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When you have a family unit structure, in the in-line (in-land your national 194 countries border line in), you foster a family with the values. That is almost you seeing a lot of the family on the video the same whichever these strangers to you. A lot of them are white. I have seen them. 

There are sacrifice you did that for years and years not just by the praying of the God, that money will drop in the end of that terms, you need to have a background before when you all having that discussion why that family will be foster up, NOT the next 50,000 years on those small victimized girls or run-away girls being melace at, so there is a legal procedure to ensure some of the human welfare the same just to with some of the animals. Today, that per yearly how each this animals being saved or fostered by the human efforts are a number. A paper thin number on my desk. Its increasing just like that Apple App in 2015, they won't be doing a presentation if it won't be a Silicon Valley Girl did a saying on what increase the medical workers statistics, why those numbers on my desk is fake!

A photo of a temporary Christmas, so one of them in stress WAS your Christian doctrine of that Bible church you volunteer, so there is a missionary works as the Christian society. This is the MOST ridiculous what the END of this BTX story of all kinds, my necks was HANGING on your future the American interests to what it turns out to be fake - its your Capitalisms be true, not YOUR God or you yourself EVER be true to one spirituality inside for saying whom argue what or not in the end of that tunnels, or the future THEM, you need your IQ or you need your BRAIN, I am telling you.

(I have to wash my hair) 

(Dry my hair )

It doesn't matter if ANY Chinese can go to Washington D.C, nor this China current President with that 2 actress girls to show up Washington D.C, you saying whom jailing whom in America. Or to that interval of the 3 time frames, you saying NO ONE TO BE that stupid not to show up in America, whichever the Party legal interests !!!!!!! When someone in ANY China or America territory in-land, the legislator or the governor's Body overall Structures similar to EU - the all sphere of their brain wave its at the paper they having the eye glasses to staring it on the moment you are off their eye glasses. Meaning their brainiwave will always be inside their job, and that job its 2 weeks a paycheck + the room or board + with the holiday the gulf club + the dining options for joining in all Washington D.C eating out Gathering-crowd festivity. Their attention span will be only be 10 second seeing you with your WHAT not look with your age at the written digits on. That is in 2 speaking saying. 

If you all continue to insist (Shut up, birds), that your job is a job, not a career, that is 10,000 dollar a year you meant you livinig on the social wel-fare in the end of the line, with all this TV or the facts shows up, this entire World of human it won't be limited to the GUYS or will be the GIRLS with the brain telling you, at this junction of WHAT not time, that staring of the per line, per word, per structural demonstrate you cannot utilize this time to be exactly whom I am. Someone would have just literally showing you a circus on


means !!!



(Shut up birds) in our world here on Earth, our mortality is lower, not the birds never got paid, we as the human perception we understand as we grew up in the same land or the same culture even, what that means = 10,000 a year, you try to live on, breath on, sustain on, the life that changes, that momentum will be off.

The outside world never register. On Earth, none of them are dead yet. And for some people whom have to work their way up to feel it that basic sense of having what not things in life to build upon anything, I probably trying to tell you the story, that attention span it is you one person alone waiting your phone call or your PC monitor alone inside your entire space, you got nothing else to do. When your family shows up, you feeling that day your brain IQ is so low, you cannot see anyone else around the responsibility, because that is one busy day. So when your age reach or before that age will ever gotten, your family expel you including one day they got illness and die, a lot of this attributes will get worsen, or your karma is just getting a lot more worse every step the way on. The TV given you something what not, we don't know. You yourself that time will find out. 

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