
How long this SA you all plan to enter and staying there?

Washington.D.C, you all boyband connected lawsuit? The library desk hands-to-hand? Not searching the full library catalog, or the bookshelf, like I have a name or a title not too far, even just the movie?

You can just date your company whom, could just open close all these entire shelf-to-shelf every book to sound like lawful, its the carbon-date papers, carbon-14.

When I looking for a book, I need the eye glasses, right !

I read faster if there is an eye glasses. The book entire title, and sometimes its too taller than mine height. Up or down. I used to work in the bookshelf all around. That job is very very heavy. Now I only require to open a book and read !!!!

If I read a book, no I don't need the eye glasses.

I have to ask them if there is a book I cannot open, that is what I mean. This is ridiculous, the limitation in Life.

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