
Eternity kills Asian and Blacks (No 楊洋)

Until you realize on Earth itself its nothing but the criminal Asian guys or the Blacks guys with Elite or the Asian women this very gruelsome pirates or Hives, very very cruelsome and ugly,  extremely ugly. This open galaxy will not have the communism idea sipping outside any world. You don't know that, or you imagine you will be represent anything on TV will never going through and treaty outside. To the financial or the Corporation interests, it will be one of those terms when you sign and agree. Whichever Party involved that you heard this.

Thor has return up to his shiip before 1 o'clock last night.

The troops of Kenshin Era gone in the First World and the Second World barrier. We (me and MB God he is the conscious, he has the Power, we back back back a lot a lot a lot furthur away) - no, not that visual on the Sky.

That is Simon's China TV last all scene. (MB Human form + that little toddler girl) - they were second time move far from last week. Today its the last day I seeing him the MB human form I guess, that is a celestial jail, with a nicer air and fragment and color just like the TV. (or else they gonna move same like MB God form)

MB God form is polite, MB human form is in the jail, you understand the points. No matter what or whom really says, there is a different degree in Heaven, or in any dimensional human world to....side by in the end day of all these. He the human form probably doesn't die, those are the high tech world formula things but he can get jail for a loooooooong looooooong time. When he pretends to be the MB human professor form, he looks exactly just like his God form. Right now he is....this Indian short hair with the eye glasses like Indian version of Riley cynical, or jumping around normal a living by himself happy guy.  He himself the human form got enough the fan club, all your money is not the money. I keep saying that. FOREVER. That is not a career, that is not a job, that is just very near the boundary of the homeless you saying your morality or the face will fade.

Almost Ireland will tell you that a certain attribute when the time - scrolling feature of Apple the silent tear in Slam Dunk, left or right....the appearance will be the only thing meant true on the public television or the internet all skill of works. You didn't realize the traffic, you didn't realize whom are the commander or the commander-in- all chief, or the military commander iconic. You trying to reason a very very very very bad attitude with the Judge even. If your attitude continue to believe, that those manner its to be off fence to this jailing method, I will tell you the executive order or the immediately kill will be applied in every cross of the society. 

Shut up, birds.

You didn't realize the severity of the 3 or 6 or 9 digits, not on your first day on the jobs, not on your first week of the jobs, not on your first year of the job. This world only I say so right now, and when those digits if on the public television such as including your President in every flag countries if they screw it up, they understand that formality or 12, 15, 18, .....zero of the finance lost, its not just one human lost life or deformed, what you mean it....its a hive connected issue or your watching the porn no discipline issue, to untamed your own very mind. 

On the First Day of ANY Job

You didn't sort this country flag landing here in Taiwan at all with that one American Medical Board claim. You staring at China, or imagine Japan, or Porn in Taiwan in-land. I told you Taiwanese guys are not like Japanese guys they have a different background. Your face, or your race (ethnicity), for saying being couple up side by to anyone.

1. The shape.

2. The height

3. The make-up

4, The dress or dress up

5. The hair, the willingness on the hair, or for between a guy and a girl.  A Power WHEN this Power of BE or anymore this WILL EVER BE the manifestation of some of that Conspiracy theory, its almost like you saying going at Bush family....NOT Trump family. He got FBI all over him. You have a CURRENT president if the news DIDN'T make a sound, you didn't LISTEN at the current simple thing to make a logic. 

6. This judgement of a VERY basic manner, courtesy, politeness, even ARROGANCE people, how you suppose to handle them, NOT starting with the hatred eye sight, the hatred heart, the discrimination FROM your uniform, where that flag represent.

7. Let alone this one Bible's has a judgement seated position, ANYOINE with the brain such low morality + mortality means would have told you, you don't quest thy God in your service, or finding an exit Heaven or Hell, ITS NOT negotiable. You are about to die, and you try to reason which direction to turn. THAT IS VERY STUPID!

(Next page)

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