
"So you ever see Tina plays? Her flute ?!" (0:24)

"Are you girls gonna be the competition so similar look to me? You two talk about it.....you know what is toning means in Cello?" (2:16)


"Ryoya has been taken his which 2 instrument lesson for some time, you follow him?" (5:20)

(5:34 - 5:50 )  

6:10~~~ a song

"My mother (your 大伯母) she has this photo of me in Elsa Blue, the hair exactly like that. You want to hand to Ryoya? You seen it? You can ask her where she hides stuffs, those album like Tina Jojo went to photo taken on her parts. Without Hank. By herself.  "

"He got the Queen cards next by him."

"In cello and in Tina Jojo's flute, like Pang is also the string instruments, there are these....I don't know what's in English, for every instrument. Its like Fou Lafine, the very ending of the BTX, that thing in his hand left. Me and Pang will be using the similar that. So there is something you lubricate that. Its soft, you can touch it....you tight this up at the beginning of this, and you...play one of this 4 strings."

"The music sheets books in front, I forget if Tina was in it, we were playing so there is a rehearsal, talking a middle school, what did you do in your middle school, before Irene shows up?"

"Can this thing hit people?  ... I highly doubt anyone in any world has any of that ever becoming a space and time reality inside the life in front of the physical eyes. But this is not the steel. " 

"When we are indoor classroom rehearsal, shouldn't have the wind, so unless those obesity giant shows up, and touch it that holder stuffs standing, just the edge of it, this is the thing to hold the music sheet. like excuse moi?! "

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