
Why don’t you focus on a thing in your very life, right now in front of you?

I have a mother and a square or that is Trump’s daughter + a husband.

Correct, the political party inside its a lot fenced. We are being regulated.

Things in front of you: turn on the facet both sink. Get up and undress, get hair to toe washed. Drink a huge amount of the water (you all getting rid of that Criag Ballantyne), and go sit on the toilet for the poo. And when that phone needed, that is Nicky or Shane.

or just talking to Shane right now, almost Sep. Then I need to lay back to the bed like 4 or 5 time this drinking water, 1 sip, 2 sip, not the giant water, and the body will keep peeing, not pooing anymore on Nicky's phone never end this...keep the weight, or keep the recording.

Watch my own mother. One of this?

The birds

The laundry.

Sorry, the balcony light, or the sky, to the birds. Because it cannot be every single day on that balcony light. I will tell you that. The birds will say otherwise. Can you just focus on the things in front of you like you really really really live that life?

Every true love knows, suppose to?

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