
One cucumber completely the whole fridge is white this yeast, every other one are bad inside.

Like 5 cucumbers.

This fridge I have to disinfect?

這一整個黃瓜全部都是黴菌 ~四五個黃瓜全部都是壞掉的 ! 在下面~疊在下面跟紅羅玻混再一起 ! 被壓到卡在裡面的那一個,黴在下面長的意思 !

I leave the entire spray alcohol inside permeate? The air is all that.

A lot of things are the closet lid, or the fridge design its close below, or some other container. She uses the container. Stainless Steel.

我讓整個酒雞在裡面揮發? 空氣!

很多東西都是關起來的口,或是 fridge 的設計長那樣,或是下面,或是盒子是鐵的。

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