
Maybe overall, you can say UB they are exciting over to reach the Washington DC. Saying you all love the politics.

But you have to tell me, how you join that Washington D.C conversation?

Mine has to be left look Movie = right Washington D.C lawful (Laws & reinforcement)

I cannot tell the difference what I am doing in there other than be re-evaluated all that I written and I do something with that those claims. You like the politics, meaning you want to join their political leadership in getting to know them? Meaning to show up, and join those meeting or the groups together to motion something? Then you have to prepare yourself to go there with the groups of people.

.... The TV I seen it, you mean the Political fundraising, like the UB SA the clubs itself, we have the fund raising in the fraternity, and including my high school madrigal. Tell me what I think the madrigal there for? 

You mean you want to join the Political Party, like here, you walking to the political party headquarter in Taipei and give the donation one of those? My dad thing? Or something you go their what not wave a flag, or distribute the flyers or something the pamphlet? You mean listening to their speech, and horary all that? 

The only power I can see near me to that Washington D.C, will be the American Medical Board (this is not often mention), the strongest heard would be Pharmaceutical or the Pharmaceutical board you saying they present in that Washington D.C, because they know where is the lobbyists at, or the overall why they spread themselves in the Washington D.C, they hold that power. 

I think you all need to make the enemy with everyone all around when you get there. 

These are the things I can tell you I understand. I won't be in the Congress, you saying the law actual all that. They pass the laws, and you all going there to appeal your case, not to make a law right?

To appeal your case at where? The Supreme Court America, do you file from where the local court? Do you ever ask how you get there to the Supreme Court in Washington D.C? That is not the American Congress building.

I think you stay in the Supreme Court that whichever structural building at, so that is not....the actual Washington D.C activities you mean the politics activities?

I know these parts right ....the things I written I know all this, the rest I don't know really know. You are not saying anything to go near the American Congress, and this is about your President that stuff? You mean to join a political campaign? So is that anything to do with that Taipei Mayor is the great grandson those, you mean....in person? 

I think you go to Ivy League you doing that. 

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