
Facebook again... (watching the news)

Sometimes in life, you say you want to be with some guys have been using their passport not the local cage home house PC games guy. We have a modern Chinese words to describe this homey Hank Computer game machine gun guys. It’s called 宅男
If you are a very capable girl.
You let’s say forget Ireland, Taiwan
But America for saying all the ABC family evolve there 20 years.
The business, the networks, the around schoolmate high school up this California Sunshine, you ask your not too important star icon boyband guy - talk about the money.
I think he travels to find out.

Those guys are where the finance words as the Finance - they do small investment!
Slowly to built up ... I have no idea what that is. Including those stress money in the fluctuations or the market.
I am talking about the skill worker like the land survey - the governmental debts and Taiwan only had these diplomatic countries in South Africa only ... because Taiwan don’t have a UN relation to anyone. They can only bridge or dump money to those hunger prevail countries - South Africa.

They lie to Shane. Europe and America is very very Western World Culture. Taipei is capitalism central us - so only small nucleus family. Meaning we die without the kids all high intellects.
I didn’t do talk to Shane. He knows we haven’t talked. He always been a leadership in there similar to Brian at his groups.
I, used to be or imagine the TV fame after.
Guess what. I deal that over ten years or starting 17 years ago one person. Imagine I would ever say to Shane.

“It’s privacy protected, PLEASE Respect my privacy !”

What did I say repeat how many times ? All the way to Christmas. Shane is not on the phone !!! Maybe Westlife the principle company is. Maybe they care if you as a girl did something knowing what’s that. Yeah the leadership - a certain kind !
Vice me!

I have 7 volleyball girls 6 + 1. We had a basketball same class girl ( as a guy with the girl licking in the classroom- Sakura card 90s, that red name school name, my mother elementary school )
So we count these two teams are 7 girls
+ a guard / tall team manner one girl. She has a local community family.
That’s 8 girls on the field.
Nothing classmate perfect + PR.
Right ... the same gun and guard and manner group.
We have Big and Little.
Big: Meaning 1 Captain/ 1 vice setter always with 1 tall spike
Little group : Jackie ( Boston Vicky Jason or whom ... EF group sorry )
That’s 14 very near us groups all around not Torus PR their little volleyball team
20 girls.
I am a vice.
Why would I talk to Shane again?

I am very sure Kian is having his brand new reality because they 5 people separate. Shane supposes to look after himself. He supposes to, so I took one Nicky away. Inquisitive over here Taiwan. You will never get back home, Nicky~~ saying hi to Shane again.
He only has himself China supply food with Westlife. He supposes to manage those things as a leadership, that will only be one Mark, one Kian and one....far away Brian is a community.
I am very sure Shane is truely fond of them, especially me and Nicky is not there. 

Right, Backstreet Boy Brian does his own band. No, we don't communicate, no. Not me.
Justin supposes to be their younger leadership never stop. Getting fat NSYNC.
Same the 98 degree.
I only repair one human being, I am telling you.

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