky, so I go and save this Nicky first. Kian I don't know what to do. He is probably fine. Nicky got cut off from Shane's facebook header.

I will personally say, this Prince and Me movie is not thing the movie content close. No. But it freak me out just about every bit where I look !!! Because we starting to puzzle the things together since 2014. I was doing the renaissance painting first. I did !! The Da Vinci notebook and the real painting. I screaming none stop never end .....2014 on and 2015 on and Tina with Hank assault in the summer. I am literally seeing the painting out of the human form and Sailor Moon.

I actually know Hollywood business are anything but darkness like Hong Kong them when we grew up. But when I plot the history from Simon (George Westinghouse), I got no back end role after that history. It has to end up there. Barbra Streisand was that John Jacob Astor IV. She talked about Miami. The Astor's family left remainee that time since Titanic. It becomes my real estate here 1 2 3 4, (The Mother's Yard, The love is under the roof)

I draw the map like the last lawsuit, you the geographic location are the story literally "Under the roof means" !! I am so screaming never ends with this.

All these month after Shane they got here, I start to think about the high school or the middle school including the comic book. I don't think Tina dares to do a certain thing in her entire life too much like Mulan 2, both she and my brother are like that bad image. Did she end up reading all my comic book but she has to commute far away to the music school in the high school? I borrow them in the middle school. Did she drop to read the comic book too in the high school? I went to the volleyball team and the roller blades club, my major was the second category. We have the 4 majors in the high school to think the exam score at the university entrance we can get in.

Laws, history, humanity subject

The double e, engineer, and material science, without the bio.

MD with the bio


Tony's birthday happened to be 7/29, my music sheet too here 藍色多瑙河 my piano teacher written here.

Payton's step-dad, Carla's second marriage.

Hitler's body guard kills Tesla. I thought I was....that would be Nick's grandson. I hate those Project Camelot how they written Tesla's that time news. Its very very bad how people using those words to make a sounding, what if those things were people meant to you. You would not talk like that.

Urban Planning - Taipei American Embassy move to 大湖

My father never shows up in my life, but both my mother and my dad took me to this looknig like Spectrum Big Wheel things like Taipei Station Y, the coming back route the "1st" those long rectangle, not the PC banner, but the real graphic of the structure building. Looks like Irvine Spectrum. Me and my father took that ride up there and coming back down, one of those we took a photo together. 

To how I grew up in Taipei this 4 side wall of the school system, one day this America learning English becoming possible, but I still remember when I was a kid, where that future people saying its a lot more possible in the Western World, and learning English is none-avoidable. That choice I still remember I am making it. In other words if I gonna make a judgement because they move to a penis structure on the map, I believe just go where they say that near by 1) Costco is there 2) Korean fashion outdoor outlet (not the night market) is all there 五分埔,

They have the brand new building with the brand new water pipe I believe just seeing some of the urban planning near this one side morning City people walking route, from my house that 4 block to the Daan Park, that is exactly what they say a legislator their public announcement its the urban planning. You seeing it on the full building side wall all the way down, how they label that. Its just you read, you hear, and you move. That is probably what I am planning to do, when I am talking to Nicky or Kian. That is also not too expensive than where this City places neither. Everything is a new built but you need to drive the car. And with the city development where they saying some of this Urban planning paper in Chinese, I believe just like how 101 that entire district were built since 30 years ago, I grew up here, and that is what we all hearing about it....the traffic system, or the road made or the parking structure, there might be some connection of all that. For example, I have gone to this West Hollywood mall, their parking its those internal structure of the separate parking space. Sometimes I seeing those things implemented from America to here, so I would say something about it. 

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