
๐Ÿง So Wing, today, Vandebelt will glue my photo and all this sheet. ๐Ÿง

Some people have a particular reason to believe if you return back to Hong Kong your only survived means its the underground fighting, you told Ola clear today? Its switch the photo today?! She seems to be very fond to leash on Simon, when I say, this morning a rural girl and a sheet, and he was looking everywhere else other than the rural poor communism girl, sad, permissive, negative thought all the time, like Nick's big sister from Bell.

You still all together with this person having a hope you or whom entering Asia, to make it clear?

Today is the day, or Flower Thousand Bone (2015) someone if telling the Truth, she will becoming where? The last seat of the MD, the last seat of this competition? The TV says it all?

Your hope is gone, Wing, you believe? Today Vanderbelt Campus wall

Her hope you will always be underground fighting in HK No matter what, right? Hive?

Her hope to Flower Thousand Bone that entire plot she told Simon she is?!!! Gone.

So, she must hold on tigher on whom the choice anyway? One Friday, makes so much difference anyway, one year its only 52 weeks time try-out this, we play we game, no game no play. Right?

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