
Sunday Prayer August 20th 2023

"The refreshing mind of the past such as this pandemic has coming it in the end, as that people's life that elderly wave are passing away, its your shape that over 3 years time have been becoming the concern of you yourself or your family members included. To get up from that busy and hustle life, might be just like me living in the City life, a lot of us that translucent the life scene just like the mind flew away with the thoughts, what is the next day or the meaning of all this. The meaning of life, people contemplate that in the spare time.  Being with a friend, socialize in a circle, in the busy street of the coffee shop, every day or that schedule drives people's attention into an ordinary life, and that life can be a stressful city when your debts piles up and you walking on the street that no one knows. Those aren't the same to those whom admin their own finance and willing to make an effort how to be that house sitting at, it is where by the possible revenue, he or she surfs up to the brand new independence life away from the parents, or including if he or she got divorced in this age bracket some people looking for the new love or the new venture that will included the business talk, and business social. Not necessary how decency everyone is present to sound like, the outfit lies, the make-up lies, and the bank statement lies. People when they sleep better, and less disturbs by that whimp of thoughts to spend one extra coffee, or something because those City life obligation might be you working up to 10 oclock at night and you eat until 11 o'clock. Right, your working morning hours is less, meaning you don't need to coming in the office until so much later on. In the Corperation of the sale life, people don't just seeing from the cloud Top, they have to going out of the door let's say making a real personal touch to make a car sale. To make a gesture that phone calls has to reach to the clients, and these cars you know its not by you saying 10,000 a year minimum wage collecting the garbage in the university where you saying you wish to get a job. They have the age to where the experience pile up, or the sale commission to compete and compare those spots even if to get one of those, you saying every jobs sound like so easy just to hear about it. That is not necessary true. Everyone takes on the jobs in the daily life, as you might have listen to your own very parents when you grew up, you heard all the good things in life, but not necessary the details, you really know that person, or you mean inside your own younger years, you technically didn't get near enough someone telling you that per account, per life story, per yearly saying even if they are so much younger than you are, as you are also wishing in this bracket of someone let's say evolve to 40 years old on, what will be your second spring, in Chinese means a brand new romance venture and the guys will always tell you beside a business talk. You believe all that?  So let that prayers be in reside the human heart when you truely blend yourself to that social engagement, how you believing it, every life has a story, every acquaintance has a meeting, but in the end of that closing door of that personal space at night to sit down cook a dinner after the exhausting 9 to 5 jobs, you really just believing it, that life trespassing has becoming no career, no jobs, no destination of this future, anything upside down turn, will upset your current every red ink, and those are not negotiable, and so the end of the result will keep the job, and never require to build a career at all. That is a reflection of the day to be reminded, while looking the worse or the worsen, there are some more others, they didn't do those trench belief as the younger year, things might just be a lot more sacrificing in every individual space to work out a solution - including a tender nature of a career choice." 

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