
Cooking the meat

The beef, or you mean the chili meat? I meant it was the ground beef or that is mince pork?  In the vegetarian world, we have one of those vegan "ground beef", or the "mock  meat" in the dry form = the mince meat. You just soak that in the water and marinate. No washing required, and not that fat carole. But in case you have to cook the real meat, you have to find a way how to process all that.

You talk to your bf, or the husband or the ex bf, whichever this new life you decide to embark in 5 years, if you prepare yourself 5 years in the relationship manual. You taken that as a part of your life plan. In your one lifetime, you wish to have 5 solid years of one relationship.

I don't think I thought about the high school anymore.
  If you talking about some of those glasses System Data human. Where those real career, not the housewife would be, that will be you dream of. A solid career and steady too.

Yeah, I process all that in the vegan world, not just the vegetarian world. A lot of those things are pre-made in the vegan world in the dry form. In Asia, that is a lot of people using that. They use one of those tofu 五香豆腐, did I show you how I marinated for my mother, I think that night she ate all of them. All of it.

(Left side buttom) That is marinate + the rest of the cooking oil to boil that.

Yeah, the entire liquid goes in + that oil in the picture pan. The left over oil, at night. This is the afternoon. I got the plenty of time? I don't eat the 2 full meal. The kitchen is empty nothing else to do in the house if I just lay there. 

The Man's Food - No, not that salty for the girls, I am a girl but I don't eat.

I think the man's world. You do the beef. Like the stew beef I keep showing were on my Pinterest? The Hungarian Goulash. hahahaahahah...

The Chicken drum. Technically some meat place they suppose to process the meat outside. So they look clean too ....

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