
That is per subject lines 400 million dollars per yearly. That is nothing to do with the biz world.

You saying ....what you really lose it?

It goes with the interest first. 2 millions dollar per countries 194 UN worlds. You didn't do anything just trying to step on everyone's way. The first day, the first time starting ....not the last day. Not really.

Every democracy world the fair and justice will tell you that. 

Your jail records starting very long time ago, the First Day on, too.....Maybe you didn't check that how the real Justice being done. The snap shooter called, to your parents, want to tell? The total costs of your countries carry this expense. You and your all around. Buddy together how soon you mean that TV was real. 

Ken = Kryon = UN 1995

Ken in Contact 1997.


Every guy lied.

They didn't be together with you because whom you are. They put you in the jail starting at the first kiss. That is all what they did, so the opening trailer looks like, endless of the mask on their eyes. They all lied. They will choose to be with the psycho those girls and in that exchange was the police fee, to tip what she ever did and buddy together.

You believe their lies.


The real guy they will tell you

"The plot in such, you undress, you will sound like you know the only reality in front of him."

"You scream, starting 1 to 400 times."

"Not really, but every guys lie."

"You nake and jump in the cold swimming pool, its every guys half naked legally felt."

"You didn't nake it enough, to take off those piece of the cloth."

"No one think that is really that shameful considering.....the military draft every guy will tell you likewise in the mud water, or in front of me talking, here are every personel standing by."

None of you have any quality for any guy for doing any of that. None. Not the comic book name, not the reality check. Some of them are sober like that, what you gonna do? Make them?

Its all fake. 

I told you if any of you girls not limited to any of the group, just open to tell Dennis every debts behind you have, its the only manner you will proceed your life. He is a fine person. He won't do anything with your situation. But none will open their mouth, plus Dennis is a rigid unloved guy. False. He will be the only guy will ever tell you, every guy lied. When the first time I said that, you all just meant to mocking at me, or laugh. That will be the only way, starting every debts and every bill, every bank transaction for the last 10 years per monthly billing cycle, or late in the payment and why. And this will be the only way at the beginning everyone sit there and sort the movie content.

The longer you delay, the court will drag your feet just like you all done on purpose. Dennis he doesn't lie on that, when he puts on that job in front of the parents. Every guy behind you just meant, you have a sweet words for 2 mins. All false. You suppose to just tell Dennis every act as if he is the only Earth Prince and you will be protected. 

They all watched you lie?

They all watching you how to make a fool of yourself. All the time. They went to the archeology I Anna says the Atlantis doesn't have anything on the metal straight line made. It started in 1900 whichever the steel starting. The rail road 1800.

The history site, the remainee. Those are the false story. So the Sailor Moon story were real was ...what you believe or seeing its not the other eyes seeing or truth.

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