


Blogger Title: Meaning if you assuming your lovable Taipei major to be your lover~~ it will not have an invitation, or any presidential candidate internal department, because that is a thing never exist~ No private Corporation those.

You probably guessing it, because you pretend you say 『My mother or my ex bf』Correct, very ugly upon hearing.

Between possible and impossibel =介於可能跟不可能的情況

但是還有更誇張的,你們跑去真正在 file-ing 的時候你們用的古代的名稱


你如果講現代我們在這邊,這所有人只有看到 2,意思就是兩個人! 這個人的生命裡面只有 2 前面 16 年,沒有事業集團名稱,或是任何要付稅務的,什麼個人所得稅,但是講集團你們會有會計、律師,然猴誰被炒魷魚的意思!  你們現在不只一個人去教導法官這兩個詞,不只一人教會法官,他們原本沒有那麼多認為,我寫給你們看就知道

下一個法案關於花冠安琪兒跟現況你們的台灣本身的,外語 Youtuber,的一張照片 ! 

There is more exaggerating, you really file-ing inside your court room paper (to be funny) you using the ancient history word of this...

『Satriputra his mother (curse word of the modern plain Chinese』 『 Anan』

If you saying in the modern time we are here, you only see people 2, meaning that is only 2 people ! This person's life only have 2 in front of that 16 years before her, there is no Corporation group name or title, or anything to pay the tax, or the personal individual tax. But if you talking about the corporation you will have the accountant and the lawyer, and then you say whom got fired!  You are not the only person file-ing that to teach the Judge 2 words, not just one person lesson the Judge completely these 2 words, they originally don't have that much of the thorough knowledge, if I write to show you, you will understand.

Next lawsuit about that One phone in that comic book to this Taiwan local here the current statue of all the English speaking countries Youtuber - One Photo.


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