Lawsuit 733: Anna me as the personal finance

Date: August 17th, 2023

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: My math skill and my photo

I personally don't know its which photo looks worse, the current my look, or the comic book, or when the death should be apart, without the make-up closing the eyes look worse.

I give people money sometimes its not too personal as how much I literally putting toward myself that I spent on the commodity goods purchase = a spiritual practice, and becoming a China TV name. I still debating they are hurting me on purpose, or the time is up so they go and find out. We are at this Hunger Game, with this Westlife Nicky, me and him talking or with Kian talking, some guys having a wobble idea, and  That is what I told Nicky. They are not the American.  

I personally spent per math digit, if I acquire my every money, the hate how I make people feel I hate the human as the habit. It will FOREVER be the math and the money and the bank, don't play a fool with me, or the privacy act on any digits. MINE money. I personally don't know at this moment because all this lawsuit file to how many more in the future I using the logic to make the money and the throne outside might be real, you saying a very very real future IQ be putting on the mouthful jobs, and the appearance or all that dedication of the...anything unearthly look out. It may never happen, then THANK GOD, it was I never require to see a real human, hidden behind a PC, and no one knows what I sound like or seeing like. 

I prepare for both. My age still young, I don't need to imagine a future where this Congress they and me can discuss a lot of this finance, or the future or what not or the suggestion. I understand a lot of this Black end money on that Classify might have miss their heart beat or thought, I heard about it.  I am not dead yet, you cannot relocate anything on my money, or that is a part of the serial number belongs to a "lineage" or "Ancient Chinese Traveler's doctrine" or belief. It might be precepts reason because you have a personal almost identical face look in Ella Enchanted. I tell you that time I cared about was all about my money, not to be late or pressing on my family, while my father fallen. A lot of those things I care about, not a guy I really meant it he is anything quality human, a white race, or anything in the future means one word marriage in it. 

At that time. Not with Nick neither. The Canada Nick.

I personally think right now his Princess Diary 1 and 2 or Ella Enchanted mixing everyone's eye sight up. But until they come back to realize they lost their years in the jobs resume, because in the average mediocre if not the handicap my last real ex bf, not the first Ella Enchanted high school bf that time he hasn't gone to the University yet......the very reason why I file this lawsuit was about a very realistic side of the current life, and to what is about 20 years ago that movie I make a decision in my life. It has to be base upon the money and the realistic idea in life. 

Right now if I don't file this date, to where I will claim to tell you, you saying I hide from you I should have told you all, and I will be saying to a lot of people, I NEVER stop saying it, I am the only person putting a public shame to stop it. NOT THAT attitude. 

I think the kids if they got thrown out by their parents, because they missing them so much, and the first time, not every weekend on the phone with their dad or mommy, or Thanksgiving or Christmas, they have nothing in their life other than my voice memo. They realize a lot of things like they have no more their own room, not their own books, or cluster of things. They don't know how to hide things but wish to talk to their parents its all the voice message beep.

They literally believe the horse cartridge how to wave on the people, exactly just like the movie: Princess Diary 1.

And staring at Lee Profile from my LinkedIn. 

Just these 2 incidents from the current time. Its damaging to a lot of the other associate lawsuit included as well. I believe its part of it, too. The higher surveillance people don't care about one bit dirt. May not be on Earth, but its very very calculative hurting to me. All of this.

I wish to describe three things really did happen in one last week. 

My mother all post COVID 19 activates was a hectic, someone unpaid money about 20 years ago name Kathy finally got fired, it waited 3 years, I ate a meal with this person? Lucy shows up without a call in advance as I describe in Kian's lawsuit, we don't really know each other, but I trust someone putting things through - the OU situation, their SA got affected by me. It was Lucy shows up, Tina shows up (assault me in 2015), my soul didn't come back yet, everytime if I running out the first thing away from them.

