
OU? Black Ops Orientation

ET will know I reading all that, and Pane Andov, at their lab. Prominition

All that 2012-2013, I never put it down a word, not on the computer, it was Reptilian and Greys. I starting very early on as soon as the book all down on the paper. 

Right...I know what those, well, I told everyone one day if they using that same argument many years down the road "alone", its one of those today they combine efforts to make the Judge saying? 

No, the Judge does not kill people, but the judge might give them the happy things like the Ella Enchanted. But when the time comes, if any one of them, reach to coming back alone to the Judge, because this Black Ops or the "Classify information", is only Anna says its done she done perfect, then....the Judge will tell that person, "No." 

Like they getting once ahead, everything else beyond that line, its don't need to coming back again. The Judge understands their understanding is short on the Earthly, if they claim they are the Earthly bound. The several years down. They hurting people now, they don't records that, including to Judge. So that Judge will remember how much hurt she or he getting. I forget, but those people might have a record they literally got very hurt too. 

Those several years down, they begging the court or they wish, its the twice hurting, that is a no.

The current military commander, that women. Thin, with the eye glasses, included. 

It would be Silas ???? Maybe something newspaper that side won, like if your literacy, that literacy might be Ola or Dean or the Honor Class. I heard they both writes of something like a novel style, maybe.

A diary of the real life, day-to-day life interaction. They both keep a diary, and they write something like a literal idea. And

Devil Wear Prada literally speaking (The whole universe laugh)


Maybe not so required that novel literally like the American Melinda read those book opens adjective, or that is a book manuscript?

I think both of them writes, right.

They go to the library to get busy. I probably meant its a lot more like the murder crime scene, if I remember how I got injurie from the stair down.

If they literally flying in or asking 600 people per household survey sounds like a real job, those are not the real jobs. Those are making it up crime jobs, the judge will say. I have no idea what that means. 

Its Scott X Man and Bill X Man comes back to the Judge, or their unit. I am not sure they realize those be done like Silas iconic here this frame, to which spot ....not sure. Its a differnet image, toward 3 clock his head, but the body toward 12, forward.

If they coming back ...right. 

I am not sure which story did I say again? (my vision didn't finish, I was saying?)

Is this the round plate Wing holds in the Sakura Clear Card, that complicated? I cannot see anything, what did I say, their literacy. Right.

Newspaper, that is what I say.

Come back. This is strange. (the horizontal bar)

Vision: in my hands 2 cards. Their 2 files.

Bathroom darkness, close my eyes. Its the sakura clear card (The birds table drawer)

What day is today? Tuesday, outside has the air-con, I should go...cooling lay down outside, too hot inside. 

... Its they describe them as the Art museum. This is about how they describe the existing will happen events, not the right or wrong. They have a lot of those.

"You do on purpose to let this small lady hair tight up cute to take away this angel price as the artistis statue, 彩虹之子"

The rainbow son, there is a photo, someone running toward the 3 oclock on a bridge.

He the Art museum director, he was hiding. 

This smaller girl's parents its a younger girl and a younger guy, fighting.

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