
Listen, everyone has a selfish side of life. The rich or the poor. You trying to make it one person independent life, and you saying you want to embrace people, but you hate them seeing them in front of you.

You are.

You rather to listen to the music behind a darken room curtain, not to wash up your weekend every laundry. You saying per penny count, the food, the water. Where you gonna get the extra food, on your weight? One extra social, Taipei becoming very very very expensive. You coming from America, you imagine that is enough pay all things, you have to commute every single day?

The math, the math, the math. 

You want to be a little bit instructional, meaning you verbalize to someone an instruction. It may not be now, it can be the future? So now you train yourself how to describe a situation, either to the foreign land of a police, not just when you land at the airport rental car? Its for your brother or its for your mother, or its for your sister's 2 kids? You ever thought about the real life, the real consideration, the real means for the alive people in front of you no matter what reason that is? 

When you land ....


If Brian is my brother? You mean if my brother is a boyband star? If he is Mark you mean?

Which things, like the facebook banner thing? I land behind my brother at this long table with human in front of them, as his sister the public know, or? He has a back shirt behind him when he sits down....."Certain thing you imagine you are doing or not doing this, ROC. Get up. You have a dad, not dead yet. "

"You got the 2 president things on the TV, you forget your time, or the day of that morning, what did you drink last night? Get up."


"You ABC too long, or these buddies of yours exists for what reasons? Their birthday? Your 2 president with your horse sign, remember? He is from Harvard. Sit over there one hour. That is all your manager I told him so. Sit."

"Your dad has a best friend. And your hands cannot be damaged, you are already in the band. Certain things don't touch. Until next time we talk. "


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