
What? In my volleyball team, whom is the bait, if 6 people?

You mean 7th was out? I kick her out of my house, on the way there....really. uhm, I think the other setter. Probably she is the bait.  I think they will all conclude that or she herself think she is the bait. Because Captain and me is needed. The tall spike them also needed. The upper Class, I think the setter will be the bait too. The Vice that one. She is shorter than me. 

More like the girls talk now? No more food talking...the reality being friend, finding friend, those team works jobs? We are not in contact.  There is the grade involved too. That Torus is a PR, and she keeps her grade, we sit next by each other. The setter she is the third categories. One of the tall or more than one, they are the scholarship from the middle school maybe. No, no one told me. I am guessing at it. 

My original class? 10th grades? The video that Westlife Evergreen that girl, ask me to buddy together to go to the bathroom. Because the Tall Perfect or the next Perfect, none of them can go be the bait. One is ABC the gun guard team, the other PR is in that video, GPA number 1 I guess. We had a group inside that class of the 40 people I think. One me, one basketball + the rest of them from the Perfect, probably like 10 people, so this girl, probably is the bait. 


How come we got so many girls interaction?

Its all inside the classroom, we are not the classroom like American to change. I decide to join the volleyball school team. No one does those things. I start from zero? No physical training that much my whole life time, starting the 10th grade? When you are inside any groups, there is a skill involved.  That setter she dance like Lalla I told you. 

Tina is the bait, she cannot sing. You join a music high school, she cannot sing. I think Simon has a show called, "I cannot sing."

You know any of this group we were in, that was a serious thing, that is not a talk. It was a serious thing. You imagine its fake?

Why Shane would do that?

... ... I assuming that is the TV Dream Exchange Games we just saw this morning. He got the leadership, he can do anything he wants. Shane's personality is like that probably. 

UB class, you cannot do that. Because...

I think its very complicated, they didn't find out, or they don't go and just buddy that UB advisor past or the present. You cannot find this records what really whom got put in there. And they are staring every wrong things than getting the right things.  You know sometimes its not the bait idea, sometimes when you forward anything mix batch. Maybe not even in this one lifetime, if every Year Class, people die out, so people stay home, not put together the End Game = every skillful people putting in.


Similar to the movie: The Day After Tomorrow. That is every brain IQ put it together and join somewhere to report to the White House.

You keep thinking you will live forever 

You go back to this seems sweet and people bind sometimes the temporarily escape. As if everyone its one heart for everything a nice easy breath thing in life. There are some people for the survival reason, they have to keep their IQ sharp, the skill the same, the eyesight kept well, the diet keep good, or the saving, or the legal argument, or the dissection methods, or the analytical processing in every frame, every photo, every knowing to put in the most fair and justice, so someone later can find out something, everyone works together. You keep that mind set sharp, your language tones the same professionalism.

If I stay home, I don't talk to any human, it will never sound like that.

I found out when I first talking to Brian I think this year.  How I sound like when I already sent out the audio and I listen to myself, this year is like 2023. 

Its about how much I don't care about anything....really. 

"Tea, mashmellow, cracker, chocolate syrup? "

"Hollyween candies, Reese, Resse cup, Hersey or Pop (drinks)"

"I mean the airplane snack nuts and crackers."

"Right...with lemon or lime? I only got lime."

"Bread or Pasta?"

"Rice is in the rice cooker, you want me to scoop for you?"

"Right....I remember your name."

"Right Nicky or Shane knows you."

"Right, you want to put the dishes over there?"

"Napkin? Anything to drink, the ice cream, or the root bear with the ice cream?"

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