
I didn't think to tell Shane about Erin. I was saying...what I see and I think that is what they did !!!

The Taipei here is my home, the property people at?

So Yesterday Ola is leashing this Simon, I say then  no more Wing, I sit on the top of this Vanderbelt next to this Anderson Cooper's mother. He is the CNN journalist, like the paparazzi? I didn't tell Shane about Erin or Tina, they are the best friend, saying....the True love over this Monkey thing. Erin married a guy name Lee, Asian guy got a green card in New Jersey, where 430 is at New Jersery, SMCH height True love on Flower Thousand Bone.

Just because Ola made her own conclusion on the law paper, she thinks she is too good on the darkness thinking power, or the negative term, she just ends in the hell never the Flower Thousand Bone. There is a Tina, and there is an Erin. They 2 fight, but technically they put away the Heroic Guy (I would ask him to sign when I was 6 years old) - I used to read that?! 

The children's literacy!!!

Simon knew about that, or just all of them are not clear, because Nicky just got here 4 weeks ago, Shane heard only the business, not Erin. You mean we literally sit down writing that per line lawsuit "people, location, map". I don't think they care about the map. I say that is the physical evidence, you have to be here take a photo, I sent the photo to the URL all the time, before.

It is on.

But They never asking me about the 50 Shades of Greys, or Simon's side lawsuit. Ola did that herself. Someone if they asking me the Flower Thousand Bone, there are a several monkey sign. Not just one Torus Tina. And since Ola didn't need to think about Wing, that can be cut, don't you think, agree?

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