
Its Wing and Karen

My facebook.

Wing has a car. 

Wing, where is your car? I think its Benz like my father drove to my mother that time. Karen is at West Seneca. Not at the Buffalo, don't drive overboard.

If you two gonna talk, don't do to that UB campus, when they move Dr. T to SUNY Brook, I thought its whomever they didn't realize the first mistake was talking to him on the first class, they suppose to re-take that class, and sit there every office hour. What I think did happen are similar to my high school here. I brought my mother with me to go there and see. Its literally written on their one street away from them - they re-taken the exam. I don't know whom exactly, so I never enter my high school anymore. These inside, they all change, every degree of it. I won't be going in at all.

No, Karen doesn't have those brainy things I see those inside the Honor Class. I think...in their girls personal life, they don't have any close vincinity you say the facebook girls friends, or somewhere blend in the American local friends. Just having those around ...But Karen may not know that actress, she is a TV host, the entire TV or that industry knows they on the newspaper they slept around. From the beginning to the end. that is probably not those actor guys will tell me. Its what I read it from the newspaper. That talk show lady. She is a MC host, not an actress. Why she?
She interviews Keanu and his new book or that Tiger, and she interviews Wallace too.

I personally think a lot of the white girls are similar to Hailey. When they did got married and move to a new environment, assuming that is true. They are not happy. Let's say right now, I told that Brian or Peyton they go to 1000 dates seeing people's face...a lot of the TV effect driven that. So the girls believe they have a lot more options in life for one lifetime, or they wish a lot more people calling them, or flirts them. When they got tie knot or worse, its to settle down with one guy if with one kid or 2 kids, and no more contact to the outside world. If like me.....they don't really cooking those elaborate preparation chemistry bench jobs those - lasagna or casserole or fried food to clean up the entire kitchen, so BBQ outside, the air dry, still you prepare per sauce or engineering that indoor thoroughly, or mops every surface of every piece of furniture. 

The pharmacist job is not like the MD. He reads per bottle, per saying, per symptom, per side effect, per words saying clean during his study, per drugs and per given prescription. Reading and say it clear. Wing he can do those jobs. He read them clear. He process those in his head clear. He is that type. If he gets another girl, you imagine this type of the people they are all over the place for saying a steady job, you will feel the lost of support - quite a bit. To the girls like you, every guy got snatch away in front of you, its a pain. Right now you keep thinking that options at this age 40 is optional. I told you, there is no more options. The steady profession people if they get married or planning to, those are real. Not fake to settle down with whichever the girl, you plan to seeing them both? For this China TV drama - the Ancient Chinese one? Seeing that girl if Wing get married to one day?
So.... talk open.

Lanh he is a refugee, originally probably they lost everything, so Hiep probably has a lot better family. Lanh establish himself in Toronto, but Hiep has her own issue, right. The refugee means they carried onto the boat and runs to a brand new country, and that destination was in Canada.


She wears the eye glasses.
She cannot take anything that Italian nick says. Between that different race also. They do bad things a lot of those people too. A lot of the local Asian will tell you, a little bit different thing about some people look like that. But she probably can guess he was conditioned. Just something in her head in that entire space and time....its not very healthy.


In the center, its about 4 couple very visible, the girls its the same height as the guy. Short guys and medium guy, or a little bit taller guy, This giant from medium to fat a bit. But they are all married. + 1 = Lanh and Hiep. Right...we have a Sherry Red hair, white in Buffalo, NY area. Its a hand touch Reiki. Forbidden in our method. Yeah like Dr. Steven Hairifield the Metaphysics guy.


I don't really know its Lanh or Hiep, they have the property all around there to stablize his 2 kids growing it up. Its just that center life, she cooking every Sunday, and binds to...that formation. Lanh goes to work. She tidy up the house and socialize just between the ugly women in the center. Those vietanese or Chinese. They are very old. I seen a few porn video too during the 5 Lords reviews. I did. At the Food offering that time. My aunt 6 of them...they made into a connected story.
I by myself when...before the Gay club shooting happened.
One person alone....one of those Utah number its not 1800.
I told you the farewell American Idol those. I count per math behind all by myself. So many this image....pass it by.


He got 2 pharmacy store downtown Toronto.
No, I never talk to them. She does this funny thing. I actually never talk to those contact person. Old or young, not really. Its....everyone else they talk to them. That time the 2 contact person. I don't social, you all UB knew about that.

I personally don't think Wing has anything. Lanh didn't start with anything. He probably started over with her things. I think. But he had a background before he arrives here I think.

My grandpa is using my grandmom family things. My mother's side.
I think my father got exile by my grandpa, that is using my mother's thing never stop. Her sibling.

In this world, there will be a lot of people that never gonna have a family, or a break from their own 9-5 jobs. Every day they are on my blogger. They are. So I almost 24 hours on the internet. These people never gonna have a romance in their life. Never gonna have a parents near them life, or ever have any sibling or nearby cousin, ....you know one person living til they make it and save or watching the news including the fan life with anything they follow.
Like hearing everyone else a gossip. They wishing all those people well. 

If you feel the TV force its too overwhelm through inside you outside you, you just thinking your price tag its too precious, meaning you ought to aim high. You can tell the court you wish to take an easy at this time, a free dating period of time. It won't matter if Wing finding someone else, or if he literally got married and settle down. Literally got married that kind or having the kid 1 or 2. I don't really know.

When Wing or Jonathon, we all going to school, its not demanding each other to go and get married that time, or we all focus on getting somewhere. Meaning a job, meaning a staring at something. Each of us won't know what that future was, but everyone is kinda of up to something. I didn't know Wing is focus on IT or Pharmacy, Jonathon was focus to create a chess club. I am everywhere else I guess, now on the television. So a lot of this thing were funny.
But the things were that, this girl = me, its not any of you girl. You will wishing them ill if they got married. You are not getting yourself busy enough to the things in front of you. Even today if Wing or Jonathon happen to be in the same space, saying Hallo Goodbye its not with a what thing that each other go interfere with anybody around.
You probably try to tell me otherwise, you getting in very personal...let's say anything they wish to do better at their own.....inside of the established organization, it may not. But I am telling you, they cannot talk to you, they cannot ask for any help. This role its I am too far away. Really.


Discuss a thing with you its a burden, really.
You are a burden, a trash. A useless thing in life. I will personally telling you. You taken everyone does a living its not a living. Its how you feel like with TV. No one can live without your mouthful life, you are nothing buy babbling psycho never end. Really.

I personally can tell you, starting 50,000 years in hell, you wonder, why you should be bargain in the court room for real. Every degree of your too higher price, someone so blind when you just finish yourself disappear out of everyone's eye sight. Never minus 400 millions dollars.

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