
"Tell me how to break a heart" - from Mark, and why that commander is screaming?

One of your High School Musical 2008? 

Westlife - Halo



You listen to your music this loud, my ears drum broken. Stop....

This is about Mark, or this is about the High school musical? okay, I heard Mark's voice medium all right. That is not a noise.

You try to sing with Shane.

You mean you try to sing along with Shane. 

I have so much faith in you.

Sorry you mean Ronan. Sorry, I mean Ronan Keating. My bread is done in the oven....

I think Shane's voice is a lot more nicer to follow in the girl's session. The guys never need a pitch really. I know their voice sound like.

I think whenever the audience cheers in the end, I heard that space commander literally screaming never end. Something about Mark, or something you did to Mark those words sing......

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