
§ I think I know why my mother's side window panel and that 101 facing toward ... (but could it be this stupid?!) §

Like I say I will go to Westlife, but I go to this Japan, Korea, China, or here the court room. So in this entire world, if you land, you go straight to the court room. This one path. Taiwan to Japan, Korea, China (Just the court room, imagine its the door to the Judge), everything here is very quiet. You know how the memorial they set up its very very quiet? You don't disturb justice? So the Judge will be the safest people in this world if you go on - one person dealing all this issue. Your Visa landing might be just "Going to the Court", so everyone around its very very riot, or chaos, like I say this building, someone on that window side its a girl tear to screaming to a guy, then the glasses broke, one day my mother took me to a property inside there that on sale. Here the indian father screaming to his daughter.

They are with the national flag, its the legal law & reinforcement. Anything even the ghost you can tell them, or your entire life, if you sleep on their floor, will be the most safest thing. Did I use to say this account? So its everyone else around they are very very very chaos. VERY. Maybe the MD is fine too, but there is no tunnel. The Judge has a tunnel from the door to him/her, that taller counter.

Is there something you planning to do, that is not going through the Judge? 

What is that?

You are not encouraged to file things like I did?  This is not one of this hide the scandle, and in the future, there is 開花結果?

 "Flower Blossomed the possibility, results a fruitful outcome?"

... ... (Lower my head and open a book)  I need to re-check it again, could this be that stupid (go back to my massage chair), the TV is on.

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