The girls, every cherry drop from the Top. Its horrendous I cannot even begins anymore one word for saying any of that loud. I cannot take it, I cannot physical body to imagine I will HAVE any support at all in any world other than calling the police every small tiny thing I heard, I see, I learn, I open what things to find out. HORRIBLELY.

Now that is the beginning when Westlife came, toward right now, almost to when they will re-enter Asia, I got panic 2 or 3 things from the TV.

One is the vision I heard they went to ask my high school physics teacher, those youth girls, and he told them, no. No NO, not me for trying anything at all. He was old that time, I just don't know if this is true. So another day, this richest man going to be the president has a Examine Committee shows up on the TV. I cannot react its always targeting at me.

I freak out.

I show up a math and the physic what I am because I did got through to my high school here as the third lady school, that can prove, and Vola, it replaced Wing, Stood at that White House, and behind it was this Tesla Hong Kong that girl, Tina' best friend, debts husband millions I guess in China with Irene's husband, I cannot stop screaming any tiny of this things when I got back. Their parents used to be growing up as part of that you trust and wishing them well. When did I say I don't wish people well?

That movie in Wing = The Wall Street Money Never Sleeps. (2010) 

I freak out so I react.

Then yesterday it was this Chinese actor driving first.

Second its his best friend driving, and keep looking it back behind at him.

I freak out. That is the Tamang's role with a drunk girl jump on the floor, let's die together, not he saved her, its die together. I keep screaming never end, and they doing that on the television it is to help me mild the situation, or I just cannot stop screaming.

The actor trying to tell me, its I look behind if I go to Westlife, so that is one Tamang behind keep doing that what thing, pulling everyone, so I cannot get a life, or he will never get a life? They using that materials to hurt me or to tell me something, because the paparazzi culture just meant China was not the communism, its when they feel like to hurt others?

Its Square has the motorcycle or the car, her restaurant its by Metro better. I did say that long to me ago. But his TV is Irene on the script. But his real ex gf was my 3rd lady schoolmate. Meaning with the IQ. Square and Irene doesn't have the IQ low education girls, so it ends at that Square's TV: The flaming daughter.

Every single day I watching this news, I feel dying literally on my bed. I don't feel like going out, talking to anyone, not even imagine ANY of association with the human at all, because they might be in debts and I will be using my American currency and should just always be in the look out as the Western World Culture, that will be behind me, or forward far away from here. 

They didn't intend to say that.

The sky or the cloud validate the Virus like the Victoria Secrets, I scream was Erin told me 2003 those SARS case, it was so bad this time in COVID 19, I personally living through this the first person idea. When she was writing her paper, my mother and my brother suffered that time with the mask. I didn't feel a thing when she told me she was the first line emergency workers. 

When I live through a certain thing, and the sky and the cloud warning me, this Asian region is NOT the public hygienic place or the standard or the W Two World Dr. Bing Shen's TV, he is from the mainland culture. I totally freak out inside outside. I care about the pubic hygienic, I yell at my mother toooooo many times already, and the birds here are using this handicap to hurt my head. I cannot physical get up to do something, I cannot cook or else my mother will yell at me. A lot of this real life situation, I feel VERY VERY VERY physically torment. Really. 

My head hurts !!!! 

I remember the American culture, I remember the European Menton I gone to. If I have the money to sustain, I think the most both America or Europe its where the basic the human hygenic right should be lawful. I cannot stop screaming, I got hurt, so I can only lay down on my bed, not to think about the sky photo. I really really really freak out, That is a virus every so often continue on my sky. I don't know why I keep insist the washing, the math, the period washing, the 4 limbs washing, washing the hands, washing the clothing. 

I may not be a very normal Asian, nor imagine to pretend to be American anymore. I used to be in the cleaning team in my elementary school. I did. I want to have a tag on my left arm, its in green wear at with a pin. That is comes with a whistle. I hate a lot of the human, really.

I cannot cannot cannot take it all the virus keep showing on my sky !!!!!

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