
Literally you need to communicate with the guys

Voice Memo (6:22): Link 1

Voice Memo (3:40): Link 2 on the farmer's market on the weekend.

Its about the outing, about the farmer's market, about the business, about the inter-personal relationship over on both of us the career we built this far.

1. We have the weekend to outing, or eating at home, but we prefer having something home grown or the farmer's market

The budget

The family whom watering the neighbor's plant

The neighborhood watch program

The town saying or the town meeting either one of us show up

The foreclosure notice on the library front door exit.  

2. The preparation of the food for the week 9-5 jobs

3. The food preparation on the weekend for the next week 9-5 jobs

4. The property tax

5. The tax annually and seeing the accountant and the lawyer

6. The charity work and the Church

7. The participating in the town center discussion, which one of the boy's soccer field games of their teams, to the out door or the indoor, bus fees, for example. The parents outing.

8. The house chore inside, cleaning the entire house once a month, including the dryer and washer. The kitchen sink (you guys use the chlorine)

Not the magic detegent from Taiwan, that is what I mean

9. My mother just mail me a box from the post office like she did when I gone to UB. This is entire junk food, but its my order lists of some of the mops, and cleaning supply, cheaps over there. 

10. The car maintainese, the service per monthly, the washing, the tier rotation, the tier air to fill in, the guys knows where are those long tubes for bikes.

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