
oh that fruit, its 4 on the table

I didn't eat any yesterday, its bad. Those are small. I throw that one away.

Why don't you before any permission slip being sign, convince your parents why should you be talking yourself to the other side now....its just a talk, your parents have to agree, those things don't make yourself one lifetime inside its real, or you never had?!


The last meal to cook for whom?

Perfect at it, everyone sits down and talk about it? You never think you gonna die, that is what it means? Immoral? You never thought about the last day? Not just the last supper? Ever thought about the departure finally away from your parents where about? At least talking about sound like you have some revelation between its possible or not possible?

Your parents will never be there, when you aged to the time you gonna close your eyes, you wish its a young priest holding your hands, you think he cared about it? What thing you think he cares about it, you? You want to tell your parents, to stay, and wait for you? Really ?! And losing them, its not like next year, next season, they know or they know they will be going one day? 

Your priest?

Want to eat together outside the tree places? That is where those renounce people have to go and eat alone facing the tree? You make the food so you talk about the things.

A lot of this people in the scene, passing by you

Any meaning? To where you going that decision? 

A lot of these movies will have you to communicate with any stranger, so why don't you communicate with your own very parents, they know exactly what words or what language coming out of you? I talk to my parents and my relative them too. Strange....I cannot just make another Line here Taipei here sent them things while I live here?

Some friends some others?

So, if these things are so private, and you saying Anna got these private things results and you need to fight on, why don't you fight on with your own parents, they seeing you higher because of the movie, or they seeing lower, or they always know exactly what you are, whom you are, where you about? So these movies in front of them its your running away excuse, as long as it lies to everyone other than your own very parents?

Make a sense with them.

"What Square? your dad was not there....oh !" 

"Your mother is no where or your uncle or aunt anyone of them."

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