
I think its this case Keanu Reeves = if Neo, the Blackness Chinese words in Matrix's name. That Neo sexual harass me, just like my facebook.

The Spectrum album.

In 2014, the Irvine Spectrum in OU language how the dead lady in 101 highway to north side of that Hollywood, Keanus' first gf dead before the baby dead, = Simon's dad dead, all that Harry Potter makes 17 years to where we were in 2014.

That case.

In the OU language backward written


go 妃 的

He was lying on Google+ One Love, One World, he was teaching a Japanese words, I was going to ask my grandmom, and she just dead. So then he start to run on South Ameirca, right now that Bitcoin Ella Enchanted looks like Adam, but Sam?

Not "Me Before You", that Sam Clafin, because so many sequence I used to say.

One by one...this the one like Wallace tried to marry to this girl, but saying he is a bold guy. A lot of this The One, having a saying, if they were the conditioned people. They start open up their mouth to talk I guess.

Keanu Reeves

I think that handicap Keanu is a got lad guy, meaning = a girl, to be lad, meaning be abused, and sexual harass girl like a sissy guy. I used to keep saying that between him and Simon = Something Gonna Give ! Remember? I say that in 2014.

Then Wallace handsome jail guy with a police brother

Then Mark married to a tall girl from Canadian ABC, you should look at his profile. I keep saying they are hurting me.

Let's say the league of Ocean 11, those guys are old and dying it out, you can tell all the white world. So between I got hurt or whom is the Buddha, but he is the handicap ~~~The drug dealer was his background so he knows he =the One. How true how true.

Its equal all the equation !!!!

I remember now, in 2014 March, I start to pushing 26, the loving the silent tear all the way top to eventually 37 the Asian, how amazing.

Something Gonna Give, if 26 that time (right now 36 Hallie from Nancy Meyer) were with this Keanu Reeves, that movie Diane Soil, or that older lady on the table, its when Keanu Reeves got older, to that nasty guy looks like my ex bf old nick. Also a handicap.

The short guy looks like Wing's size right in the middle of no where.

And now I Anna opening telling everyone my facebook gone, that is the entire 600 people staring at one Keanu Reeves used to be 2014, which Neo becoming today, if you don't fuck enough, your waist line muscle cannot continue on as the girl back and forth pulling front to back. So the age 40 above, he can just look at the painting.

Imagine the police would just hear all those statement, I am telling you.

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