
If upon this Washington D.C is very important to you, for example I am traveling overseas...I won't have anything mailing to me all these BTX paper if they told me not the first time visit here, me.

And you just really listening to them, so your luggage is not prepared ....

You have a reason to be called to the Washington D.C, then at least that compile or something being printed, or write it down, or the bullet points, or you yourself require to re-write 100 times, that is a part of the jobs someone you know you are the freelancer's jobs, and for how many years you are making it the freelancer's job.

When someone seeing you never grown up, because in my memory I just happened to only see the olds having a career or the family norm, maybe you didn't realize when your hair one day will turn to white or grey, but none of your behavior will look like your parents right now. That scene I have never ever seen that in my life. That is really odd.

The Walls (There are many kinds of the concrete tradition methods of the walls paste something on it)

You won't be guessing a realistic life, or everyone else just imagine a real life, when the surveillance patch unit of the people they are not the human to show up an event, whether you saying that is a TV fame. Most public doesn't do those redundant things for you never show up in the peripheral. Between the guy and the girl, that is also a totally different seeing inside their per eye frames. 

The total years of when starting this Washington D.C exists....to how many people just travel by the car, or by the festivity of the mood (in this 9-5 jobs mostly the public formats) or those neighborhood watch of the local, for saying how many people provide their own lodging and the meals internationally speaking (including the birds), and whom to approach those redundant happy life if the money is supplanted in their own world in their own language, not because need to be there....in America, for saying the Visa is a thing, the trespassing too far away its a thing, or the relative. That total amount you guessing people doing it for the faint of the heart if did have an agenda to the American capital there, they will have a concrete things inside their hands to reach the American Congress, you can say the visiting and the touring all around display and get to be acquaintant as the civilian, to learn about the democracy world, that is a facilitation even in the D.C and the people will be encouraged.

The people with an agenda, which I don't really know what it is. I can only do the logic brain, not that I know what is the exactly function in the Congress. Passing laws? The traffic law I know that, and none of that has anything to do with me. I personally at least will tell you, they as the whole organization or the Corporation format, will have the correct methods how to deal upon anything on their own desk. 

If I see a TV, here is me location to D.C (Left to Right)

Car    I say DMV,    right Congress supposes to believe that (already is the classified material)

The house,   I say Intern Nick,   right Congress knows that Legally Blonde 

Underground water process, Taipei City Metropolian usage of the water,   right the same.

These supposes to be the laws, and be fence I can see it. That doesn't have any logic in it. Left to right, its just turn my head left to right. I cannot understand anything anymore complicate than that.

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