
In the public mind, the White is very very very important. They give you less of that.

The public got affected if they die. Everything is less. They given you a lot less

Not the birds. The Icon photo, the pop star, the whites. The white star, the white guy star, the white girl star. They got fat, they got chulby, they look imperfection. They are the normal day-to-day guys. But they are in the white world guys, I keep saying that.

The look, the look, the look. The way they are, the way they present. They given you all less on that public television. The public got affected, or Eben Pagan does on purpose all the time. The white world makes them die out.

The blondes are like the angel, and so there is a Legally Blonde. I am saying that. Sound like, care like, feel like, caring like. 

You don't need to keep focus on the food. Inside a real life between a man and a woman, if you literally literally literally having that routine life, I already told you thousand time. You spell everything that morning to night what you do things.

Including file-ing the paper works.

Write in English, or I have to type in Chinese, one of those. That is 2 legislators. You didn't think your Congress important for some very strange reason, one Pink Blonde in those assembly. Writing it down per word IQ. Not the public TV broadcasting station.

The organization of a summary (not a brief, that is the police their own world happy word), no I don't really know. I think its a talk in front of the stage with a report maybe.

The bullet points of the things comprehend when you reading it through including the picture, the motion picture, the motion picture with a sound, or the editing sound effect, or the editing sound effect technology what not added in.

You understand one word per second "comprehend" with your brain.

"The English comprehensive" that is a word during your college year before any of you might all already tried out that professional school degree on the GPA or the scores methods. American has the special skill workers categories, normally its the MD doctor or the Aviation included. The mechanical those are. For example, a lot of the guys from APO if they drive a car it not me Anna drives a car. 

A lot of the guys for some reason they love the car, and they have a particular something they maneuver that car. The guys are. And some if they keep their driving license, maybe they really really care about the vision too, doing the things in the legal way, have you think? 

You comprehend a situation

You literally express out in English

You comprehensively given a report in writing, maybe not on the per second to the audio what is inside your brain right now?

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