
Maybe be realistic, talking to Shane before or after you imagining....

That is his stuffs, oh mine ! At least anything really meant the romantically taking care of someone the one full lifetime. I am not sure how you imagine the house chore and the responsibility over all that togetherness, you meant real, or you meant burden.

Sometimes living with your mother the way you sound like, the way you look like, or the way you present yourself for next 20-30 years possible real feel near by you, that is what is more real. Everyone whom had a tiny life experience will suggest you that.

Not that comic book page...you want me to show you that imagination inside Loving to Cry Little, why anyone like me will saying that loud?

You went to tell your mother's something real. About...you asking the guy's and the sex things to explain between you and your every past. Either you shake the head, or you knod the head, so your mother explains....

But you never explains to her, how Brian can make you becoming the chair, to that becoming a sitting down position. That you didn't tell your mother, you want to call her telling her now? Today its our Friday night here.

Calling Ronan Me telling Kian or telling whom to tell Shane to tell Ronan?

You like this phone games?

Not phony?

You should tell your mother, Frozen tells you to be "hiding it", you want to kill her all the way, very very very strongly, you don't want to explain to her anymore, not one word anymore, but you went to talk to her. 

When the kid like you and Hailey inside your every eyes staring how to kill your parents to every TRUE degree or like Wing, its HATE in that eye hollow, every Justice will tell you what is the First Degree Murder case, you should search on the Google seeing those word in front of you, how never a guy will imagine they have the penis drive, but not literally any girl any girl any girl, can VENT, in any public space, they hear about it, including the cuses word, will NEVER a girl to be worship like the Godses, to go and commit the First Degree Murder. Every single one last guy on Earth will tell you that piece of advice.

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