
People's state of the mind is different.

Their worlds its more IT restrict what you all saying the privacy being protected - the bank. Your personal asset. To that every ID cards, trespassing world. American and all the Western developed countries have the clean drinking water. All the credit cards or the bank protected means are a lot of those foreign investment.

Microphone public speech :

Testing testing testing !! 


To that you all know the shelter of that refugee Eon or Kalpa, life after life your vowing to your own belief what bearing the fruits to the result - Purna from the very first Life to this Ending evolution to this Time and Space had coming to a celebration of the next Hunger Games, Catching Fire next by Taiwan Mr. President 馬英九,his Party is the Republic of China that after 1911 democracy declares, the very same Party. The Top bracket them. To that 1950 that you all have a pre-setting a tone, that mentor examination were over 2013/ 2014 on….all the way stretch to 2019 by the comet calculation dates. So we had a NASA asteroid testing First unheard of. To that all gratitude and sincere well wish to all, I place upon my blessing and protection to all these events whether it’s a life you forward your evolution included or your set destiny to acquire the next points forward, may all that sincerity and seniority be with you, to all that coming towards us or going towards you.

May God be that Light shelter to always oversees that every creation under Him, be protected and prosper, no matter which illusion in Life getting them thicker, gloomy or despair, may that courage be found that in each waking hour stepping forward, let Light be your guide at the sorrowful moments to grief or to pray, with that one things in mind remembered - God him the doer as our Bible stated. That the universal principle and the brotherhood will never wane, its the Truth we seek with or without the Moon.

That’s a joke.

Be Happy and be prosper to all that attended to you.


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